
Dublin Archbishop: Muslims Are Part of "Irish Family"

"I feel very much at home with you," Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin told Muslims at a Friday male-only Eid Celebrations at the Croke Park football stadium. Martin said he was honoured that he was …More
"I feel very much at home with you," Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin told Muslims at a Friday male-only Eid Celebrations at the Croke Park football stadium.
Martin said he was honoured that he was asked to be “part of your celebration” and that he has been a “guest at so many Muslim celebrations.”
During his address those present maintained sanitary distance while sitting on their prayer mats. Some wore face masks.
Martin remembered that Croke Park hosted in 2018 Francis and called “our celebration” a gesture of recognising publicly the place of the Muslim community as part of the "Irish family." One wonders whether Martin would also have found so nice words for Old-Rite-Catholics.
Why close down Masses and not have them in sports stadiums like the Eid festival in Dublin?
FrDJR shares this
This is just unbelievable, it's like every day it gets a little crazier and crazier!
J G Tasan
The people pleaser; the bad shepherd; the false teacher, ...
2 Peter 2: 1More
The people pleaser; the bad shepherd; the false teacher, ...

2 Peter 2: 1
It's a popular trick among Lutheran pastors to drop vaguely negative Scripture quotes without demonstrating how they specifically apply to a given situation. Just so you know. ;-)
comfort ye
The pythons in Florida have said the same to the alligators here.
Alex A
The sadness I feel for Ireland is primarily related to the widespread loss of the Catholic faith and its culture. Such is the enormity of that loss, that I fear there is little, if any, chance of converting Muslim's or anybody else. Re-conversion of its own native people must be the priority and it must be done before there is a demographic change that makes the notion redundant.
"Your hollow, deceptive wording leads to absurdity." -said the guy who fabricated a Vatican 2 quote outright, one that said no such thing.
"mass murdering, sex slave traders, that are brutal Invaders of numerous nations"
...and as painful as it is to admit, Catholics have done each and every one of those things in history as well. The Crusaders who sacked Constantinople did all three. Go be …More
"Your hollow, deceptive wording leads to absurdity." -said the guy who fabricated a Vatican 2 quote outright, one that said no such thing.

"mass murdering, sex slave traders, that are brutal Invaders of numerous nations"

...and as painful as it is to admit, Catholics have done each and every one of those things in history as well. The Crusaders who sacked Constantinople did all three. Go be ignorant of Church history somewhere else, bigot-boy.

I can see your pervy little inner-Creep is bubbling just under the surface, too. ;-)

"It is not because they are people, that Catholics do not esteem Mosloms," -Be Ye Stupid

You don't speak for all Catholics, you silly little bigot. Nor do you speak for The Church. Since you're quoting Catholic saints, here's one from Saint John Paul II given to a Muslim audience.

I deliberately address you as brothers: that is certainly what we are, because we are members of the same human family, whose efforts, whether people realize it or not, tend toward God and the truth that comes from Him."

In point of fact, it is entirely possible to "esteem" Moslems without following their errors. Moslems are people. Unlike you, they have personalities. They can be friendly and funny and clever. Unlike you, they can be creative and artistic. Those are human qualities which allow other people, Catholics included, to esteem them -as people.

Instead, it is your relentless, utterly de-humanizing bigotry that is inhumane and typical of non-Catholics, to borrow the term from @AngelusMoron
Be Ye Separate
Vatican 2: "The Church regards with esteem, anti-Christ, mass murdering, sex slave traders, that are brutal Invaders of numerous nations." @Ultraviolet Your hollow, deceptive wording leads to absurdity.
It is not because they are people, that Catholics do not esteem Mosloms, it's because of their satanic, inhumane way of life.
Vatican 2 : "The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems." That's right, @Be Ye Separate . Moslems are people. Islam is a religion. The people are in error, but they are also potential converts. One does not make converts by spitting in their faces, screaming "Be Ye Separate" and turning one's back on them.
That's what bigots do and Christ was not a bigot.More
Vatican 2 : "The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems." That's right, @Be Ye Separate . Moslems are people. Islam is a religion. The people are in error, but they are also potential converts. One does not make converts by spitting in their faces, screaming "Be Ye Separate" and turning one's back on them.

That's what bigots do and Christ was not a bigot.
Ivan Tomas
Hey Diarmuid,
what are your thoughts about honouring of Nigerian Christians by your beloved "brothers"?!
Woe to them who good call evil and evil call good!More
Hey Diarmuid,
what are your thoughts about honouring of Nigerian Christians by your beloved "brothers"?!

Woe to them who good call evil and evil call good!
D Collins
Love all people...yes, but we should hate blatent false ideologues, (of course).
There is a True Divine Revelation & a false idolatry. Sacred Scripture is very clear about this distinction. See Prophet Elijah & Moses....Jesus & St John. (See also BVM: 18th June 1965)
Careful, you might incur the wrath of @mkultraViolent and other such nostrae aetate modernist non-Catholics who troll gtv
Be Ye Separate
Witty, I'm smiling.
Jesus our Christ bless you.
Always nice to see sore losers being sore together. Winners don't sulk because they don't need to. Likewise, they don't resort to whiney ad hominems about "modernist non-Catholics and "trollin". That's what losers do. ;-)
Be Ye Separate
Vatican 2 : "The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems."
" (Muhammad) did not prove his new sect with any motive, having neither supernatural miracles nor natural reasons, but solely the force of arms, violence, fictions, lies, and carnal license. It remains an impious, blasphemous, vicious cult, an innovention of the devil, and the direct way into the fires of hell. It does not even merit …More
Vatican 2 : "The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems."
" (Muhammad) did not prove his new sect with any motive, having neither supernatural miracles nor natural reasons, but solely the force of arms, violence, fictions, lies, and carnal license. It remains an impious, blasphemous, vicious cult, an innovention of the devil, and the direct way into the fires of hell. It does not even merit the name of being called a religion.”

-St. Juan de Ribera (d.1611),