
Holy Communion Is Not Like Beer or Cake Shared Between Friends - Cardinal

Protestants who wish to receive Holy Communion should become Catholic, Cardinal Francis Arinze,85, told Catholic News Service (May 23),

“Come, be received into the Church, and then you can receive Holy Communion seven times a week. Otherwise no.”

Arinze pointed out that Holy Communion is exclusively for Catholics in a state of grace and not something to be shared between friends like beer or cake,

“After Mass, you can go to the refectory and have a cup of tea and even a glass of beer and a bit of cake. That’s okay. But the Mass is not like that.”

The Cardinal implicitly objected to Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia that “permits” divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion. But Arinze objects that we cannot be “more merciful” than Jesus Christ, “It is not we who made that [teaching], it is Christ who said it.”

Picture: Francis Arinze, © Michael Swan, CC BY-ND, #newsQgdbnueknf
Every now and then I wish Gloriatv had a, "LOVE THIS!" button. Thank you, Cardinal Arinze, for stating the very obvious.