
Is Tucho Now Blaming Francis for the Mess?

In an unusual move, Tucho Fernández published on 22 December the "note of admission" for the 18 December audience in which Francis approved the homosexual propaganda piece "Fiducia supplicans".

It seems that Fernández released the note as proof that the document - which gave rise to the biggest clerical rebellion since Vatican II - had been approved by Francis.

No doubt Tucho didn't publish the note without Francis' orders. In his delusion of omnipotence, Francis may believe that his scribble "Fiducia supplicans" will gain in "authority" if he explicitly tells the world that it was him who approved it.


la verdad prevalece
“Cursed be anyone who does not uphold the words of this law by observing them.” All the people shall say, “Amen!”
Deuteronomy 27:26
Pfft..he has no authority. Neither of them do.
Wilma Lopez shares this
DDF posts proof of meeting with Pope about Fiducia Supplicans
Sandy Barrett
Is this very strange move some sort of attempt at a passive-aggressive show of force from the DDF vis-à-vis «Fiducia supplicans»? Embarrassing if so.
Two peas in a pod!
As if ANYONE was still clinging to the old excuse - "maybe the 'Holy Father' didn't realize what was being promulgated in his name" Yeah right! 🥴 😡
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
GREAT NEWS, A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT--The Polish Bishops Conference (all the Polish Bishops) have just today rejected/condemned the pro-gay same sex blassing document from Pope Francis and Tucho Fernandez. In addition, the Marian Fathers (founded in Poland), as a group have rejected this document and forbidden their priests to preform such blasphemous blessings for homosexuals. Hopefully more …More
GREAT NEWS, A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT--The Polish Bishops Conference (all the Polish Bishops) have just today rejected/condemned the pro-gay same sex blassing document from Pope Francis and Tucho Fernandez. In addition, the Marian Fathers (founded in Poland), as a group have rejected this document and forbidden their priests to preform such blasphemous blessings for homosexuals. Hopefully more countries, like Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc. join in condeming this initiative of Francis.
Lastly, there's a report that both Muslims (al Azar University in Egypt), Jews (rabbis in Jerusalem), and even Buddhist leaders are scandalized and outraged by this document from Francis and Tucho. 😂😂😂😂
It didn't take long!!
The GREATER question that really must be asked of every single one of the 5,000 Cardinals and Bishops on this planet is this: What will you do, and how will you explain it when, in perfect Jim Martin,SJ-like fashion, before the WHOLE WORLD with countless photographers and TV cameras recording every second of the historic moment, we see two sodomites stand in front of the Holy Father having requested …More
The GREATER question that really must be asked of every single one of the 5,000 Cardinals and Bishops on this planet is this: What will you do, and how will you explain it when, in perfect Jim Martin,SJ-like fashion, before the WHOLE WORLD with countless photographers and TV cameras recording every second of the historic moment, we see two sodomites stand in front of the Holy Father having requested his Papal Blessing upon their coupling…and he grants their request.

If this damnable and deadly Declaration remains intact as is, there can be no doubt that there, in the most holy place of Saint Peter’s Basilica, or in the Bishop of Rome’s own Cathedral - the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, or in an Audience Hall within the Apostolic Palace, or even in Saint Martha’s Guest House where Pope Francis actually resides, the hour will most certainly occur when we will see two men (or two women ) standing together holding hands affectionately or embracing one another as if they are betrothed and espoused as husband and wife or had already become so, with their families and friends behind them, expectedly and excitingly waiting for the Pope himself to pronounce God’s “blessing” upon their pairing as a so-called “same-sex couple” and like a scene out of some vulgar parody he will lift his hand and open his mouth to perform this blasphemous, obscene and profane ruse…..what will you do then, my good Bishops and Cardinals?

Because, we ALL know, without any doubt whatsoever, that if he lives and remains physically active, it is inevitable that eventually such an unholy, scandalous, Heaven-defying day shall surely come, when, for the first time in the two millennia-long history of Holy Mother Church, to our galling shame and as an example of what he desires and expects all Priests to do and imitate, the legitimately and duly elected Supreme Pontiff and Vicar of Christ on Earth, who sits on the Throne of Saint Peter and reigns as his Successor, will openly and publicly in the eyes of all humanity across and throughout the entire globe, pronounce his “blessing” upon a sodomite so-called union.
God save us all…..