The beauty of Catholic tradition. Moving to tears.More
The beauty of Catholic tradition.
Moving to tears.
Excellent. Please can we have a link.
Cardinal shares this
Come to the Traditional Mass!!!
Every priest should view this video to remind them of their disposition when offering mass - In Persona Christi.
@Cardinal Under "More" is a button Download.
Please, where can I find this video? Could you send me the url so I could share it? Thanks.
(Why not share gloria.tv's link...as I am about to do? 👏 )
@Jungerheld Probably because Cardinal means to say they want to download it for offline viewing/ archiving. @Cardinal The full URL for the vid is :https://barbara-media.gloria.tv/placidus/a/tv/bzpnvzm4etrp2ri15sb0hadkq2ri15sb0hadl.mp4?sum=gTKd-KNLpZdFQ2DHwHfEcA&due=1574424000
I just tested that and it works, too. Now I'm not certain if GTV produces an individualized viewing key. So if it doesn't …More
@Jungerheld Probably because Cardinal means to say they want to download it for offline viewing/ archiving. @Cardinal The full URL for the vid is :https://barbara-media.gloria.tv/placidus/a/tv/bzpnvzm4etrp2ri15sb0hadkq2ri15sb0hadl.mp4?sum=gTKd-KNLpZdFQ2DHwHfEcA&due=1574424000

I just tested that and it works, too. Now I'm not certain if GTV produces an individualized viewing key. So if it doesn't work what you need to do is find your key. Like so:
1.) Save a copy of this page.
2.) Open the HTML in your fave editor
3.) Search for barbara-media.gloria.tv/placidus/a/tv/bzpnvzm4etrp2ri15sb0hadkq2ri15sb0hadl.mp4
4.) When you've found it, make a copy of the FULL URL including the checksum data, that's the stuff that reads ?sum=xxxxxxxxxx&due=xxxxxxxx
5.) Copy that full URL and paste it into your browser. This will bring up just the video
6.) Save Page As. (since your "page" is the video)
7.) Enjoy!
Thank you