Janis Priedkalns
Janis Priedkalns

German Bishops Have an "Urgent Desire" for False Deaconesses

I am stuff with all these false AI created photos at the website. They make me think that the webside may be as false as these photos are. Please, be honest with your readers.
Janis Priedkalns

Synodality Charade: Francis Annuls Democratic Election Of Montecassino Abbot

Father Mauritius got e very generous offer to enter freemassons, didn't he? Just a guess from my side. I suppose, he refused. Nobody to blame.
Janis Priedkalns

Gay Porn ‘Star’ Posts Horrific Photos of Month-Long Battle with Monkeypox — Worried the Scars Could …

Perhaps somebody will come up with an obvious idea to vaccinate (only) non-gays in order to protect the most vulnarable part of the society? Somebody needs to share the idea with Mr. Vincezo Paglia. He will do averything they ask. Such a good boy.