German Bishops Have an "Urgent Desire" for False Deaconesses

On 22nd May the German dioceses published their feedback for the Roman Synod in October. The main anti-Catholic points: "For the majority of people in Germany, religion has hardly any explicit significance …More
On 22nd May the German dioceses published their feedback for the Roman Synod in October. The main anti-Catholic points:
"For the majority of people in Germany, religion has hardly any explicit significance for the organisation of their daily lives" [because what the German bishops present as "religion" is indeed without significance].
"Many people express an urgent desire for the sacramental diaconate to be opened up to women and for the possibility of women's ordination to the priesthood to be discussed."
"Specifically, this concerns the diaconate for women, equal access to leadership positions, the administration of the anointing of the sick, the ministry of preaching, and presence in theological training centres."
"In particular, Eucharistic hospitality [= Communion for Protestants who are Protestants because they don't believe in the Real Presence] in interdenominational marriages [Church weddings are practically non-existent in the German dioceses] is mentioned again and again".
Ivan Tomas
AI = Deepfake
Deepfake photographs are made by imbecils which has no darn thing with inteligence.
To call AI(mbecils) inteligence is offending the inteligent creatures who are made by God, namely, Angels and Humans.
Janis Priedkalns
I am stuff with all these false AI created photos at the website. They make me think that the webside may be as false as these photos are. Please, be honest with your readers.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Vatican II has done to the Faith what a desalination plant does to sea water. It produced another product. Undermine the Papacy and the Sacraments and Our Redeemer is no longer present as He is intrinsic to them just as salt is intrinsic to salt water.
Hugh N. Cry
It always comes from Germany 🤔
English Catholic
@Hugh N. Cry True, true. Have you ever read the book 'The Rhine Flows into the Tiber' by Fr Ralph M Wiltgen? A must read. There is an 'updated' version called 'The Inside Story of Vatican II: A Firsthand Account of the Council's Inner Workings' but I think the original would be more trustworthy. You never know who 'updated' the original or if they had an agenda. There are second-hand copies of the …More
@Hugh N. Cry True, true. Have you ever read the book 'The Rhine Flows into the Tiber' by Fr Ralph M Wiltgen? A must read. There is an 'updated' version called 'The Inside Story of Vatican II: A Firsthand Account of the Council's Inner Workings' but I think the original would be more trustworthy. You never know who 'updated' the original or if they had an agenda. There are second-hand copies of the original available online.
Hugh N. Cry
I wish they just stuck to October fest, its hard putting square peg into a round hole 🤔 🤫
Ann Smith
Must be all that beer
Bratwurst not properly cooked
Hmmm yeah….interdict ALL of Germany, and laicize and excommunicate ALL the sons of Luther and the spawn of Lucifer who call themselves Bishops and Priests in that benighted and accursed land.