De Profundis
Anglikanische Vesper im Petersdom
Bergoglio is complicit with the heretical Anglicans desecrated the Basilica of St. Peter’s by hosting an Anglican liturgy in the Basilica. Bergoglio destroys the Holy Mass, replacing it with these ecumenical rituals which promotes the heresy of religious indifferentism. Anglican orders have no apostolic succession are valid and null.
There can be no union in heresy but in Truth. In addition they …More
Bergoglio is complicit with the heretical Anglicans desecrated the Basilica of St. Peter’s by hosting an Anglican liturgy in the Basilica. Bergoglio destroys the Holy Mass, replacing it with these ecumenical rituals which promotes the heresy of religious indifferentism. Anglican orders have no apostolic succession are valid and null.
There can be no union in heresy but in Truth. In addition they invalid order open gay and female. The code of canon law forbids heretics to give Sacraments even sacramentals .
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
-The decision of the Church of England to permit the ordination of women bishops was a step which would have a serious negative impact on full union with the Church