
200 Bishops Want Marxist as Amazon Synod’s „Patron Saint“

Two hundred Brazilian bishops wrote to Pope Francis proposing to him to recognize the Italian missionary Father Ezechiele Ramin (1953-1985) as a martyr and to name him the “patron saint” of the Amazon …More
Two hundred Brazilian bishops wrote to Pope Francis proposing to him to recognize the Italian missionary Father Ezechiele Ramin (1953-1985) as a martyr and to name him the “patron saint” of the Amazon Synod, PanamazonSynodWatch.info (August 6) reported.
Ramin who since 1970 showed a strong propensity for Marxism, was killed when he tried to take over a hacienda together with MST militants (Movimento dos Sem Terra).
João Pedro Stédile, the national MST coordinator, declared at the time that “in the political formation of the MST we study Marx, Lenin, Gramsci” and “we are inspired by the school of historical Marxists."
Some days after Ramin's death, John Paul II declared Ramin an [alleged] "martyr of charity".
Gesù è con noi
Comboni Marxist 'missionaries' who push the fraudulent cause of canonization of Marxist priest Ezechiele promote the heretical writings of Enzo Bianchi www.comboni.org/fr/contenuti/110848
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio supports the founder of the ecumenical apostate sect that abolished the priesthood, Enzo Bianchi.
The lay apostate Enzo Bianchi who has proclaimed himself "prior" is the founder of the sect: "ecumenical monastic community of Bose" in northwestern Italy. This heretical community was founded in 1965 the day after Vatican II ended.
This sect abolished the priesthood, where the lay Marxist …More
Bergoglio supports the founder of the ecumenical apostate sect that abolished the priesthood, Enzo Bianchi.

The lay apostate Enzo Bianchi who has proclaimed himself "prior" is the founder of the sect: "ecumenical monastic community of Bose" in northwestern Italy. This heretical community was founded in 1965 the day after Vatican II ended.

This sect abolished the priesthood, where the lay Marxist apostate Enzo Bianchi fulfills the functions of the priest. Enzo Bianchi is revered by the Marxists because he founded his own false church without dogmas or hierarchy.
Then there's "saint" Doris Day who's on the fast track for the same Marxist beatification.
Lord save us from communists and homoheretic clergy.
Our Lady send us your Angels to crush satan who surrounds your Church.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle