Theocracy: A Christian Group Opposes America’s Decadence Christ Church. The Guardian, a British Oligarch newspaper, published a sub-standard article slandering Christ Church, a Protestant group in …More
Theocracy: A Christian Group Opposes America’s Decadence

Christ Church.
The Guardian, a British Oligarch newspaper, published a sub-standard article slandering Christ Church, a Protestant group in Moscow, Idaho lead by Douglas Wilson. Christ Church belongs to the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. It is known for conservative believes, a publishing operation, a magazine, a three-year ministerial training program, a private accredited college, and a campus ministry. It is estimated to have 2,000 members, or 10% of the city’s total population. The group is critical of the Covid regime which angers the Guardian. Wilson replied to the Guardian’s biased questions that – quote - “its approach illustrates an absurd fixation and anti-church bigotry that we have come to expect from certain elements of the leftist media”.

A Theocracy. Douglas Wilson has stated that he aims to "make Moscow a Christian town." He is not interested in US electoral politics, but favours a “theocracy”, this is “a network of nations bound together by a formal acknowledgement of the Lordship of Jesus Christ” as opposed to "civil governments because they are in necessary degrees satanic, demonic, and influenced by the god of this world, who is the devil".

Resistance. In October, Wilson published a blogpost entitled “A Biblical Defense of Fake Vaccine IDs.” He explains that the vaccine response was a “power play” on the part of the Biden regime, which intends to leave the restrictions in place permanently. According to Wilson “we are not yet in a hot civil war, with shooting and all, but we are in a cold war/civil war.” Therefore, he urged his readers to “resist openly, in concert with any others in your same position.” Wilson explains that this is not “rebellion against lawful authority” but “an example of a free people refusing to go along with their own enslavement”. The post was met with widespread approval.

Growth. Wilson explains that men need to assert themselves in society. His group increasingly draws people to the area who are attracted to the idea of northern Idaho as a Christian “redoubt” against American decadence, and by Wilson’s reconstructionist position, which explains that the world will need to be governed according to biblical morality before Christ returns to earth. All members tithe 10% of their household income, and wealthier members are expected to make an even larger contribution. Why could Catholics not start a similar group?
John Macks Taylor
Revelation reveals that it has been given to Antichrist “to make war with the saints and to overcome them”. We will not succeed in establishing the Kingship of Jesus Christ - though we are called to give witness of His Kingship over us by our lives even unto death. The restoration of Christendom - the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart- foreseen by St John Bosco in his prophetic dream of “the two …More
Revelation reveals that it has been given to Antichrist “to make war with the saints and to overcome them”. We will not succeed in establishing the Kingship of Jesus Christ - though we are called to give witness of His Kingship over us by our lives even unto death. The restoration of Christendom - the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart- foreseen by St John Bosco in his prophetic dream of “the two pillars” indicate that our work is to grow in our devotion to our Lady (pray the Rosary daily, et al) and adore her Divine Son in the Eucharist by placing ourselves at the foot of the cross at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We suffer the storm until a Holy Pope leads the Church to security moored to the pillars of devotion to Mary’s Immaculate Heart and adoration of Christ in the Eucharist. Our efforts to establish a theocracy by human means will fall flat IMO.
This "Benedict Option" (the saint, not the Pope 😉) approach has been tried by some Catholics - for example: Ave Maria town in Florida - but without much success. There's plans to do something similar in Texas.
atreverse pensar
Before the coming of Christ the Antichrist will rule.