December 8 - Mary Untier of Knots. The Marian devotion entitled Mary Untier of Knots shares its name with a 300 year old painting depicting Our Lady untying the knots of a white wedding ribbon. This …More
December 8 - Mary Untier of Knots.
The Marian devotion entitled Mary Untier of Knots shares its name with a 300 year old painting depicting Our Lady untying the knots of a white wedding ribbon. This painting played an significant role in the history of Mary Undoer of Knots Devotion. A German nobleman, Wolfgang Langenmantel was distressed when he found his wife Sophia was planning to divorce him.
To save his marriage, Wolfgang sought counsel from the wise and pious Fr. Jakob Rem. Fr. Rem, a Jesuit priest, was known to have a strong devotion to Mary. Dedicated to his marriage Wolfgang brought Sophia to meet with Fr. Rem 4 times in 28 days. On their fourth visit on September 28, 1615, the Langenmantel’s brought their wedding ribbon. In this time period it was customary for the maid of honor to tie together the arms of the bride and groom. This uniting of arms with a ribbon symbolized their union for life.
Before an image of Our Lady of Snows, Fr. Rem took the white ribbon and untied the …More
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December 8 - Mary Untier of Knots
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