Fred Alan Medforth

France: Three pro-Palestinian demonstrators arrested for homophobic insults

In the late afternoon of Monday February 1, three musicians performing at the Pride march in Bordeaux in the Gironde department …

Bishop "Sincerely" Apologises after "Blasphemy" [against Buddah]

Father Jean-François Laco of Sainte-Suzanne, a commune in Réunion, a French overseas department near Madagaskar, preached on Pentecost (May 19) against false religions. Laco is also a composer and …More
Father Jean-François Laco of Sainte-Suzanne, a commune in Réunion, a French overseas department near Madagaskar, preached on Pentecost (May 19) against false religions.
Laco is also a composer and singer. "I don't believe in that fat, sitting man, the one with a nice belly, who is called Buddha", he preached saying that Buddha statues should not be used for decoration: "That doesn't bring peace, but rather disorder."
The video reportedly received 180,000 views and allegedly hundreds of [bot] comments. Réunion has 885,700 people and Laco spoke in a kind of French that can only be understood by locals which means that over 20% of the population has seen the video which is unlikely.
The priest deleted the video but copies of it remained available in the internet.
At the behest of his bishop, he expressed his regret using the usual formulas like "parts of the sermon had been excerpted" and "words taken out of the context".
"If you watch the video of the homily in its entirety, you'll think …More
sp2 . .
Don't offend Satan, is the unholy motto of the Novus Ordo.....
sp2 . .
JESUITS FAIL AGAIN IN ETHIOPIA The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church’s Holy Synod strongly condemned homosexuality and same-sex marriages, asserting that these practices undermine individual identity …More
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church’s Holy Synod strongly condemned homosexuality and same-sex marriages, asserting that these practices undermine individual identity (personhood), disrupt family dynamics, and weaken societal bonds. The Holy Synod deemed both acts as incompatible with natural law and ethical standards. Additionally, the Holy Synod emphasized that homosexuality and same-sex marriages, which can lead to psychological instability and go against one’s conscience, are explicitly prohibited in the Holy Scriptures – as decreed by God, in the Church’s canons – the Nomocanon, and the Civil Code.

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Holy Synod Denounced Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriages - Orthodoxy …

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Holy Synod Denounced Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriages special …
sp2 . .
No confusion - NO RUMP RANGING ALLOWED ! . The Jesuits were expelled from Ethiopia in 1632. In 1635 Mendez was forced to leave the country. The other …More

The Jesuits were expelled from Ethiopia in 1632. In 1635 Mendez was forced to leave the country. The other Jesuit priests were asked to leave Ethiopia and those who would not go were killed.
Uwe Gutschmidt

CoronaInvestigative JUNE/ 7th, 2024 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Session 208: ....Diplomacy Offensive

HERE IS THE LIVESTREAM-LINK>>> CoronaInvestigative JUNE/ 7th, 2024 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Session 208: ....Diplomacy Offensive GETTR-LIVESTREAM since 2pm 👉 english translation 🇺🇸 🇬🇧More
CoronaInvestigative JUNE/ 7th, 2024 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇸
Session 208: ....Diplomacy Offensive
👉 english translation
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧
245 Days of Genocide – Israeli Airstrikes, Artillery Kill More Civilians in Gaza

245 Tage Völkermord - Israelische Luftangriffe und Artillerie töten weitere Zivilisten in Gaza - Sicht …

In the last few hours, a series of Israeli airstrikes and artillery attacks have targeted various …

Buenos Aires Cathedral: Supper Theology Leads to Snack Bar Cathedral

Monsignor Jorge García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has turned his cathedral into a snack bar. There are many soup kitchens in the centre of Buenos Aires that feed hundreds of people …More
Monsignor Jorge García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has turned his cathedral into a snack bar.
There are many soup kitchens in the centre of Buenos Aires that feed hundreds of people every night. So there is no need for a snack bar in the cathedral. Nor would it make sense to turn a soup kitchen into a cathedral, as this would deprive the soup kitchen's clients of their food.
After different versions of the event circulated online, the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires issued a statement:
"We would like to inform you that in the framework of the Week of Charity, on the eve of the annual collection for 'Caritas', last Tuesday, June 4, a meeting of pastoral agents who accompany people in street situations was held in the Metropolitan Cathedral."
In the early days of the Church, when the widows of Greek-speaking Jews were overlooked in the daily distribution of food, the Twelve Apostles appointed deacons to look after the poor.
They argued that "it is not desirable that we should …More
Father Karl A Claver
This is disgusting. Cueva is a pagan, who has lost his Catholic faith. He will be judged before the throne of Almighty God for all the souls he caused …More
This is disgusting. Cueva is a pagan, who has lost his Catholic faith. He will be judged before the throne of Almighty God for all the souls he caused to lose the faith.
Wilma Lopez

Report: Pope Benedict’s Former Secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein to Be Appointed Papal Nuncio

Report: Pope Benedict’s Former Secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein to Be Appointed Papal Nuncio Appointment …
Guntherus de Thuringia

L'AMOUR TOUJOURS / Gigi D'Agostino

Pro-Hamas crowds praise the murder of Jews and are silent on the murder of Christians

by Giulio Meotti Pakistani jihadists threatened attacks on Christians in response to the burning of the Swedish Quran …

Five things you should know about devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus - LifeSite

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus goes back to the 11th century. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque had multiple visions of …

Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The …
Father Karl A Claver
When man plays God, and creates a Frankenstein, sooner or later the monster will kill its creator.
Hard Truths

Hard Truths

Hard truths. In one of his last homilies, Archbishop Oscar Romero, the martyred Archbishop of San Salvador, said: "A preaching that does not point out sin is not the preaching of the gospel …

Excerpt on Luther and Protestantism from “The Cemetery in the 19th Century” by Mgr Gaume

No one disputes that Luther has much to do with modern unbelief. But it is another thing to be the author of evil, or to be only its propagator. Now, we cannot repeat it enough, the father of Protestantism …More
No one disputes that Luther has much to do with modern unbelief. But it is another thing to be the author of evil, or to be only its propagator. Now, we cannot repeat it enough, the father of Protestantism, Luther, did not give birth to rationalism, he applied it particularly in the religious order, by putting his reason above the authority of the 'Church.
The truth is 1° that Luther was, as Leibnitz says, only a consequentialist. When he came, atheism was already reduced to a system, and free thought a big girl. Born from the poisonous breath of the Greek sophists, brought to Europe by the fugitives from Constantinople, and by them presented to the admiration of youth, it had a large number of followers and apostles in Europe, especially in Italy. As proof of this fact, I could cite you a hundred pages of history (you will find them in Rationalism , 8th issue of the Revolution). I am content with two or three testimonies of incontestable authority.
An ancient Protestant author, Thomasius …More
Tom Morelli

Leading with a heart like Mary’s - RADIANT

Every life is filled with joy (hopefully!) and sorrow. As the mother of Jesus, Mary’s life was no exception to this rule. It was also an example of how to …

180. The Holy Spirit prepares the hearts

The basis of evangelization begins with this: “Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.” Matthew, chapter 10, verse 40 It would be interesting to ask …More
The basis of evangelization begins with this:
“Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.” Matthew, chapter 10, verse 40
It would be interesting to ask ourselves these questions: “Who is the person who seems interested in knowing Jesus, but doesn’t seem to dare move forward?” “Who welcomes our faith in Jesus? “Who shows signs of faith by their words, by their gestures?” “In whom do we welcome Jesus?”
We need to create a dialogue of faith with someone close to us.
Logically, in the world, there are many people who seek meaning in their lives, who wish to see more values spread, who are thirsty for a good word, who struggle for the lack of the presence of believing and convinced people.
These people may welcome us already. But did we suggest they discover the richness in their heart, which is of God, by telling them of the talents he wants to reveal in them?
It may be the glass of water we can offer:
“Whoever gives only a cup of cold water to …More
From The Remnant: Murdered by Midazolam injections: Study finds thousands of elderly English were euthanized to add to COVID-19 death statistics

Murdered by Midazolam injections: Study finds thousands of elderly English were euthanized to add to …

Moreover, the same report alarmingly indicated that the widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in …
English Catholic
I was hearing rumours of this at the time. Now it has been confirmed.
Tom Morelli
The Biblical Roots of First Fridays According to Don Dolindo Ruotolo

The Biblical Roots of First Fridays According to Don Dolindo Ruotolo

Every first Friday, devoted Catholics around the world gather to worship the Sacred Heart of Jesus, performing acts of consecration,…

Deaconesses: An Archbishop Hopes for 'Boiled Frog' Strategy

The controversial Archbishop of Algiers, French-born Jean-Paul Vesco, 62, has again said that he wants invalidly ordained deaconesses (, 28 May). He is relying on the strategy of the boiled …More
The controversial Archbishop of Algiers, French-born Jean-Paul Vesco, 62, has again said that he wants invalidly ordained deaconesses (, 28 May).
He is relying on the strategy of the boiled frog: "What seemed inconceivable yesterday, such as the appointment of women to the highest positions in the Roman Curia, has become natural today. Likewise, what seems unimaginable today will become natural tomorrow". Even more unimaginable until yesterday was also the current decadence of the Roman Curia.
Jean-Paul Vesco believes that Francis' pontificate has "moved lines that were difficult to imagine being moved" when it comes to "the place of women" in the life of the Church. In the light of the Gospel, "the place of women in the Church" does not depend on workplaces in the Curia.
Regarding Francis' homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans', Jean-Paul Vesco said it showed "the extreme difficulty of having a single audible word on all continents, given the diversity of societies …More
Father Karl A Claver
Another heretical idiot.
Angie W.

Nine Elevations of the Soul to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Heart of Jesus, perfect adorer of God, teach me to adore Thy heavenly Father with thee and by Thee. Heart of Jesus, inflamed with love for me, …

OpenAI Insider Estimates 70 Percent Chance That AI Will Destroy or Catastrophically Harm Humanity

"The world isn’t ready, and we aren’t ready." Getting Warner After former and current OpenAI employees …
Info Krieger Krieger