
Francis’ Admits “Life Full Of Contradictions”

The most important thing to wish Francis on his 85th birthday today is the grace of repentance.

All Smiles: Francis Longest Meeting With An US President

Among the customary exchange of gifts at today’s audience, Pope pointedly gave POTUS a signed copy of his year-old message for the annual World Day of Peace, which called for “a culture of care” amid global “surge of nationalism, racism and xenophobia”

Benedict XVI: "I Hope To Be Soon In The Next World"

Benedict XVI: We do not need another Church of our own design. Rather, what is required first and foremost is the renewal of the Faith in the Reality of Jesus Christ given to us in the Blessed Sacrament.

Tory MP Sir David Amess stabbed to death as suspect arrested on suspicion of murder

Stabbed to death. Here is his family

Die Feierlichkeiten heute Morgen in Fatima, Portugal, anlässlich des 104. Jahrestages der letzten …

Kardinal Sarah: "Ich bin beeindruckt von der kindlichen Zuneigung, die Pilger aller Altersgruppen zum Ausdruck bringen, wenn sie in Fatima oder Tschenstochau mit einem Rosenkranz in der Hand auf die Heilige Jungfrau zugehen oder auf den Knien um ihre Ikone herumgehen."

SPIRITUAL ADVICE FROM SAINT PAISIOS (Original Voice Recording) - English Subtitles here: …

"Do not let your heart become troubled by the sad spectacle of human injustice. Even this has its value in the face of all else. And it is from this that one day you will see the justice of God rising with unfailing triumph." St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

Nach fünf Jahren: Schwester Gloria ist FREI! (Video)

Franziskus hat sie heute morgen in der Messe getroffen

After Five Years: Sister Gloria Is FREE! (Video)

This morning after Mass, Pope Francis met with Sister Gloria Cecilia Narvaez, the Colombian nun who was freed yesterday in Mali, after four years in captivity in the hands of Islamist militants.

Chiesa omosex: "Pietà" del Vaticano, due uomini nudi

Questi occhi possono mentire?

Merkel hätte früher gehen müssen. Sie hinerlässt Deutschland wie Kohl

Zu Long Covid sagte mir eine Ärztin, dass es keine harten, nachprüfbaren Parameter gebe. Das werde mehr psychologisch als physiologisch diagnostiziert.

Zwei Quellen: Franziskus lügt in Traditionis Custodes

Das ist die Antwort

Marianische Prozession in Trsat, Kroatien, am Festtag der Muttergottes vom Rosenkranz

Hunderte nahmen an einer Marienprozession in Trsat, Kroatien, am Festtag der Muttergottes vom Rosenkranz teil,
Bilder von: Ivan Dominik Iličić

Must Watch: Dr. Peter McCullough MD on Covid Early Treatment and Prevention 9/24/2021

McCullough also discussed the importance of early treatment compared to the effectiveness of the experimental vaccines.
“You know what determines who gets hospitalized or doesn’t get hospitalized in the United States? If they got early treatment,” he said.
“That’s what makes a difference, not a vaccine. Take a look at these papers. Every single paper that makes a claim a vaccine prevents …More
McCullough also discussed the importance of early treatment compared to the effectiveness of the experimental vaccines.
“You know what determines who gets hospitalized or doesn’t get hospitalized in the United States? If they got early treatment,” he said.
“That’s what makes a difference, not a vaccine. Take a look at these papers. Every single paper that makes a claim a vaccine prevents hospitalization and death, your next question [should be] ‘Who received early treatment [and] who didn’t?’”
The physician then presented evidence that the Pfizer vaccine has “completely and totally failed,” using data from Israel to predict what can happen in the U.S.
“Israel’s post-vaccination curve in their country is bigger than their pre-vaccination curve,” McCullough said.
“If you had asked the question, ‘Would Israel have been better off not to vaccinate a single person?’ the answer is, ‘Yes,’ from an epidemiology perspective. Yes, [the Pfizer vaccine] is a complete and total failure,” he continued.
“Yet, what are they doing in Israel? Doubling down. Boosters. They’ve got 11 million people in the country, [and] they’ve already boosterized two million people.”
Nevertheless, these boosters have failed as well.

Must Watch: Dr. Peter McCullough MD on Covid Early Treatment and Prevention 9/24/2021

McCullough has chaired 24 data safety monitoring boards, and he advises those who are asked what they think of the new vaccines to focus on the lack of safety reporting.
“’Listen, I’m concerned there’s been no report card,’” he suggesting saying.
“The CDC and FDA hold all the data. You don’t. They hold all the data. Where’s the report card? They work for us. Demand it,” he continued.
“Every …More
McCullough has chaired 24 data safety monitoring boards, and he advises those who are asked what they think of the new vaccines to focus on the lack of safety reporting.
“’Listen, I’m concerned there’s been no report card,’” he suggesting saying.
“The CDC and FDA hold all the data. You don’t. They hold all the data. Where’s the report card? They work for us. Demand it,” he continued.
“Every time you’re confronted with this, ‘Oh, my employer wants me to take a vaccine.’ [Ask] ‘Where’s the report card from the CDC and FDA?’ Demand a report card. Until we get transparency of data, this thing is not going to be corrected.”
To underscore the importance of safety, he cited a paper which demonstrates that the chance of a youngster being hospitalized with myocarditis because of the gene-based injections “is greater than that child being hospitalized with COVID-19.”
“You can’t make this thing up,” McCullough marveled. “It’s not a proposition that anyone would take.”
The physician also takes a dim view of authorities minimizing the seriousness of vaccine injuries.
“The other thing I think is malfeasance is to call anything ‘rare,’” he said.
“We never do that in clinical research. Never. The correct term in safety pharmacovigilance is ‘tip of the iceberg,’ he explained.
“Whatever we’re seeing now in sporadic reporting is ‘tip of the iceberg.’ VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] could be an underrepresentation by a hundredfold, or even more.
“When we think we’ve done some analysis on this, using CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service], we think on mortality—maybe it’s a multiplier of five—but the point is, we never would say ‘rare.’ And what the CDC has done … very disingenuously, is when they had 200 cases [of myocarditis] in June, they divided it by everybody who took the vaccine and said, ‘It’s rare.’ Well, you can’t do that unless you check everybody for myocarditis, unless you do an EKG and troponin. You can’t declare they don’t have myocarditis unless you check for it.”

Must Watch: Dr. Peter McCullough MD on Covid Early Treatment and Prevention 9/24/2021

McCullough emphasized that safety is of paramount importance in every industry, including the automotive and building sectors. He said it was ‘beyond astonishing” that “there has been an injection of a substance into half of Americans’ bodies and there’s yet to be a report to America on safety.”
This “wasn’t the case back in 1976” for the Swine Flu vaccination campaign, he said. After the …More
McCullough emphasized that safety is of paramount importance in every industry, including the automotive and building sectors. He said it was ‘beyond astonishing” that “there has been an injection of a substance into half of Americans’ bodies and there’s yet to be a report to America on safety.”
This “wasn’t the case back in 1976” for the Swine Flu vaccination campaign, he said. After the emergence of 25 deaths and 550 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, the government shut it down. Although it was debated whether or not the vaccine caused the damage, “it didn’t matter,” the physician recalled.
“Unexplained deaths [occurred, so it] didn’t matter. Shut down the program, [it’s] not safe. It was considered a debacle.”
Today, in testing out new technology on, not just the nation, but the world, the government and big pharmaceutical authorities are taking “a gamble of extraordinary implications,” McCullough said.
“The gamble is genetic gene-transfer technology. The FDA [Food and Drug Administration] considers the current American vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, as gene-transfer tech.”
McCullough explained how these gene transfer technologies work. He also voiced his concern that, although “normally a messenger RNA is used once and disposed of,” with these mRNA injections by Pfizer and Moderna, messenger RNA is “used over and over … again and stays in the cells for a [very] long time.”
“We are working with scientists all over the world, and there is a belief now that the messenger RNA can survive cell division, [and] so a parent cell can give it to daughter cells,” he explained.
“For the first time in human history, we have a biologic product that’s telling our body to produce an abnormal protein,” he said.
The mRNA enters cells and causes them to create spike proteins, a “kind of a ‘loaded weapon,’ if you will. … It’s now known that the spike protein itself is independently pathogenic: it causes damage itself” to the cells in which it is produced, and then circulates in the body for about two weeks.
“As this protein circulates, it damages organs, it damages endothelial cells, blood cells, causes blood clotting,” McCullough said.
“There is nothing about the spike protein that’s good. They’re lethal.”

Must Watch: Dr. Peter McCullough MD on Covid Early Treatment and Prevention 9/24/2021

“Today I was stripped of the editorship of Cardiorenal Medicine, a Swiss-based journal and in the last year, I have lost my job at a major health system, with no explanation and no due process,”
“I’ve been stripped of every title that I’ve ever had in that institution. I’ve received a threat letter from the American College of Physicians, [and] a threat letter from the American Board.
This has …More
“Today I was stripped of the editorship of Cardiorenal Medicine, a Swiss-based journal and in the last year, I have lost my job at a major health system, with no explanation and no due process,”
“I’ve been stripped of every title that I’ve ever had in that institution. I’ve received a threat letter from the American College of Physicians, [and] a threat letter from the American Board.
This has happened because of his “lawful” participation “in a topic of public importance,” he said.
“What we are doing is lawful"
“What’s not lawful, and what’s not right, is what’s happening with respect to censorship and the threat of reprisal.”