Robert P Hartley
Robert P Hartley

Latin Mass in the Cathedral - Traditionis Custodes Is Dead

St. Pope Pius V didn’t “change” the Mass. He documented the Mass of the Latin Rite and ordered that anyone using a different Mass that was less than 200 years old must use the Latin Rite Mass. By doing so, He protected the Church from Protestant changes that crept into the Mass and defended the Tradition of the Church. TC seeks to destroy the Tradition of the Church and is, therefore, an unjust …More
St. Pope Pius V didn’t “change” the Mass. He documented the Mass of the Latin Rite and ordered that anyone using a different Mass that was less than 200 years old must use the Latin Rite Mass. By doing so, He protected the Church from Protestant changes that crept into the Mass and defended the Tradition of the Church. TC seeks to destroy the Tradition of the Church and is, therefore, an unjust law and must not be obeyed. AL is a heretical teaching because it claims a person can worthily receive Communion while being in a state of mortal sin. No Pope, Bishop, or prelate of any kind has the authority to declare a mortal sin to not be a mortal sin. Therefore, AL is unjust and must not be obeyed.
Robert P Hartley

Latin Mass in the Cathedral - Traditionis Custodes Is Dead

Per St. Thomas Aquinas - An unjust law is not a law. Obviously, both TC and Amoris Laetitia are unjust and must not be obeyed.
Robert P Hartley

Chaplain of Polish Athletes: Mass Banned at Olympics in Paris

It’s time to again ban the olympics as the Romans did because they were gay, pagan, and hedonistic events that are incompatible with our Christian society. The athletes have plenty of venues to display their talents without the olympics.
Robert P Hartley

Francis Discards the Psalms

This is why we should pray the Traditional Divine Office available here
We don’t and shouldn’t participate in watering down the practice of the Catholic faith. What was once sacred remains sacred and beneficial for us.
Robert P Hartley

Archbishop of Baltimore Bans Holy Mass

Please see the anathema’s of the Council of Trent and St. Pope Pius V encyclical “Quo Primum” for the true teachings of the Catholic Church.
Robert P Hartley

Archbishop of Baltimore Bans Holy Mass

No Pope has the authority to change the Traditions of the Church. The TLM is clearly part of the Tradition of the Church, and was codified by the dogmatic Council of Trent. Furthermore, the Novus Ordo isn’t from Vatican II, but was concocted after VII by a masonic archbishop and six protestant ministers. The Novus Ordo was rejected in 1967 by the college of Cardinals. Additionally, the Novus Ordo …More
No Pope has the authority to change the Traditions of the Church. The TLM is clearly part of the Tradition of the Church, and was codified by the dogmatic Council of Trent. Furthermore, the Novus Ordo isn’t from Vatican II, but was concocted after VII by a masonic archbishop and six protestant ministers. The Novus Ordo was rejected in 1967 by the college of Cardinals. Additionally, the Novus Ordo contains practices that are forbidden by the Church but were allowed to continue under “indults” that were granted once the abuses became widespread. Finally, any priest who has faculties to offer Mass in the diocese can offer the TLM for a group of Catholics. No special or additional permission is needed. No Pope, bishop, Monsignor or any other prelate of the Church can forbid the Mass. The Mass is the most important expression of Christ’s presence on Earth. The faithful have a right to the Mass and the priest has a duty to provide it.
Robert P Hartley

Archdiocese of Washington Complains about Latin Mass in Capitol

Any priest who has faculties to offer Mass in the diocese can offer the TLM for a group of Catholics. No special or additional permission is needed. No Pope, bishop, Monsignor or any other prelate of the Church can forbid the Mass. The Mass is the most important expression of Christ’s presence on Earth. The faithful have a right to the Mass and the priest has a duty to provide it.
Robert P Hartley

Kansas City: Invalid Eucharists for Years?

Invalid matter equals no sacrament. No dicastery, Pope, bishop, prelate, synod, or council can redefine invalid matter as valid matter. All past councils and Popes are very clear on this. Valid matter is required to confect the sacrament.
Robert P Hartley

Walsingham: Mass Forbidden

There is no need for schism. The Catholic Church, by creating the Novus Ordo Mass and changing all of the other sacraments, has created a new rite, the “Novus Ordo” rite. The Church currently has 24 different rites and the Latin rite is the largest. It is time for the Church to recognize the Latin rite as a separate rite from the Novus Ordo and allow fully separate Ecclesial organization to include …More
There is no need for schism. The Catholic Church, by creating the Novus Ordo Mass and changing all of the other sacraments, has created a new rite, the “Novus Ordo” rite. The Church currently has 24 different rites and the Latin rite is the largest. It is time for the Church to recognize the Latin rite as a separate rite from the Novus Ordo and allow fully separate Ecclesial organization to include all of the Ecclesia Dei communities as well as the SSPX. This is what the Catholic Church has always done when there is a disparity of rites but no schism or heresy is the cause of the differences.
Robert P Hartley

Cardinal Roche, "Your Excellency Has No Authority To Allow Mass In Parish Churches"

First, what was once holy remains holy. Second, no prelate of the Church has any authority to abolish or suppress holy things. Therefore, any priest with faculties has a right to use the traditional Mass and sacraments without seeking any permission from any prelate. The Mass and sacraments are not the property of a Pope or Bishops that they can do with whatever they want. They belong to the whole …More
First, what was once holy remains holy. Second, no prelate of the Church has any authority to abolish or suppress holy things. Therefore, any priest with faculties has a right to use the traditional Mass and sacraments without seeking any permission from any prelate. The Mass and sacraments are not the property of a Pope or Bishops that they can do with whatever they want. They belong to the whole Church, the people of God, and are given to us by God for our salvation.
Robert P Hartley

No Surprise: Anti-Catholic German Synod Votes For "Priestesses,", Married Priests etc

What was sacred (TLM, Orthodoxy, etc.) is still sacred. What is condemned (homosexuality, priestesses, women deacons, etc.) is still condemned (by God). No vote can change the truth into a lie or a lie into the truth. Don’t follow these “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” They can only lead you to hell.
Robert P Hartley

Joseph Shaw Calls Leaked Letters "Unequivocal Good News"

That which was sacred remains sacred. The TLM was never abrogated and every priest, by their ordination, has the right to its use. This is guaranteed by the Council of Trent and the Papal Bull “Quo Primum Tempore.” The Novus Ordo is not of Vatican II, but is of a Protestant committee and a Masonic archbishop. The Novus Ordo was rejected by the body of Cardinals in 1967 but imposed by Pope Paul VI …More
That which was sacred remains sacred. The TLM was never abrogated and every priest, by their ordination, has the right to its use. This is guaranteed by the Council of Trent and the Papal Bull “Quo Primum Tempore.” The Novus Ordo is not of Vatican II, but is of a Protestant committee and a Masonic archbishop. The Novus Ordo was rejected by the body of Cardinals in 1967 but imposed by Pope Paul VI in 1969. It’s not Catholic and was never universally accepted by the Church. The Pope John Paul II committee found that the TLM wasn’t abrogated and never can be abrogated. Therefore, the TLM MUST be provided to the Catholics who want it, along with all the other sacraments according to the Latin Rite. No Pope, Council, Synod, or Church prelate has the authority to change what has been previously decreed by past Councils and accepted universally by the Church.
Robert P Hartley

Legalism: Francis' Diocese "Forbids" ALL Roman Rite Easter Liturgies

That which was sacred remains sacred. Nobody, including the Pope, can forbid that which is lawful. No Pope, council, or decrees can undo the valid and authoritative teaching of the Council of Trent regarding the TLM and sacraments. Any authority that attempts to is illegitimate and their decrees must not be followed.
Robert P Hartley

Perth: Being A Priest Becomes a Crime

Always do your confession in secret! If it is face-to-face, it isn’t Catholic. No true Catholic priest wants to know the identity of the confessor for obvious reasons!
Robert P Hartley

More than 50 years after the conclusion of Vatican II, widespread myths about what the Council said …

This is a solution searching for a problem. The reality is that the vast majority of priests and Catholics that attend Mass don’t have any problem with the lack of reverence, the illegitimacy, the invalidity (per the bull Quo Primum Tempore and the dogmatic Council of Trent), of their favorite Novus Ordo Masses. Those that do have either left for the Traditional Latin Mass or have left the Church …More
This is a solution searching for a problem. The reality is that the vast majority of priests and Catholics that attend Mass don’t have any problem with the lack of reverence, the illegitimacy, the invalidity (per the bull Quo Primum Tempore and the dogmatic Council of Trent), of their favorite Novus Ordo Masses. Those that do have either left for the Traditional Latin Mass or have left the Church. The Novus Ordo crowd doesn’t feel threatened by the TLM crowd and the TLM crowd just wants to have the TLM and traditional sacraments. The solution is obvious. Since the Church has created two rites, then it needs to separate the two branches so that they can co-exist as equal members or rites of the Catholic Church. That is what has always been done in the past and it has worked very well.