Don Reto Nay

Statement on March for Life Incident | Archdiocese of Baltimore

For Immediate Release Wednesday, January 23, 2019 The annual March for Life is a magnificent affirmation of the value and dignity of human …
"Journalists did nothing wrong." - Journalists
At least they apologized. Now we wait for the Archdiocese of Louisville and the Diocese of Covington to do the same.
Don Reto Nay
Let's hope they will hide their apology less well.
Don Reto Nay
@aderito: You got the point. This press statement is so well hidden on the webpage of Baltimore Archdiocese. The only webpage that was informed about it is LifeSiteNews, obviously not the big media, not even Fox News...
Why the Archidiocese says its our hope the students were acting according to the truth .Are you still in doubt ?