
The Abbey of Saint Bernard of Clarivaux for Sale

The Abbey of Clairvaux, created by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux in 1115 is about to be put up for sale by the French State. The abbey was closed down during the French Revolution, bought by the State in …More
The Abbey of Clairvaux, created by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux in 1115 is about to be put up for sale by the French State.
The abbey was closed down during the French Revolution, bought by the State in 1808, and used as a prison since.
This was the first Abbey of the Cistercian Order. It produced 80 daughter abbeys and 343 granddaughters. throughout Europe.
Now the French State wants to get rid of it, possibly transforming the building into a privately owned luxury hotel for the rich.
Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsWabbpptghi
It’s called Vatican II.