Archbishop Sheen on World Religions
John A Cassani
This is the ecclesiology of Lumen Gentium, years before it was promulgated, explained in a way that comports with Tradition. Of course, Fulton Sheen was steeped in Scripture and Tradition, so he can give it. Today’s bishops, who don’t even know the basics of the Catechism, turn this into worthless “ecumania.” Sheen mentions St. Paul’s evangelization efforts in Athens. How many converts did he …More
This is the ecclesiology of Lumen Gentium, years before it was promulgated, explained in a way that comports with Tradition. Of course, Fulton Sheen was steeped in Scripture and Tradition, so he can give it. Today’s bishops, who don’t even know the basics of the Catechism, turn this into worthless “ecumania.” Sheen mentions St. Paul’s evangelization efforts in Athens. How many converts did he win with his sermon about the “altar of the unknown god?” He chose to preach nothing but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. We would do well to listen.
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