
Vision of St. Bridget: The pope, that lifts celibacy, will go to hell

Our Lady explained to St. Bridget of Sweden, that a pope that would allow priests to marry, would go to hell. Mary to the visionary: “But now I shall tell you God’s will in this matter…… Know this …More
Our Lady explained to St. Bridget of Sweden, that a pope that would allow priests to marry, would go to hell. Mary to the visionary:
“But now I shall tell you God’s will in this matter……
Know this too: that if some pope concedes to priests a license to contract carnal marriage, God will condemn him to a sentence as great, in a spiritual way, as that which the law justly inflicts in a corporeal way on a man who has transgressed so gravely that he must have his eyes gouged out, his tongue and lips, nose and ears cut off, his hands and feet amputated, all his body’s blood spilled out to grow completely cold, and finally, his whole bloodless corpse cast out to be devoured by dogs and other wild beasts. Similar things would truly happen in a spiritual way to that pope who were to go against the aforementioned preordinance and will of God and concede to priests such a license to contract marriage.
For that same pope would be totally deprived by God of his spiritual sight and hearing, and of …More
Ipsa conteret and one more user link to this post
Saintsvintage shares this
This pope is in big trouble.
Tony Smith
Has anyone a reference for this quote?
Anthony SCIRIHA shares this
DEFENSA DE LA FE and 2 more users link to this post
Does hell exist?Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONY. ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/hell-exists.html
vandlent shares this

Muzical, Eastern Catholic clergy do not contract marriages. Once a man receives Major Orders, it is no longer lawful for him to get married. Eastern Catholic married priests are married before they are ordained. Also, it has long been the tradition in the East for bishops to be selected only from celibate priests.
While St. Bridget's vision is a "private" revelation, it in no way contradicts the …More
Muzical, Eastern Catholic clergy do not contract marriages. Once a man receives Major Orders, it is no longer lawful for him to get married. Eastern Catholic married priests are married before they are ordained. Also, it has long been the tradition in the East for bishops to be selected only from celibate priests.

While St. Bridget's vision is a "private" revelation, it in no way contradicts the Faith, and Catholics always take the visions of her Saints seriously.
Umm, what about Eastern Catholic clergy? Celibacy was NEVER a thing for them until some Irish-American Catholics made a stink about it in the early 20th century, and the Holy Father, in just about the only move I've agreed with in his entire Papacy, ended this discrimination against Eastern Catholic men in the diaspora.
Celibacy is a discipline, not a doctrine, (and one unique to the Latin Rite,)…More
Umm, what about Eastern Catholic clergy? Celibacy was NEVER a thing for them until some Irish-American Catholics made a stink about it in the early 20th century, and the Holy Father, in just about the only move I've agreed with in his entire Papacy, ended this discrimination against Eastern Catholic men in the diaspora.

Celibacy is a discipline, not a doctrine, (and one unique to the Latin Rite,) and this is private revelation and thus not binding on anyone.
Sounds like it will be quite "binding" on the Pope who does this....
Einen wesentlichen Punkt haben Sie jedoch vergessen in Ihren Ausführungen zur Priesterehe in den Ostkirchen
1. Die Ehe muss vor der Diakonatsweihe geschlossen werden und
2. Verheiratete Geistliche sind von höheren Weihen (Bischof) und ausgeschlossen.
3. Sollte seine Gattin jedoch jung sterben, kann der Priesterwitwer nicht nochmals heiraten, auch wenn die Kinder noch klein sind.
Mit …More
Einen wesentlichen Punkt haben Sie jedoch vergessen in Ihren Ausführungen zur Priesterehe in den Ostkirchen
1. Die Ehe muss vor der Diakonatsweihe geschlossen werden und
2. Verheiratete Geistliche sind von höheren Weihen (Bischof) und ausgeschlossen.
3. Sollte seine Gattin jedoch jung sterben, kann der Priesterwitwer nicht nochmals heiraten, auch wenn die Kinder noch klein sind.
Mit letzterem Problem sah sich die lateinische Kirche sehr bald nach Einführung des ständigen Diakonats nach Vatikanum II konfrontiert und hat dies vor ein paar Jahren auch meines Wissens gelockert.
Einen wesentlichen Punkt bezogen auf die Priesterehe habe ich aber bis jetzt noch nicht gelesen, da er von den Befürwortern natürlich unterdrückt wird: "Dass jene sich geistig und körperlich auf das Hl. Messopfer ab dem Vorabend vorbereiten sollen. Im Klartext: sie müssen sich des fleischlichen Vollzuges ihrer Ehe enthalten!"
Nuestra Señora explicó a Santa Brígida de Suecia, que un papa que permitiera que los sacerdotes se casaran, iría al infierno. María a la visionaria:
"Pero ahora te diré la voluntad de Dios en este asunto ...
Sabed esto también: que si algún papa concede a los sacerdotes una licencia para contraer matrimonio carnal, Dios lo condenará a una sentencia tan grande, de una manera espiritual, como …More
Nuestra Señora explicó a Santa Brígida de Suecia, que un papa que permitiera que los sacerdotes se casaran, iría al infierno. María a la visionaria:

"Pero ahora te diré la voluntad de Dios en este asunto ...
Sabed esto también: que si algún papa concede a los sacerdotes una licencia para contraer matrimonio carnal, Dios lo condenará a una sentencia tan grande, de una manera espiritual, como la que la ley justamente inflige de manera corpórea a un hombre que ha transgredido , con tanta gravedad que debe tener los ojos arrancados, la lengua y los labios, la nariz y los oídos cortados, las manos y los pies amputados, toda la sangre de su cuerpo derramada para volverse completamente frío, y finalmente, su cadáver ensangrentado expulsado para ser Devorado por perros y otras bestias salvajes. Cosas similares sucederían de una manera espiritual a ese Papa que iba a ir en contra de la ya mencionada preordancia y voluntad de Dios y conceder a los sacerdotes tal licencia para contraer matrimonio.

Porque ese mismo Papa sería totalmente privado por Dios de su vista y audición espiritual, y de sus palabras y hechos espirituales. Toda su sabiduría espiritual se haría completamente fría; Y finalmente, después de su muerte, su alma sería echada para ser torturada eternamente en el infierno para que allí pudiera llegar a ser la comida de los demonios eternamente y sin fin ".
The method of execution described to St. Bridget was one actually utilized in her time for the worst of criminals. Ouch!