
Müller: Benedict Is Not "Pope Emeritus" But "Bishop Emeritus"

“We don’t have two Popes, there is only one Pope, Francis,” Cardinal Gerhard Müller told Corriere.it (January 14). According to Müller, Benedict’s chosen title “Pope emeritus” is a form of courtesy …More
“We don’t have two Popes, there is only one Pope, Francis,” Cardinal Gerhard Müller told Corriere.it (January 14).
According to Müller, Benedict’s chosen title “Pope emeritus” is a form of courtesy, “In reality, Benedict XVI is a bishop emeritus.”
Talking to IlGiornale.it, Müller underlined that Benedict and Francis are not opposed to each-other. For him it is “absolutely clear” that all cardinals, bishop and Catholics are on the side of Francis.
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRwucnrbbzu
In which way are you all on pope francis side ,even when pachamamas are brought into the church ? when he says that Jesus was not Devine until is death and ressurection ? or Mary is not the Co~redemptrix ?,and etc ,etc ,etc ??