Bazsó-Dombi Attila
The Theological Defense of Papal Power By St. Alphonsus de Liguori
No. 119
TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ……… vi. CHAPTER ONE An historical background to the writings of St. Alphonsus on Papal Authority ……… 1 CHAPTER TWO: The writings of St. Alphonsus on Papal Authority ……… 48 CHAPTER THREE: St. Alphonsus' Concept of Papal Authority ……… 75 CHAPTER FOUR: St. Alphonsus' use of the Magisterium to establish Papal Authority. Part One: An evaluation of St. Alphonsus' use of the Magisterium ……… 92 Abbreviations used in the bibliography and in the footnotes ……… 121 Bibliography ……… 123 Table of Contents of Complete Dissertation ……… 136
143 oldalak
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Even before Philip the Fair's historic battle with Boniface VIII (1294-1303), at least the theories of Conciliarism had been discussed. Historians see …több
Even before Philip the Fair's historic battle with Boniface VIII (1294-1303), at least the theories of Conciliarism had been discussed. Historians see these theories present in the debates of the canonists in the early 1100' s when these men discussed the relation between the Pope and the Church in their more basic discussions on the relation. between the monarch and the people of a kingdom. – B. Tierney, Foundations of the Conciliar Theory (Cambridge, 1955) 23-24.
Moreover, there is a canon in the Decree of Gratian (composed in the early 1100'.s) which laid down that although normally a Pope was immune from human judgement, this immunity did not extend to a Pope who became a heretic. – CJC I, Dist. 40, c, 6.
"When the doctrine of the Jansenists … was attractint many with its form of error and confusing many, God in His marvellous Providence most powerfully raised up Alphonsus M. de Liguori … who … would open his mouth in the midst of the Church and by his learned and laborious writings …több

St. Alphonsus Liguori: "Pope would not be deprived of the papacy by the council as if it were superior to him, but he would be stripped directly by …

St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787), Doctor of the Church, devoted several writings in defense of Papal power against the conciliarist heresy (which gave to the councils a higher authority over the Pope …több
St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787), Doctor of the Church, devoted several writings in defense of Papal power against the conciliarist heresy (which gave to the councils a higher authority over the Pope). Collected in one volume by a Redemptorist religious on the eve of Vatican Council I, (Du Pape et du concile; Tournai, Casterman, 1869) these writings have helped to prepare the definition of the dogma of Papal infallibility. St. Alphonsus does not really treat the issue of a heretical Pope, and he excludes it so that it does not disturb his subject. But, without entering into the details, he said repeatedly that the heretical Pope loses his authority only when his heresy has been confirmed by a council. He clearly shares the view of Cajetan and John of St. Thomas.
In an essay on the authority of the Pope, added by St. Alphonsus at the end of the edition of his Moral Theology in 1748,2 the Holy Doctor vigorously defends the superiority of the Pope over the council, but beforehand he …több
Tony La Rosa
The public sin of manifest formal heresy by its very nature separates the heretic from the Church. Therefore, a heretical pope (if possible) would cease …több
The public sin of manifest formal heresy by its very nature separates the heretic from the Church. Therefore, a heretical pope (if possible) would cease being pope before any judgment of the Church.
13 további megjegyzések


+++ Jan Paweł Lenga érsek a kazahsztáni Karaganda kiérdemesült megyés főpásztora, Athanasius Schneider püspök társszentelője. A missziós főpap igaz katolikus hite rendíthetetlen bátorsággal, …több
Jan Paweł Lenga érsek a kazahsztáni Karaganda kiérdemesült megyés főpásztora, Athanasius Schneider püspök társszentelője.
A missziós főpap igaz katolikus hite rendíthetetlen bátorsággal, világos tanítása gyermeki egyszerűséggel, biblikus beszédmódja lelkipásztori szeretettel párosul.
A kötetet olvasva kirajzolódik előttünk Krisztus apostola, akinek egyetlen ügye az Úr Jézus Krisztus mindhalálig való hűséges követése és szolgálata. Megcselekszi, amire az Úr rendelte, szeme előtt tartva mindenkor Pál intelmét: „Hirdesd az igét, állj elő vele, akár alkalmas, akár alkalmatlan! Feddj, ints, buzdíts minden türelemmel és tudománnyal” (2Tim 4,2).
Az érsek úr szavainak hallgatása, olvasása nagyban hozzájárulhat ahhoz, hogy közelebb kerüljünk a „képmutatás nélküli hithez”, ami az egyedüli titka annak, hogy az oly távoli és kicsinyke kazahsztáni nyájnak miért vannak ilyen kiváló fiai.
A magyar Olvasók számára ismertebb Athanasius Schneider püspök hitét és tanítását is érthetőbbé és megközelíthetőbbé …
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Roots of Bergoglio's Apostasy

Bergoglio's Homosexual Subversion Already Began in Buenos Aires Precisely because of Bergoglio's previous heresy and apostasy, this enemy of God and the Church was already disqualified from being Pope …több
Bergoglio's Homosexual Subversion Already Began in Buenos Aires
Precisely because of Bergoglio's previous heresy and apostasy, this enemy of God and the Church was already disqualified from being Pope, as the Magisterium of the Church infallibly teaches.
In 2010, Argentine professor Antonio Caponnetto published a book titled The Church Betrayed. In it, he revealed to readers about the betrayal of the apostate Jorge Bergoglio.
Henry Sire, author of The Dictator Pope (2018), gave a talk on Francis in London on 24 November (, 11 December). Main points.
- As early as 2013, reports from the Vatican showed that Francis was different from his media image: arrogant, dismissive of people, prone to foul language and temper tantrums.
- Public relations expert Omar Bello worked with Cardinal Bergoglio for years. Bello described him as skilled in the covert exercise of power and the manipulation of people.
- While still in Buenos Aires, Bergoglio ordered the dismissal of Felix Botazzi …több
Jan Joseph
Ja natuurlijk, paus Franciscus is door een staatsgreep aan de macht gekomen.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Jan Paweł Lenga érsek a másik egyházról

A “Bergoglio szektája. Katolikus ellenforradalomra van szükség” című legújabb könyvében Excellenciád azt írja, hogy egy második “egyház” alakul ki, és az igaz katolikusokat eltávolítják az …több
A “Bergoglio szektája. Katolikus ellenforradalomra van szükség” című legújabb könyvében Excellenciád azt írja, hogy egy második “egyház” alakul ki, és az igaz katolikusokat eltávolítják az Egyházból.” Tudna erről többet mondani Excellenciád?
A Katolikus Egyházat nem valami nagy nemzeti vagy világhős, nem egy tábornok vagy országvezető alapította. A Katolikus Egyház alapítója Jézus Krisztus, valóságos Isten és valóságos ember. Ezt a különbséget a föld és az ég közötti távolsághoz hasonlíthatjuk. Meg kell értenünk, hogy Isten alapította az Egyházat, és joga van ahhoz, hogy parancsolatokat adjon azoknak, akik az Egyházhoz tartoznak, hogy meghatározza, hogyan éljenek, hogyan cselekedjenek, hogyan dolgozzanak és hogyan teljesítsék kötelességeiket. Éppen úgy, ahogyan Ő maga is szent, ahogyan Ő magára vállalta az ember megmentésének küldetését is, aki az ősszülői, Ádám és Éva miatt bűnbe esett.
Neki joga van parancsolatokat adni, mert alávetette magát a saját parancsolatainak, és mindannyiunkat …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Kemény tanítás.
2 további megjegyzések
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

"The Cassiciacum Thesis"—The Apostolic See 'Occupied' OR The Case Of A Schizophrenic Theology!

"Papa materialiter, non formaliter" Theory A Commentary By Dr. Eberhard Heller Translated by Fr. Courtney Edward Krier It is not what you think! It will not produce another papal election—Thank heaven …több
"Papa materialiter, non formaliter" Theory
A Commentary By Dr. Eberhard Heller

Translated by Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
It is not what you think!
It will not produce another papal election—Thank heaven they think this, because we already have too many "Holy Fathers": Bawden, Linus II, Gregory (Palmar), etc.
On the other hand, it follows that John Paul II does occupy the Apostolic See. Is this not what the Modernists claim? And the Reformers, and Lefebrvists, and members of the Peter Fraternity that the des Laurierists, who have established themselves in northern Italy and the United States would want to hold the same opinion—an opinion different than ours, sede vacantists? Simply put, this idea is the result of a brief confrontation with those of a group of ecclesiastics who may seem to piously and stubbornly hold a divergent thesis of their old theology mentor, the "Papa materialiter, non formaliter". And we may leave it as such, except it errs further.
This group is virulent in demanding …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Saint Pope Pius X: Vehementer Nos On the French Law of Separation (1906)

To Our Well-beloved Sons, Francois Marie Richard, Cardinal Archbishop of Paris; Victor Lucien Lecot, Cardinal Archbishop of Bordeaux; Pierre Hector Couillie, Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons; Joseph Guillaume …több
To Our Well-beloved Sons, Francois Marie Richard, Cardinal Archbishop of Paris; Victor Lucien Lecot, Cardinal Archbishop of Bordeaux; Pierre Hector Couillie, Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons; Joseph Guillaume Laboure, Cardinal Archbishop of Rennes; and to all Our Venerable Brethren, the Archbishops and Bishops, and to all the Clergy and People of France.
Venerable Brethren, Well Beloved Sons, Health and the Apostolic Benediction.

Our soul is full of sorrowful solicitude and Our heart overflows with grief, when Our thoughts dwell upon you. How, indeed, could it be otherwise, immediately after the promulgation of that law which, by sundering violently the old ties that linked your nation with the Apostolic See, creates for the Catholic Church in France a situation unworthy of her and ever to be lamented? That is, beyond question, an event of the gravest import, and one that must be deplored by all the right-minded, for it is as disastrous to society as it is to religion; but it is an event …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Checking reasonable Confidence for Catholics on trusted global companies

With this post I thankfully seek Catholic Believers' opinions on global companies, which are not forbidden for responsable Catholic believers. I thankfully seek both, trusted examples and pro/con …több
With this post I thankfully seek Catholic Believers' opinions on global companies, which are not forbidden for responsable Catholic believers. I thankfully seek both, trusted examples and pro/con arguments.
Just to catalise the beginning of discussion, I give few examples from different areas of activities and economical concepts of business:
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
No opinion at all? Any?
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Archivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò – Intervista di Franca Giansoldati

Pubblicata su « Il Messaggero » il 20 Agosto 2024 (pag. 10) 1. Un passo indietro nel tempo: nel 2011 Papa Ratzinger la implorò di accettare la nomina a Nunzio negli USA, lasciando il ruolo del …több
Pubblicata su « Il Messaggero » il 20 Agosto 2024 (pag. 10)
1. Un passo indietro nel tempo: nel 2011 Papa Ratzinger la implorò di accettare la nomina a Nunzio negli USA, lasciando il ruolo del Governatorato dove Lei stava facendo pulizia interna. Ebbe scontri con il cardinal Bertone, allora segretario di Stato, il cui nome è legato allo scandalo della distrazione di fondi del Bambin Gesù anche se non fu mai indagato. Cosa Le disse Benedetto XVI? Come andarono le cose quel giorno e quali erano i principali motivi di dissidio con Bertone?
Parlare di “dissidio” mi sembra eufemistico. Assetato di potere, privo di scrupoli, manipolatore, contiguo ad ambienti massonici: questo è il ritratto del card. Bertone, del quale Benedetto XVI era purtroppo succube. Bertone fece di tutto per rimuovermi dalla Segreteria di Stato, perché nel mio delicatissimo ruolo gli impedivo di promuovere i “suoi” candidati, uomini della sua cordata, corrotti e spesso sessualmente pervertiti. Riuscì a trasferirmi al …több
Grazie. Coraggioso e ottimo lavoro
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – Interview by Franca Giansoldati

Publishen in Il Messaggero, on August 20, 2024 (p. 10) A step back in time: in 2011 Pope Ratzinger implored you to accept being appointed as Nuncio to the United States, leaving the role of the …több
Publishen in Il Messaggero, on August 20, 2024 (p. 10)
A step back in time: in 2011 Pope Ratzinger implored you to accept being appointed as Nuncio to the United States, leaving the role of the Governorate where you were cleaning it up internally. You had clashes with Cardinal Bertone, then Secretary of State, whose name is linked to the scandal of the misappropriation of funds from the Bambino Gesù [Hospital] even though he was never investigated. What did Benedict XVI say to you? How did things go that day, and what were the main reasons for the disagreement with Bertone?
To speak of a “disagreement” seems euphemistic to me. Thirsty for power, unscrupulous, manipulative, and contiguous to Masonic circles: this is the portrait of Cardinal Bertone, to whom Benedict XVI was unfortunately subjugated. Bertone did everything he could to remove me from the Secretariat of State, because in my very delicate role I prevented him from promoting “his” candidates, men of his circle, who were corrupt …több
Sean Johnson
Vigano said: “On the domestic front, however, Bergoglio abuses the authority of the Papacy (which he usurps) in order to remove from the Church those …több
Vigano said:
On the domestic front, however, Bergoglio abuses the authority of the Papacy (which he usurps) in order to remove from the Church those Catholics who have remained faithful, so that he can eliminate any internal opposition to his subversive plan.”
+Fellay did precisely the same thing in expelling dozens of faithful priests to eliminate internal opposition to his reorientation of the SSPX, in pursuit of a practical accord with modernist Rome.
Here's a link to a video from Life Site News on further comments by Archbishop Vigano on the "nightmare" we are living through - BREAKING | Archbishop …több
Here's a link to a video from Life Site News on further comments by Archbishop Vigano on the "nightmare" we are living through -
BREAKING | Archbishop Viganò shows how Francis’ Vatican uses same playbook as the deep state
Keep praying the Rosary daily!!
Fr. Chad Ripperger The enormous power bishops have against demons The John-Henry Westen Show Did you know a bishop has the authority and power to drive demons out of his diocese? Not many bishops even …több
Fr. Chad Ripperger The enormous power bishops have against demons
The John-Henry Westen Show
Did you know a bishop has the authority and power to drive demons out of his diocese? Not many bishops even realize they have this power, according to Fr. Chad Ripperger, who returns to The John-Henry Westen Show for another discussion on spiritual warfare. In this episode, you will find out why Fr. Ripperger believes bishops can influence the political situation in their dioceses through exorcism, his top three tips for protecting your family from demonic activity, and much more.
The ENORMOUS power bishops have against DEMONS | Fr. Ripperger

The ENORMOUS power bishops have against DEMONS | Fr. Ripperger

The ENORMOUS power bishops have against DEMONS | Fr. Ripperger Did you know a bishop has the authority and power to drive demons out of his …
Father Karl A Claver
Most bishops do not believe in God, let alone the devil.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
SYLLABVS TITVLORVM BVLLA Leonis 10. & Clementis 8. pro Ritibus Graecorum. Liturgiae Patriarchalis Ordinationum, I. Pars. 1. Oblatio Prothefeos. pag.1. II. Ritus jnduendi Patriarchae. pag.17. III. …több
BVLLA Leonis 10. & Clementis 8. pro Ritibus Graecorum.
Liturgiae Patriarchalis Ordinationum,
I. Pars. 1. Oblatio Prothefeos. pag.1.
II. Ritus jnduendi Patriarchae. pag.17.
III. Ordinatio Metropolitae. pag.26.
IV. Ordinatio Anagnoftae & Pfaltae. pag.37. V. Ordinatio Hypodiaconi. pag.45. VI. Introitus Euangelij, & Trifagium. pag.52. VII. Confecratio Epifcopi. pag. 66. VIlI. Confecratio Prefbyteri. Myfteria. раg.106. IX. Ordinatio Diaconi. pag.179. X. Myfteriorum communio. pag.215. XI. Abfolutio Liturgiae & Dimiffio. pag.276. XII. Ordinationum Ritus ex Euchologio pag.305. XIII. Ordinationum Ritus ex Lib. Ecclef, Hierarch. pag 332. XIV. Homilia Pontificis Confecrantis. pag.365. XV. Homilia Epifcopi confecrati. pag.378. XVI. Homilia Prefbyteri confecrati. pag.403. XVII. Ritus Electionum, Patriarchae & aliorum. pag.430. XVIII. Profeffio ma fidei Epifcoporum & Precatio. pag.495. XIX. Edicta feu mandata ad Metropolitas ordinatos. pag.509. XX. Canones Ordinationum. pag.543. …több
398 oldalak
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Eight False Types of Piety And How to Avoid Them

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Our spiritual life is the life of grace within us; through it we become children of God. For our spiritual life to be preserved and to develop, a series of actions are …több
By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Our spiritual life is the life of grace within us; through it we become children of God.
For our spiritual life to be preserved and to develop, a series of actions are required that constitute the life of piety.
How must that life of piety be? What deviations must be avoided?
These are problems we must understand to progress in sanctity.
Concessions to the world

In a speech to university students of Rome in June 1952, the Holy Father Pius XII made an observation that shows well the importance of the subject, and above all, the need to address it in a practical manner.
Analyzing the moral crisis that youth usually goes through, His Holiness stated: “Let us leave aside the question of how this crisis was provoked, to which intellectual difficulties and other circumstances have contributed, [reasons] that can be sought…in the wild jungle of unbridled passions and moral deviations, or perhaps in the murky field of concessions people think must be made to the …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration Rev. Anthony Cekada […] PRIMARILY for the benefit of lay readers, we will review some principles that are used to determine whether a sacramental form is valid …több
The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration
Rev. Anthony Cekada
[…] PRIMARILY for the benefit of lay readers, we will review some principles that are used to determine whether a sacramental form is valid. The concepts are not complicated.
A. What is a Sacramental Form?
In catechism class we all learned the definition of a sacrament: “An outward sign, instituted by Christ to give grace.”
“Outward sign” in the definition refers to what we see and hear when a sacrament is conferred — the priest pours the water on the baby’s head and he re- cites the formula “I baptize you,” etc.
Catholic theology teaches that in every sacrament this outward sign consists of two elements joined to- gether:
Matter: some thing or action your senses can per- ceive (pouring water, bread and wine, etc.) • Form: the words recited that actually produce the sacramental effect (“I baptize you...” “This is My body...,” etc.) Each sacramental rite, no matter how many other prayers and ceremonies the Church has …több
16 oldalak
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
The very men who appear to possess authority in the Church teach errors and impose harmful laws. How reconcile this with infallibility? […] Popes Innocent III & Paul IV Even popes have raised the …több
The very men who appear to possess authority in the Church teach errors and impose harmful laws. How reconcile this with infallibility?
Popes Innocent III & Paul IV
Even popes have raised the possibility that a heretic could somehow end up on the throne of Peter.
Pope Innocent III (1198–1216), one of the most forceful champions of papal authority in the history of the papacy, teaches:
Still less can the Roman Pontiff boast, for he can be judged by men — or rather, he can be shown to be judged, if he mani- festly ‘loses his savor’ in heresy. For he who does not believe is already judged. [Sermo 4: In Consecratione PL 218:670.]
Pope Paul IV (1555–1559), another vigorous defender of the rights of the papacy, suspected that one of the cardinals who stood a good chance of being elected pope in the next conclave was a secret heretic. On 16 February 1559, therefore, he issued the Bull Cum ex Apostolatus Officio. The pontiff decreed that if ever it should ever appear that someone who …több
15 oldalak
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE: SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF CHRISTOPHER DAWSON “The process of secularisation arises not from the loss of faith but from the loss of social interest in the world of faith …több
“The process of secularisation arises not from the loss of faith but from the loss of social interest in the world of faith. It begins the moment men feel that religion is irrelevant to the common way of life and that society as such has nothing to do with the truths of faith.” Christopher Henry Dawson, Religion and World History
“Dawson’s vast erudition, his historical intuition, his profound understanding of human nature, and his vision of Western culture as a living and dynamic entity, make him an essential starting point in the study -- and understanding of -- the spiritual tradition at the root of Western culture. Without this, all else that follows in Western history is incomprehensible.” (Araceli Duque)
“The greatest English-speaking Catholic historian of the twentieth century.” (Daniel Callahan, Harvard Theological Review)
“One of the foremost prophets of our age. (Herbert Musurillo, S. J.)
Selected …több
258 oldalak
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
A SZEPLŐTELEN ANYASZENTEGYHÁZ MÉLTÓSÁGÁNAK VÉDELMÉBEN Isten Anyja Fatima-i és Szent Anna-réti ígéreteinek teljesedéséért remélt égi beavatkozás lehetősége Szeplőtelen Szívemnek kedves leányaim!…több
Isten Anyja Fatima-i és Szent Anna-réti ígéreteinek teljesedéséért remélt égi beavatkozás lehetősége

Szeplőtelen Szívemnek kedves leányaim! Vegyétek a könnyeimmel jövő szent kenetet és áldásomat. Áldjátok vele kiválasztott fiaimat, akiket szívem alatt hordok a kegyelmi újjászületésre. Bánatkönnyeim bennetek örömkönnyekre fordulnak.
Az + Atya, a + Fiú, és a + Szentlélek nevében!

Isteni Szent Fiam Szeplőtelen Szülőanyja jogán az Anyaszentegyház – Aki Jézus Krisztus Titokzatos Szent Teste, Szeplőtelen Leányom, a Szent Keresztségben Szülőanyátok – védelmére hívom Szent István Apostolokkal Egyenlő Királyotok által ezredéve örökségül Nekem adományozott Főkirályság Országa férfiúit:
Pillanatokat sem késlekedhettek, mert "amikor a hetedik angyal megfújja harsonáját, beteljesedik Isten örök titka, amint tudtul adta szolgáinak, a prófétáknak". Milyen fiúgyermek habozik Édesanyja vigasztalására sietni, ha csak rossz …több
5 oldalak
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Ferenc a pápa? A nyilvános eretnekség érve azt sugallja, hogy nem

A Viganò érseket a skizma vádjával szemben védelmező cikkben számos érvet foglaltunk össze, amelyek arra utalnak, hogy Ferenc nem igazi pápa. Ebben az írásban az első érvet fogjuk tovább tárgyalni …több
A Viganò érseket a skizma vádjával szemben védelmező cikkben számos érvet foglaltunk össze, amelyek arra utalnak, hogy Ferenc nem igazi pápa. Ebben az írásban az első érvet fogjuk tovább tárgyalni, nevezetesen azt, hogy a nyilvános eretnekek nem tagjai az Egyháznak, és ezért nem lehetnek az Egyház fejei.
A mi friss cikkünk, amely megvédte Viganò érseket a skizma vádjával szemben, összefoglalt számos érvet, amelyek arra utalnak, hogy Ferenc nem igazi pápa.
Az említett cikk ezen érvek részletesebb kifejtését ígérte. Ez az első ilyen részletesebb kifejtés, és azzal az érveléssel foglalkozik, hogy Ferenc nem az igazi pápa, mert nem tagja a katolikus egyháznak, mivel eltért a katolikus hit nyilvános megvallásától.
Kik a katolikus egyház tagjai?
A katolikus egyház azt tanítja, hogy tagjai azok, akik:
részesültek a keresztség szentségében
nyilvánosan megvallani a katolikus hitet
alávetik magukat az egyház törvényes hatóságainak. Ennek következtében a következők semmilyen körülmények között nem …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Is Francis the pope? The argument from public heresy suggests not

In an article defending Archbishop Viganò from the charge of schism, we summarized a number of arguments which point towards Francis not being a true pope. In this essay we will further discuss the …több
In an article defending Archbishop Viganò from the charge of schism, we summarized a number of arguments which point towards Francis not being a true pope. In this essay we will further discuss the first argument, namely, that public heretics are not members of the Church and therefore cannot be the head of the Church.
Our recent article, which defended Archbishop Viganò from the charge of schism, summarized a number of arguments which point towards Francis not being a true pope.
That article promised more detailed expositions of these arguments. This is the first of those more detailed explanations and deals with the argument that Francis is not the true pope because he is not a member of the Catholic Church, as a result of his departure from the public profession of the Catholic faith.
Who are the members of the Catholic Church?
The Catholic Church teaches that her members are those who:
have received the sacrament of baptism
publicly profess the Catholic faith
submit to the lawful …több

Why a Brazilian Prince recommends the book, Return to Order

The following article is the foreword of the Portuguese edition of John Horvat’s book, Return to Order. The author is His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza. The outspoken …több
The following article is the foreword of the Portuguese edition of John Horvat’s book, Return to Order. The author is His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza. The outspoken Prince introduces the book to the Brazilian public with observations that will also prove helpful to other readers.
* * *
I am pleased to present the best-seller Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go to the Brazilian public and all those who will read this Portuguese edition.
I have long missed a book capable of synthesizing the need for a genuine social restoration not based on revolutionary utopias but on historical experience illuminated and grounded by metaphysical and religious aspects. It is not the imagination of a false order that is so rife in our day but returning to an order that once existed and can inspire us.
One of this book’s highlights is its solid grounding in Catholic social doctrine …több