Veronica Accuses the Novus Ordo Church Better times. Veronica Cireneo published in September on Marco Tosatti’s famous blog a passionate defence of receiving Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue …More
Veronica Accuses the Novus Ordo Church

Better times.
Veronica Cireneo published in September on Marco Tosatti’s famous blog a passionate defence of receiving Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue. She speaks about the tenderness of receiving Communion with clasped hands and remembers the times when the faithful could bring their troubles in front of the tabernacle when it was not difficult to see priests in their cassock kneeling in prayer, rosary beads in hand in Churh, always willing to hear confessions.

Religion, Not Politics. In those days, it was easy to obey the shepherds, Veronica recalls, “even when they commanded us to adopt attitudes and lifestyles that were contrary to the vicious customs and habits, we had confessed to them.” During Sunday Mass, the faithful became as stable as on a rock. Women were allowed to shed a few tears during Mass without embarrassment, since the veil, a sign of submission to the Holy Spirit, protected those tears from the indiscretions of others. Catechism, and not politics, took centre stage.

New Rules. For Veronica, it has become impossible to recognise herself in the Novus Ordo Eucharist where – quote - everything happens, except what has to do with the Will of God. The modern Church seems to be a ship adrift and even harmful for the Faith. She quotes Pius X, “When you will have modernised the Church, those who were inside will leave but those who were outside will not enter.” Now, as a "conditio sine qua non" for participation in the sacred rite, the clergy imposes sanitary practices on the liturgy instead of pious ones.

An Abomination. Veronica calls grasping Holy Communion with the hand an abomination because through it fragments of particles inevitably fall on the floor, are regularly trampled on by the faithful in the queue and carried from under their shoes who knows where. She quotes the German mystic Justine Klotz who died in 1984 and who received the following words of Christ: “If you don’t stop this abomination, I will allow the earth to produce no more fruit.” Or Mother Theresa of Calcutta, "Among the many evils present in the world, none makes me so sad, as to Holy Communion grasps with the hands".
Mary Patricia Schwarz shares this
Realizing the FSSP is still just this awesome. "when it was not difficult to see priests in their cassock kneeling in prayer, rosary beads in hand in Churh, always willing to hear confessions."
Anyone wanting to see priests in cassocks, kneeling in paryer, just has to hang out in Church for a few minutes before or after Mass. As for confessions... those priests are quite blunt about it: being in …More
Realizing the FSSP is still just this awesome. "when it was not difficult to see priests in their cassock kneeling in prayer, rosary beads in hand in Churh, always willing to hear confessions."

Anyone wanting to see priests in cassocks, kneeling in paryer, just has to hang out in Church for a few minutes before or after Mass. As for confessions... those priests are quite blunt about it: being in a state of mortal sin is a sacramental emergency no different than a relative needing the Last Rites. One can call the parish office for an emergency confession day or night.

...though I'd rather not consider what kind of penance a tired, bedraggled preist will assign at 3am. :D

"Catechism, and not politics, took centre stage." ah... Ms. Cireneo may want to review her Catholic history on this point. ;-)

"it has become impossible to recognise herself in the Novus Ordo Eucharist".

With good reason. She isn't there. She isn't in the Usus Antiquior Eucharist, either. No one is, except Christ.

"and who received the following words of Christ..."

Correction: "who claimed they received the following words of Christ". Christ seems to spend more time chatting with various mystics these days then He did preaching on Earth.

"I will allow the earth to produce no more fruit."

How about vegetables? :P Would Christ punish the entire planet just because of a valid, if inappropriate means of receiving the Eucharist among Novus Ordo Catholics?

Would He sit there in Heaven, stone-faced, watching people starve and die as "punishment" for supposed sins they didn't know even exist?
Ultra Violet Ahh. Perhaps it is time for less pontifical like sarcasim and open your windows and doors to see who may be tapping on it...... perhaps a few Christ likle lessons in being humble and non judgemental and scripturally and prayerfully sound might be a start
" pontifical like sarcasim" :D There is nothing Pontifical about my sarcasm, except when it's directed at the Pontiff.
" in being humble and non judgemental" -gotta love that advice coming from a turkey accusing me of " pontifical like sarcasim"
Motes and beams, G. W., Motes and beams. Unlike you, I don't pretend to be humble or nonjudgemental nor do I hypocritically suggest being so to others. …More
" pontifical like sarcasim" :D There is nothing Pontifical about my sarcasm, except when it's directed at the Pontiff.

" in being humble and non judgemental" -gotta love that advice coming from a turkey accusing me of " pontifical like sarcasim"

Motes and beams, G. W., Motes and beams. Unlike you, I don't pretend to be humble or nonjudgemental nor do I hypocritically suggest being so to others.

If you want to argue my comment is not scripturally sound, the you just go right ahead and try. ;-)
Colossal Apostle
Communion in the hand is an abomination. Watching Catholics walking up to receive Him [Jesus] with the same reverence as they would a Ritz cracker. It’s no wonder 70% of “Catholics” do not believe in the real presence.
That was so lovely! Thank you Gloria tv News, and Veronica Cireneo. Father forgive them for they know not what they do.