Gloria.TV News on the 28th of September 2016 Projections: Last week The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis. Among other criticisms, it points out that …More
Gloria.TV News on the 28th of September 2016

Projections: Last week The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis. Among other criticisms, it points out that he likes to ridicule a, “supposed soundness of doctrine or discipline” because, according to him, it “leads instead to a narcissistic and authoritarian elitism, whereby instead of evangelizing, one analyzes and classifies others.” The Liber cuts short: “It is you who are constantly classifying and analyzing others with an endless stream of pejoratives, caricatures, insults and condemnations of observant Catholics.”

Fast-track Divorce: The Liber criticizes Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus that introduces changes in the annulment process for Catholic marriages. Quote: “This Motu Proprio erects the framework for a veritable worldwide annulment mill with a ‘fast-track’ procedure and nebulous new grounds for expedited annulment proceedings.”

Divisions: The Liber of Accusation asks Pope Francis - quote - “Have you no sense of alarm about the divisions you have provoked within the Church, with some bishops departing from the teaching of your predecessors on the divorced and 'remarried,' solely on your purported authority, while others attempt to maintain the bimillenial doctrine and practice you have labored without ceasing to overthrow?"

Condemned By His Predecessor: The Liber uses the words of Familiaris Consortio of Pope John Paul II in order to accuse Pope Francis of leading the faithful – quote - “into error and confusion regarding the Church's teaching about the indissolubility of marriage.”
Lionel L. Andrades
Here I have affirmed the Catholic Faith according to Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS Feeneyite).You can place it on a Jewish or Muslim website or forum, as you suggested I do.

So for me EENS( Feeneyite) and Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) says all Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and other non Catholics are oriented to the fires of Hell unless …More
Here I have affirmed the Catholic Faith according to Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS Feeneyite).You can place it on a Jewish or Muslim website or forum, as you suggested I do.

So for me EENS( Feeneyite) and Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) says all Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and other non Catholics are oriented to the fires of Hell unless they are incorporated into the Catholic Church as members, with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14).So I affirm Vatican Council II with the old ecclesiology.For me the new ecclesiology of Catholic Answers and the FSSP is heretical, irrational and an innovation in the Church. It causes the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.It can be avoided by Catholic Answers. A rational choice is there.
So it cannot be said that I am a traditionalist who rejects Vatican Council II. Neither can it be said by the traditionalists that I reject EENS( Feeneyite).


I am a Catholic.I was baptised in the Catholic Church as an infant.All my life I have been a Catholic.Pope Francis is my pope though when he contradicts Tradition and previous popes, I reject what he says.
Holy Cannoli
To respond to a lunatic or in any way to dialogue with a lunatic would, in effect, make the person responding a lunatic as well.
The extremely long, rambling, (he's made 4 of these idiotic posts today with more likely to come) convoluted posts are usually flooded with bold, italics and various colors are made on Gloria.tv on a daily basis demonstrating the obsessive/compulsive behavior combined …More
To respond to a lunatic or in any way to dialogue with a lunatic would, in effect, make the person responding a lunatic as well.
The extremely long, rambling, (he's made 4 of these idiotic posts today with more likely to come) convoluted posts are usually flooded with bold, italics and various colors are made on Gloria.tv on a daily basis demonstrating the obsessive/compulsive behavior combined with false impressions of his own importance (delusions of grandeur).
Based on the above incontrovertible facts there can be no doubt this poster suffers from a severe mental disorder. There is an old saying I learned long ago "never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”
Mentally unbalanced (crazy) people do crazy things. As I asked earlier, the real question is why do the administrators of Gloria.tv permit the bizarre ramblings of an anti-Catholic loon to continue at their website? Do his ramblings enhance the prestige of Gloria.tv among members/viewers? Do his ramblings encourage other members/viewers more likely or less likely to post on such a poorly moderated website as Gloria.tv? Do his ramblings add anything at all of value to Gloria.tv? 😲
Lionel L. Andrades
I have mentioned that I accept Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( Feeneyite) you have not acknowledged this or affirmed the same.I am affirming the magisterium of the Catholic Church. You cannot comment either way on this issue.Instead Cannoli you feel comfortable talking about my health and colours and what not...
I have said that Catholic Answers …More
I have mentioned that I accept Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( Feeneyite) you have not acknowledged this or affirmed the same.I am affirming the magisterium of the Catholic Church. You cannot comment either way on this issue.Instead Cannoli you feel comfortable talking about my health and colours and what not...
I have said that Catholic Answers and EWTN interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism you have nothing to say on this point.
I affirm all magisterial documents pre and post Council of Trent with the theology of Feeneyism and reject the theology of Cushingism with which you are familiar and which is irratiional and heretical.
I have said that the theology of Cushingism contradicts the Principle of Non Contradiction and it is used by you and you have no comment.
That all need the baptism of water in the Catholic Church comes to us from the Bible ( John 3:5, Mark 16:16). It is not just a personal view of mine.This has also been the teaching of the dogma outside the church there is no salvation for centuries.It is repeated in Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
I have been writing about this on my blog and other forums over the last few years.You have only noticed it now.
I have quoted Catholic priests and many people who agree with me.
On Gloria TV I respond to reports on this subject or related to this subject.
My comments on Gloria TV have been liked and appreciated I noticed, by those who understand what I am saying.
May be over time you also will be among them.
Since you cannot ask a bishop or priest those two questions, contact a Jew, Muslim or atheist and ask them those two questions.
1.Tell them,"You know I believe that there could be a catechumen who desired the baptism of water and that this catechumen dies before he receives it.I believe that this catechumen went to Heaven.Many Catholics beleive this like me.Even popes in the present times.
"Oh!" the non Catholic or atheist will say," so this is what Catholics beleive ?"
"Yes", you will answer.
Then say," I beleive that this case of the catechumen being saved with only the desire for the baptism of water and without the baptism of water which I call the Baptim of Desire,is an exception to the Catholic dogma outside the Church there is no salvation."
"Oh! So it means that not every one needs to enter the Church formally to be saved, is now the Catholic teaching", the non Catholic would comment.
"Yes", you would answer."There is salvation outside the Church.The catechumen would be saved".
So the Jew, Muslim or atheist will respond," So it means you'll Catholics beleive that the catechumen who desire the baptism of water was a known case, to be an exception to all needing to enter the Church formally.
It means you Catholics beleive that the catechumen was visible in Heaven to be an exception on earth to that old dogma.
Interesting.You Catholics believe that you can know a person who will be saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water, and so every one does not need to be incorporated into the Church"
The Catholic will respond,"So you'll Catholics can see ghosts on earth who are exceptions to your traditional teaching on salvation.The dead man walking who is saved."
"Is this rational? Is this normal for adults to reason like this?" he would ask."Is this really what adults Catholics beleieve? Is this not fantasy ?
How can you you know of an exception to your old dogma ? Is this common sense?" he would ask.
Holy Cannoli
Lionel “The Humble” Andrades is a mentally unbalanced anti-Catholic. In addition he suffers from delusions of grandeur in that he believes only he and not the magisterium of the Church knows the truth of Catholic teaching.
One only needs to observe his daily repeated attempts to discredit the Catholic Church and reputable organizations within the Church such as EWTN, Catholic Answers and numerous …More
Lionel “The Humble” Andrades is a mentally unbalanced anti-Catholic. In addition he suffers from delusions of grandeur in that he believes only he and not the magisterium of the Church knows the truth of Catholic teaching.
One only needs to observe his daily repeated attempts to discredit the Catholic Church and reputable organizations within the Church such as EWTN, Catholic Answers and numerous others as he does in the post on this page usually adding various colors, bold and other childish effects further demonstrating his obsessive/compulsive pathology.
The fact is that the vast majority of people (obviously close to 100%) who visit Gloria.tv are baptized Catholic. Why in the world then would someone continually try to point out to these Catholics that only they (who have been baptized with water) are eligible to enter paradise? It doesn't make sense does it?
If “Mr. Humility” were sincere in his efforts, he would go to a Jewish board or a Muslim board or some other non-baptized board and post what he posts on Gloria.tv regarding the necessity of water baptism. Wouldn't he?
Why then is the “Humble One” so persistent in his posting the same thing over and over and over again at Gloria.tv? What is he actually trying to achieve in his rambling, incoherent and self-absorbed screeds to baptized Catholics?
The obvious answer is that mentally disturbed (crazy) people do crazy things. The real question is why do the administrators of Gloria.tv permit the bizarre ramblings of an anti-Catholic loon to continue? 😲
On peut ajouter que du haut de sa papamobile il ne bénit pas mais se comporte comme un homme politique cherchant les applaudissements.
Lionel L. Andrades
We have a new salvation theology and this not be mentioned by the writers of the Liber of Accusations
The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis however they do not mention the heresy being taught by Catholic organisations with the approval of the two popes.
Here we have Catholic Answers not aware of what is the exact cause of the hermeneutic of …More
We have a new salvation theology and this not be mentioned by the writers of the Liber of Accusations

The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis however they do not mention the heresy being taught by Catholic organisations with the approval of the two popes.
Here we have Catholic Answers not aware of what is the exact cause of the hermeneutic of continuity. Tim Staples vaguely talks about a dogmatic and pastoral approach.

Pope Framcis like Catholic Answers and EWTNuses a theology, which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction and still after years there is no statement from the writers of the Liber about this.

It is said that there can be no change in the teachings of the Church on faith and morals and yet the teachings on faith have been changed. There are new doctrines on salvation based on the new irrational theology. There is a new ecclesiology of the Church based on the new Cushingite theology.
Trent Horn a Catholic apologist rejects the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus since he assumes there are known exceptions and this is the norm also for Pope Francis and the Jesuits.

How can we violate the Principle of Non Contradiction with theology and create new doctrines and a new faith?We have a new salvation theology and this is not mentioned by the writers of the Liber of Accusations.-Lionel Andrades

Heresy is caused by directly not accepting a teaching of the Church which it is necessary to accept. However heresy is also caused if you mix up what is defacto as being dejure ( in principle), is you confuse what is hypothetical as being objective

With this new theology the Principle of Non Contradiction has been violated. There are two teachings in the Church. One is orthodox and the other ambigous. One is rational and the other is irrational


At Catholic Answers Tim Staples and Patrick Coffin do not realize that the issue is faith.The discipline comes later.First there is a change in doctrine and then this is reflected in the new pastoral practise, the change in discipline. It is not vice versa.


Trent Horn, apologist at Catholic Answers indicates that his understanding of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is Cushingite and not Feeneyite


No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church? -Catholic Answers video : common mistake


Is Salvation Possible for Non-Catholics? : Trent Horn at Catholic Answers assumes Lumen Gentium 16 is not a hypothetical case but refers to someone personally known


Is Catholic teaching on salvation too complicated? : Catholic Answers violates the Principle of Non Contradiction

These accusations are true. How can Jorge Bergoglio be a valid pope?