
Wrath of God: Liberal "Mercy" Church in Germany, U.S.A. Dies Away In Scores

The [anti-Catholic] German dioceses lost 500 churches since the beginning of the millennium, Father Paweł Malecha of the Apostolic Signatura told a Roman conference dedicated to the closing down of churches, some days ago.

One-third of the churches was demolished, the rest sold or used for other purposes. Malecha warned, that the phenomenon is spreading.

A study of Georgetown University revealed a similar picture for the United States. There, the number of parishes fell since the beginning of the millennium from 19,236 to 17,156 - a drop of over 2000 parishes.

Just eight parishes were closed down in the previous 15 years.

Picture: © Bob Hall, CC BY-SA, #newsIrenbvmqfp
Remove the not good will bishops , and leave the churchs alone