Gloria.TV News on the 6th of October 2015 No Support: Vatican speaker Lombardi has declared that Pope Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis, the county clerk who refused to issue homsex marriage licences, …More
Gloria.TV News on the 6th of October 2015
No Support: Vatican speaker Lombardi has declared that Pope Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis, the county clerk who refused to issue homsex marriage licences, - quote – “should not be considered a form of support of her position”. He stated that Francis met with several dozen persons, invited by the Nunciature in Washington to greet him. Lombardi added that the only real audience granted by the Pope at the Nunciature was with one of his former students. He showed up with his homosex lover. Francis embraced him enthusiastically.
Mess Or Chaos: Father Ray Blake quoted on his blog a priest he heard Sunday morning on the radio. Quote: "No-one doubts Francis' ability to make a mess, what matters is his ability to bring order out of the chaos".
Already Over? The journalist Antonio Socci is pessimistic about the outcome of the Synod on the Family. Quote: “Just started, this Synod is already finished. In fact the conclusion is already written. The Argentine …More
If the synod participants would fear God, then no synod would be necessary.
It is a sign of resistance and disobedience to the Word of God, to Jesus Christ Himself and their distrust against Him and the Apostles.
>>>In the next three weeks, I fully expect the leadership of my own One Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church to fall into apostasy, at the conclusion of the Synod on the Family that begins …More
If the synod participants would fear God, then no synod would be necessary.
It is a sign of resistance and disobedience to the Word of God, to Jesus Christ Himself and their distrust against Him and the Apostles.

>>>In the next three weeks, I fully expect the leadership of my own One Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church to fall into apostasy, at the conclusion of the Synod on the Family that begins today in Rome. This is the outcome Pope Francis has shaped over the entirety of his pontificate, and particularly with his recent appointments. An event like this —heresy promulgated by the Pope and his bishops — is believed by most Catholics to be impossible. But they should be prepared for it anyway. This is not an ordinary religious conference, but one to be dreaded.
My prediction is that, after much fixing and machinations by its leaders, the Synod on the Family will declare that the Holy Spirit led them to a new understanding of the truth. The Synod's leaders will adopt the position that those living in second marriages, irrespective of the status of their first marriage, should be admitted to Holy Communion. This is commonly called the "Kasper proposal" after its author, the German Cardinal Walter Kasper. The Synod will likely leave the details of a "penitential period of reflection" for these souls up to local bishops and parish priests The leading bishops will assure critics that in fact no doctrine has been changed, only a discipline — even if these will make no sense when considered together.
But make no mistake, the Synod will make the sacrilege of the Eucharist St. Paul warns against an official policy of the Roman Catholic Church...<<<