Liturgical Abuse: Francis Was Outraged (Video)

The São Paulo parish in Viana, near Angola's capital Luanda, has published a video (below) showing priests and nuns ecstatically dancing in front of the Novus Ordo table as if they were Baal priests or Elvis Presley.

According to information, which has not been able to verify, Francis was shown the film footage by his private secretary on a mobil phone. Francis was reportedly deeply scandalised when he realised that at least three (!) priests in the video were wearing albs with lace decoration.


I was expecting to see this was published on April 1st! 😂
Sean Johnson
And no papal Beachball!
Mary Louise Veritas
Well there you have it. Lace on the vestments. Not the dancing, not the disrespect to the Blessed Sacrament.