Everyday for Life Canada

Where the woke DIE policy works perfectly

Want to know where the woke DIE policy of diversity, inclusion and equity works as intended by the progressives who developed it? Check your local cemetery. …

Statement by Archbishop Richard Smith regarding the wildfire in Jasper

Here's the statementby Archbishop Richard Smith regarding the current wildfire in Jasper, Alberta, that has put the lives of so many …
This is all a part of Agenda 21, now called Agenda 30 - they want us all trapped in mega-cities, and they can then enjoy the lovely outdoors God has …More
This is all a part of Agenda 21, now called Agenda 30 - they want us all trapped in mega-cities, and they can then enjoy the lovely outdoors God has created. "there are so many regulations restricting water and land use (there are scenic corridors, inland rural corridors, baylands corridors, area plans, specific plans, redevelopment plans, huge fees, fines)"What Is Agenda 21? The UN's Diabolical Plan To Kill You - PrepperFortress
Roberto 55
My guess is, that this "wildfire" was caused by purpose, because deep green agenda of Trudeau's government support cooling the "mother Earth" and BTW …More
My guess is, that this "wildfire" was caused by purpose, because deep green agenda of Trudeau's government support cooling the "mother Earth" and BTW fire started at least in 2 places at same time...
Temp. dropped from 30 to 10deg. of Celsius so Gibbeau is happy...

Ben Carson gives perfect defense of pro-life position in powerful Tucker Carlson interview - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Ben Carson gave a heart-stirring defense of the pro-life position when speaking …
Father Karl A Claver
Dr. Ben Carson, and Tucker Carlson are two great men.

Kamala Harris kicks off her presidential campaign on Ru Paul’s Drag Show - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Presumed Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris perhaps accidentally, perhaps purposefully, …
Play to your base... 🤪 🤮
Father Karl A Claver
You are who your friends are. In other words, birds of a feather, flock together.

Top Canadian intelligence official called critics of gender ideology a 'violent threat' in 2023 report …

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — The new head of Canada’s intelligence agency before becoming interim …
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s mainly a direct attack on Christians and Christian belief. Christian morality runs against their cult of DIE, diversity, inclusion and equity. We …More
It’s mainly a direct attack on Christians and Christian belief. Christian morality runs against their cult of DIE, diversity, inclusion and equity. We must fight back.

Why don't we hear homilies on mortification anymore?

This is what the Jesus' call to conversion and penance, like that of the prophets before him, does not aim first at outward works, 'sackcloth and …
There is no need of mortification in protestantism.
chris griffin
Why no sermons about the greatest massacre in the history of the world going on everyday worldwide?
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Same-Sex Marriage Contra Naturam « Catholic Insight

( When it comes to public law, we must make distinctions. As Saint Thomas says (I-II, q.96, a.2), not every vice can be proscribed by law (for such …
Everyday for Life Canada
Sadly, the bishops of Canada rejected Humanae Vitae and told the faithful with their flawed Winnipeg Statement to essentially follow their conscience.…More
Sadly, the bishops of Canada rejected Humanae Vitae and told the faithful with their flawed Winnipeg Statement to essentially follow their conscience. And that has given us the rotten fruits of relativism and accommodation.

‘Free Linda Gibbons’: Pro-life supporters rally outside Ontario courthouse for jailed Christian …

‘Free Linda Gibbons’: Pro-life supporters rally outside Ontario courthouse for jailed Christian …

The Unintended Consequences of the Cass Review

The Unintended Consequences of the Cass Review How exposing the scandal of ‘gender affirming care’ also exposed the failure of the NHS. “I bet you haven’t …
Nostradamus II

Eucharistic adoration for children

Adoration is the first act of the virtue of religion. To adore God is to acknowledge him as God, as the Creator and Savior, the Lord and Master of everything that exists …

A prayer of healing by St. Padre Pio

Today, we simply share a healing prayer for our brokenness and sins by St. Padre Pio. We can pray it and ask for his intercession. Start with: In the name of the …

President Biden Withdraws From 2024 Election

President Joe Biden has decided to halt his re-election campaign and no longer seek a second term in office. Biden announced the news via his official social …
All Saints
@LYunque Millions of aborted babies were not avilable for comment. Evil doers don’t deserve compassion.
Father Karl A Claver
Biden, his family, his pals, the media and the Democrat party have all lied to us as to his dementia, and how ill he really is. Because of this deception …More
Biden, his family, his pals, the media and the Democrat party have all lied to us as to his dementia, and how ill he really is. Because of this deception, our country is in mortal danger, as our enemies how this and are ready to take advantage of this terrible situation.
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NATO summit puts Europe on warpath

NATO summit puts Europe on warpath The balance of the Atlantic Alliance summit seems to confirm the West's inclination to seek military confrontation with Russia and …


Tucker Carlson, Rich said the song is a response to evil forces at work in society. These Satanic forces can now be found in entertainment, government, schools and big media. On his X …

Grandmother arrested in Canada for witnessing to life too close to an abortion clinic

Yes, a grandmother, Linda Gibbons, has been arrested in Canada for witnessing to unborn life too close to an abortion …
Father Karl A Claver
Canada is about five years ahead of the USA in liberal practices. Hopefully, if Trump is elected, the USA will become 25 years behind our northern …More
Canada is about five years ahead of the USA in liberal practices. Hopefully, if Trump is elected, the USA will become 25 years behind our northern neighbor.
Everyday for Life Canada
Without the right to life, there are no other rights.
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A commencement address for all seasons that ought to be heard by all Americans

Christendom College, a Catholic liberal arts school in Virginia. The speech continues to be relevant and should be heard by …
Everyday for Life Canada
We hope parents share the speech with their graduating sons and daughters and even if they are not graduating. The truth is never out of season.

NYC plans to stop treating bodies of 2nd and 3rd trimester aborted babies as 'human remains'

The New York City Department of Health (NYC Health) is solidifying its erroneous stance that preborn babies …
Father Karl A Claver
Where are the voices of the many bishops who live in NYC? They are mute.
Billy F
Mordor on the Hudson!
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Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist? - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In a June 20 interview with Tucker Carlson, Scottish television presenter and author Neil Oliver …
Cc Ss
We all got sick? Nope, we did not all get sick
The whole article explains how viruses don't exist yet we all get sick. The article doesn't say how.
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We can't weaponize words and institutions and then expect peace and unity

"Democrats say words are violence, what about theirs?" That's the title of a great article by Brian Lilley in the Toronto Sun. …
Everyday for Life Canada
Words shape thought and thought shapes actions. Semantics lesson 101.

DEI Must DIE | PragerU

5-Minute Videos•Christian Watson The DEI Disaster 5-Minute Videos•Charlie Kirk DivestU 5-Minute Videos•Xaviaer DuRousseau The Real Victims of Affirmative Action 5-Minute Videos …
Naomi Arai
This reminds me of a fun quote from Idiocracy. Idiocracy: My First Wife was 'TardedMore
This reminds me of a fun quote from Idiocracy.
Idiocracy: My First Wife was 'Tarded
Father Karl A Claver
As long as these stupid, irrational and demonic practices continue, the only thing we can do is pray, make sacrifices and vote the devils out.
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