
Francis-Promotion: Strange Character, Enemy of the Mass

Francis made Father Corrado Maggioni, 65, on September 13 the President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses. Riposte-Catholique.fr informed about Maggioni:

• Maggioni earned a doctorate at the anti-liturgical Liturgical Institute Saint Anselmo in Rome, where he also teaches, is an ally of Archbishop Piero Marini, his predecessor, and a follower of Archbishop Bugnini, the inventor of the failed Novus Ordo.

• Since 1990 at the Liturgy Congregation, he was, together with the present prefect, Archbishop Roche (“no workaholic”) in charge of neutralising Cardinal Sarah, the former prefect.

• He authored the 2017 instruction that shifted responsibility for liturgical translations to the bishops.

• He presides the Eucharist every morning in Saint Peter’s but vigorously pushed for prohibiting the celebration of Mass in the basilica.

• After the canonical visit at the Liturgy Congregation, Maggioni was moved out because of many complaints against him. He is harsh, authoritarian, sidelined priests suspected of resisting him by not giving them work and reducing them to doing crossword puzzles for years. Sarah said that Maggioni ran the dicastery like a minor seminary superior.

• Maggioni is unable to live with the Montfortians to whom he belongs and has his own flat.


Dr Bobus
When I read such news, I am reminded of the lazy Cardinals who elected a 1970s Jesuit pope.
I am also reminded of the superficial attitude of the Vatican in naming Orgoglio a bishop: Probably, Rome thought that because the Jesuits didn't approve of him, he was Catholic.More
When I read such news, I am reminded of the lazy Cardinals who elected a 1970s Jesuit pope.

I am also reminded of the superficial attitude of the Vatican in naming Orgoglio a bishop: Probably, Rome thought that because the Jesuits didn't approve of him, he was Catholic.
Pope Francis is packing the Vatican with his stooges. This is his true legacy, an ideological one.