
No “Formal Correction” Because Brandmüller Lost His Nerve

Cardinal Raymond Burke will not issue a formal correction of Amoris Laetitia, as he announced several times during 2017.

Hilary White writes on her blog whatisupwiththesynod.com (April 9) that Brandmüller lost his nerve when the Cardinals Meisner and Caffarra died and told Cardinal Burke that he wouldn’t go any further. Therefore Burke dropped the formal correction.

White calls the recent Declaration of Faith by Burke and Brandmüller “a declaration that they’re standing down”.

And, “The Dubia is over as an exercise.”

Picture: Walter Brandmüller, © Manfred Ferrari, #newsCpwoysdyvz
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Of course Burke will not issue a formal correction. Actions speak louder than words.
Well Burke has said more publicly than any other over the past few years. That shows some courage if not a lot of courage. Why should he be called a coward when there are 167 other cardinals and hundreds of bishops not saying much at all?
I am not criticizing anyone in particular because I do not know enough of what goes on behind the scenes or how insurrection might play itself out. I am just as …More
Well Burke has said more publicly than any other over the past few years. That shows some courage if not a lot of courage. Why should he be called a coward when there are 167 other cardinals and hundreds of bishops not saying much at all?
I am not criticizing anyone in particular because I do not know enough of what goes on behind the scenes or how insurrection might play itself out. I am just as curious as anyone else.
Hugh N. Cry
Something dangling is only for decoration.
Hugh N. Cry
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No formal correction on a pope issuing a heretical document. The bishops are cowards, every last one of them. They fear Francis the Apostate but not the judgement of Almighty God. They fear the wrong one.
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