
Homosexual Assault: German Prelate Left Compromising Material Behind

Monsignor Edmund Dillinger (+2022) was a somewhat well-known figure in certain neo-conservative circles in Germany. Along with Cardinals Müller and Cordes, Princess Thurn and Taxis and others, he was …More
Monsignor Edmund Dillinger (+2022) was a somewhat well-known figure in certain neo-conservative circles in Germany.
Along with Cardinals Müller and Cordes, Princess Thurn and Taxis and others, he was a member of the Forum of German Catholics, which organised the annual congress Freude am Glauben (Joy of Faith). He was a member of the Initiativkreis, which supported the Latin Mass, and of other initiatives.
In 1971, however, he was already accused of homosexual assault during a pilgrimage to Rome. Only in 2013, after a second case was reported to Trier Diocese, was he banned from presiding at the Eucharist in public. He retired to his home and became increasingly senile.
After his death, his nephew discovered several boxes in his house containing hundreds of photographs and films of a pornographic nature, proving decades of homosexual abuse of teenagers.
According to the findings, Dillinger photographed them naked and in explicit poses over decades, and documented everything in diaries. …More
Randy Engel book rite of sodomy even hinted Paul VI had a Boyfriend named Paul. Get out Vatican ii church its not Catholic (writing is on the wall folks its going down in flames(Akita)
I wonder which VatII saint made him a bishop?
The problem is that 98% of the bishops participating in the Council voted in favour of the decrees.
Sandy Barrett
He is no bishop. Just a Monsignor.
Thanks for the correction!