Everyday for Life Canada
Everyday for Life Canada

Archbishop: "Danger of Schism in Rome, Already Completed in Germany"

This, sadly, is the a progressive church of pastoral accompaniment, SINodality, dialogue and who am I to judge.
Everyday for Life Canada

The paedophile party advances at the UN, thanks to the EU and USA

The toxin has sadly been pushed in the public school system around the western world. Here in Ontario, Canada it includes the Catholic schools. The bishops have hardly uttered a word to object.
Everyday for Life Canada

Finally! Francis Discovers "Grave Sin"

Yes, migration is big business for many, including the Church and especially in the United States. And do any of the migrants ever go to live in rectories or church properties or in areas where the politicians live that make such decisions for others?
Everyday for Life Canada

This is the most tyrannical and evil thing that Kamala Harris has EVER been caught on camera saying

A prime example of a narcissistic obsessed with power. And sadly these people are running the country.
Everyday for Life Canada

Mark Zuckerberg's empty censorship apology: Letters to the Editor — Aug. 30, 2024

Forget the fake apology. He’s a liar and everybody knows it. Fine the company 20 to 30 billion dollars and chances are it will not happen so readily. Or better split the company and offer more competition.
Everyday for Life Canada

Finally! Francis Discovers "Grave Sin"

That’s why we respectfully suggests that he leave the Vatican and make plenty of room for migrants.
Everyday for Life Canada

St. John the Baptist: A martyr for the truth about marriage

To Perez: the martyrdom of St John the Baptist is about a greater moral issue, that includes what you refer to, of defending the truth.
Everyday for Life Canada

New Vatican Document Uses Anti-Christian Abbreviation

When we speak their language we become them. Words matter.
Everyday for Life Canada

The visceral power of abortion memorials around the world

We now have some 73,000,000 abortions a year around the world. Let that sink in. And never a mention of this in the MSM. And sadly even in the pulpits of churches.
Everyday for Life Canada

Yet ANOTHER Vatican Insider Faces Sexual Abuse Charges

God willing, this pontificate will soon end. Is there any doubt why nothing has been done by the Vatican to push back the toxic, anti-Catholic comprehensive sex-education that entered public schools, even those that claim to be Catholic? May God help the innocent children.
Everyday for Life Canada


The author doesn’t even think Fr. Thomas Rosica deserves the title of priest. We can understand why.
Everyday for Life Canada

Francis Claims Turning Away Illegal Immigrants is a ‘Grave Sin’

How many migrants has the pope brought into the Vatican? How many rectories have taken them in? On so many issues the Vatican is so disconnected with reality and what the faith teaches.
Everyday for Life Canada

“Sinicization” Is Not Inculturation

What a missed opportunity to evangelize not just China but the entire West.
Everyday for Life Canada

“Sinicization” Is Not Inculturation

Weigel describes the illness but fails to address the main cause: The Vatican agreement to allow the CCP to control the Catholic Church in China. All believers must worship the state first and accommodate their religious views based on state policies. The state is the only "religion" permitted. All the rest is mere words. Call out the Vatican for its colossal failure.
Everyday for Life Canada

Cultural Meltdown: The Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis

Bill Donahue from the Catholic League is his latest and timely book has identified the biggest battle of our times: the irreconcilable differences between believers and atheists. And the secular atheists want total capitulation.