"Like the Jesuits": A Cardinal Calls His Successor a Traitor

Cardinal José Cobo, 58, of Madrid "has betrayed me, just like the Jesuits," said his predecessor, Cardinal Carlos Osoro, 78, in a speech at the Carabanchel parish in Madrid (InfoVaticana.com, 9 February).

Osoro also said that Cobo is "very left-wing" [as was Osoro himself, who appointed him auxiliary bishop].

As auxiliary bishop, Cobo denounced Cardinal Osoro to the Vatican behind his back, claiming that Osoro was mismanaging diocesan foundations and should be removed as soon as possible. Osoro retired in June 2023.

Osoro's comment about the Jesuits refers to Father Elías Royón S.J., Francis' new snitch for Spain. His former snitch, Father Father Arana S.J. seems to have fallen out of favour with Francis.
