Unusual rest area amenities. For @Holy CannoliMore
Unusual rest area amenities.
For @Holy Cannoli
Not speaking of 'message' instead of 'massage' 🤪
Holy Cannoli
In the early days of GTV several phrases encapsulating the beliefs of the website were tried with the final choice made by Gloria's executive committee being "The More Catholic the Better." However especially today I think the following would have been much better. 😉
Not sure what Holy Cannoli will think but the few road-side rest-areas remaining in the US are now commercially-run or government tourist information areas/ bus-depots.
In the past, there were many genuine that simply offered a few frightful, if serviceable "porta-potties" and a parking area. Some had a few picnic tables, They were, genuinely, places a driver could rest, get out of the car, take …More
Not sure what Holy Cannoli will think but the few road-side rest-areas remaining in the US are now commercially-run or government tourist information areas/ bus-depots.

In the past, there were many genuine that simply offered a few frightful, if serviceable "porta-potties" and a parking area. Some had a few picnic tables, They were, genuinely, places a driver could rest, get out of the car, take a walk, etc. In US states with any kind of forest-cover, during the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s these rest-areas were "taken over" by homosexual men and drug-dealers. The crime at these places became so rampant states literally took down the road- signs and blocked off the entrance/ exits with concrete barriers. This is the "cultural enrichment" LGBTQ-whatever and unchecked immigration brought to America.