U S Spacy
The picture below shows a poverty-stricken family during the Great Depression. The wife looks unhappy. The husband looks tired. The grandma has likely seen worse in her younger days and is completely undisturbed. What gives this picture hope is the kids, who look like they have bright futures ahead.

Assisted Suicide for the Poor Recommended by Canadian Ethicists

Two authors from the University of Toronto published an interesting article: Thanks to our paying subscribers, I shelled out $45 and …
As Catholics we know to call out to God in our necessities, especially if we tithe (i.e., acknowledging God's blessings). But remember Jesus' parable about the rich man and the beggar. The beggar died IN HIS POVERTY and went to heaven, and the rich man went to hell.
U S Spacy
Your poor ancestors staring at you who support their assisted suicide.
Hound of Heaven
There are some things which are unthinkable, and no amount of 'ethical reasoning', warped or otherwise, will make them less so.