Pagan indigenous ceremony in the ordination of Fr John Billy. Apostasy New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference. Pagan indigenous ceremony in the "ordination" of Father John Billy from the Kamia Tribe …More
Pagan indigenous ceremony in the ordination of Fr John Billy. Apostasy New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference.

Pagan indigenous ceremony in the "ordination" of Father John Billy from the Kamia Tribe
Apostasy indigenismo.
The bishops of New Zealand betray Christ and the Church to support the vice of sodomy
ml.news and 9 more users link to this post
i was still stuck @ the First part of this video, trying to work out which one laid the egg!
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
fzk5220 Yes you are correct the Place Diocese of Kerema Papua New Guinea and the Diocese who share this Video is from New Zealand.
New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference
It looks more like New Guinea than New Zealand to me..
What does paganism have to do with the Christian religion? Apostasy.
Joseph a' Christian
Repulsive. This is more evidence to add to the huge pile, that we are within the falling away of the many.
Almighty God, bless strengthen and guide your faithful remnant. Christ bless you, brother Atanasio.
Gesù è con noi
🤒 🤮 😡 😡
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