Powerful words of truth from Fr. Tom Weinandy on the blasphemy of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony. "...Amidst all the condemnations and claims of the display’s offensiveness, what has not been stated …More
Powerful words of truth from Fr. Tom Weinandy on the blasphemy of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony.
"...Amidst all the condemnations and claims of the display’s offensiveness, what has not been stated, even by Christians, is that those who planned, orchestrated, and perpetrated such a blasphemous portrayal, unless they repent, will not die a happy death. At the very moment of their death, they will be about to face the very one that they blasphemously mocked and demeaned. And contrary to the sentimentalized Christianity of many today, Scripture itself tells us that He will be their judge – the holy and risen Lord Jesus Christ..."

The Parisian Blasphemy and the Sacred Heart of Jesus - The Catholic Thing

Many people, including Catholic bishops and numerous Christians throughout the world, have condemned the blasphemous event that …
Bishop Keenan, Diocese of Paisley, responds to the 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony

Response to the Olympics Opening Ceremony 2024

Bishop Keenan has responded to the Olympics Opening Ceremony that took place in Paris on 26th July 2024. Bishop John Keenan of the Diocese of Paisley has …
Joining the resistance
As modernists occupy most of the churches it does not look like that.
It's ok. The latest video from Laura Klassen and Choice42.More
It's ok.
The latest video from Laura Klassen and Choice42.
Billy F
It’s not Ok! We are worse than the Days of Noah!
Billy F shares this
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A poem about abortion regret by Andrea Roncato

I would have liked you to be small, so I could hug you. I would have liked you to be big, so I could lean on you. I would have liked you to be looking out the window in winter, watching the snow begin …More
I would have liked you to be small, so I could hug you.
I would have liked you to be big, so I could lean on you.
I would have liked you to be looking out the window in winter, watching the snow begin to fall.
I would have liked you to be lying under the covers during a storm, silent so you could hear the sound of the rainfall.
I would have liked you to be kind to dogs, so you could pet them,
and affectionate with the elderly, so you could love them.
I would have liked you to be handsome, so I could brag about you,
with big eyes, like your mother’s. I would have liked to sing to you, to make you fall asleep, and continue the dream that woke you up. I would have liked you to be shy, so I could see you blush, and stubborn, so I could argue with you. I would have liked you to be at my side, so the two of us could walk in silence, trying to understand what the other was thinking inside and couldn’t manage to say. I would have liked to teach you all the things I don’t know how to do. I would …More
chris griffin
Consider what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing,…More
Consider what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what zeal, what vindication! In every way you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter. 2 Cor 7:11
The Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was standing room only this morning for the ordination of these 16 exceptional men. We will be attending the first Mass of one of them tomorrow,…More
The Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was standing room only this morning for the ordination of these 16 exceptional men. We will be attending the first Mass of one of them tomorrow, Father's Day.

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960 ‘We can’t …
HerzMariae shares this
A total of 16 men will be ordained to the Catholic priesthood for the Archdiocese of Washington on June 15, marking the largest ordination class since …More
A total of 16 men will be ordained to the Catholic priesthood for the Archdiocese of Washington on June 15, marking the largest ordination class since 1960. The new ordinands include a medical doctor, a former police officer, and former army officers.
May they all discover, if they don't already know, that the Catholic Mass of the saints and Father's of the Church is the only Mass they should say
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Unprecedented: More courageous pro-lifers receive their sentencing May 15, 2024.
Bishop Paprocki sets the record straight regarding Catholic apostate Joe Biden.
chris griffin
Biden and Pelosi et al. are conspiring with Satan to murder unborn babies without any Catholic sanctions or denouncement. They are automatically …More
Biden and Pelosi et al. are conspiring with Satan to murder unborn babies without any Catholic sanctions or denouncement. They are automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church by Canon1364. The innocent blood of millions of babies will testify against them.
A prominent doctor asks Democrats: "If abortion is healthcare, my question is: what disease are you treating?"
Billy F
God Bless her!!!
Roman Catholic
Exactly! It's not Healthcare it's serial killings disguised as Healthcare, so it can be publicly funded. 😣
Camino of Maryland June 10-June 23, 2024 Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's birth.More
Camino of Maryland June 10-June 23, 2024
Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's birth.

Home | Camino of Maryland

Camino of Maryland 14 Days - 218 Miles - Continuing 1500 Years of Camino Traditions The Inaugural Camino of Maryland Monday, June 10, 2024 - Sunday, June 23, 2024 Clear your …
This is going to be a great event - a piece or the whole trek. There are even talks around a campfire in the evening. Wonderful!
Does anyone have any guess? any guess at all? why Biden makes the sign of the cross when discussing abortion?
Jeffrey Ade
Maybe the voice in the speaker in his ear told him to!
Edie Loughmiller
You asked for guesses. Mine is Requiescant in Pace - like when people cross themselves when passing by a cemetery.
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NPR lost its way when it started telling people how to think.

I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.

You know the stereotype of the NPR listener: an EV-driving, Wordle-playing, tote bag–carrying coastal elite. It doesn’t precisely …
A successor for the St Gallen Mafia?

A Successor for the St. Gallen Mafia?

their positions sound eerily alike, as if Fernández is making Martini’s priorities for the Church come alive. The Problem of Modernism Ultimately, Fernández’s …
James Manning
I don't think so. Fernandez has even less charisma than Francis. It was a blessing that we got him instead of Martini. Same theology and politics, but …More
I don't think so. Fernandez has even less charisma than Francis. It was a blessing that we got him instead of Martini. Same theology and politics, but he was smooth as silk.
My personal tin-foil hat theory? Fernandez is going to be a fall guy. Either Francis or his successor will punish Fernandez for pushing the envelope while promising to moderate things, all the while allowing the modernist agenda to continue to creep. At least creep as compared to the current pace.
Sally Dorman
"Fernández’s recurring evisceration of traditional understandings of Hell provides an important context to Dignitas Infinita. If Hell is empty, the …More
"Fernández’s recurring evisceration of traditional understandings of Hell provides an important context to Dignitas Infinita. If Hell is empty, the emphasis is no longer on preparing for eternity, especially by observing the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. The emphasis is, rather, on building what Evangelii Gaudium (also ghostwritten by Fernandez)"

Abby Johnson calls out Trump for abortion comments

Jesuit priest: Imagine Jesus as gay.

Jesuit Priest that said “imagine Jesus as gay” to offer LGBT retreat | Joseph Sciambra

(Pictured above: Donal Godfrey with hip-hop duo Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – the creators of the gay-marriage anthem …
The Queering of Theology.
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Glimmers of hope from Fennimore, Wisconsin

St. Mary's Church, Fennimore, WI Renovations by Conrad Schmitt Studios Inc.More
St. Mary's Church, Fennimore, WI
Renovations by Conrad Schmitt Studios Inc.
One down, many thousands to go
Simon North
The "accidents" convey the transcendent. The "substance" is a Mass banally deficient in the notion of sacrifice. 'Kinda like transubstantiation turned …More
The "accidents" convey the transcendent. The "substance" is a Mass banally deficient in the notion of sacrifice. 'Kinda like transubstantiation turned upside down.
Raymond Arroyo's comments on the sacrilege at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Answers are needed.
Raymond they don't give a care about Canon Law or public scandal. The lavender brigade who promote these things are narcissistic nihilists.
Who was told this was a trans activist ? Was it a priest?!
2 more comments
Who knew?
Maybe Francis can make a pastoral visit? I'm reminded of the old Jackie Gleason "Ralph Kramden” quote. 🤪
Better watch "American Moon" on youtube.

Pontifical Academy for Life Appoints Pro-Abortion Atheist Member

Mariana Mazzucato joins a growing list of members who hold views antithetical to the Catholic Church. VATICAN CITY — The Pontifical …
Come on, you know this is a dude.
Horrid. Are there no Economists out there who believe in, and love God? Could not we have found a qualified Catholic for this appointment to the Academy …More
Horrid. Are there no Economists out there who believe in, and love God? Could not we have found a qualified Catholic for this appointment to the Academy? What can an atheist who supports and promotes the murder of innocent babies in their own mother’s womb tell us or teach us about “Life”? 🤨🤔
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Prognostications of snow

This brought back such great memories for me. Enjoy this delightful word portrait of Michigan's latest snowfall from a long-time friend, Ann Russell-Lutenske: In light of the prognostications of 10” …More
This brought back such great memories for me. Enjoy this delightful word portrait of Michigan's latest snowfall from a long-time friend, Ann Russell-Lutenske:
In light of the prognostications of 10” of snow, we treated ourselves to paying for snow removal. It should be noted that Paul normally does the lion’s share of the task, but it seemed like today’s snow would be particularly challenging. It’s our first time hiring it done, and it feels sort of fancy.
But I’m surprised to find I’m more than a little disappointed, too. I do enjoy the feeling of being out in that insulated quilt of quiet; of being IN the weather. I have a love/hate relationship with the scrape of the shovel on pavement and the way it echoes through the neighborhood. It sounds just the same as it did when I was growing up on Clinton Street. Back then I had to clear the snow because Mom said so, but this is MY snow in MY yard and I do take some pride in that.
Sometimes shoveling is darned hard work, but the aerobic …More