
French Diocese Allows SSPX To Use Their Churches

The Society of St Pius X is renovating its chapel in Nantes, France, and is allowed to use other Catholic churches during this time.

The two Sunday Masses are celebrated in the beautiful church l'Immaculée which was built in the 15th century and is located 300 metres from the cathedral.

Most dioceses treat the Society of St Pius X as if they were excommunicated. The bishop of Nantes is Monsignor Jean-Paul James who is not known for being an ultra-Catholic.

Picture: Chapelle Notre Dame de l'Immaculée Conception, Nantes, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsLpdyjqxxoy
Josephmary one argument ["...July 2018, the name of the electee will be sent to the Roman authorities for ratification, as is required of church groups under the 1983 New code of New canon Law..."] without reference is worth investigating. I do read you overfocus on judgmental style and attacks towards bp Fellay. Your valuable arguments are hidden between abundance of accidentals. Analogous to …More
Josephmary one argument ["...July 2018, the name of the electee will be sent to the Roman authorities for ratification, as is required of church groups under the 1983 New code of New canon Law..."] without reference is worth investigating. I do read you overfocus on judgmental style and attacks towards bp Fellay. Your valuable arguments are hidden between abundance of accidentals. Analogous to protestants who want to criticize everything without any concise reasoning to establish truth. Bp. Fellay might simply be showing different amiable attitude towards Francis, objectively being highest legislator, as a result of contradictory less canonical approach of the last popes. However I do find critique of Francis' Magisterium as there is the filial correction critique of AL signed by Bp. Fellay. Therefore he is not a blind advocate of Rome as you portray him to be. Otherwise he would not risk signing it. Moreover, hypothetically speaking if SSPX receives jurisdiction then can join indult resistance or prepare ground in case the internal schism formalizes. This is only speculation of course. There are prophecies that future Church will start again small and other eschatologists claim we are in final times of Apocalypse. God knows for sure.
There is a lot of info. On the sspx you just need to find it. Bernie Fellay' is a Trader like all leaders before they leave office they place as many cronies in positions as possible so as to carry on the cause or derail the new leadership.
Michel Smoulin of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX
Really Put His Foot in His Mouth by Publicly Stating
That the church of the New Order
Which the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Fellay Longs to Join
Is Emerging as a "Protestant Sect"
The Emergence Already Took Place in 1965 after the Vatican II Anti-council
That Is Why Archbishop Lefebvre Founded the Original SSPX in 1970
Which Fellay Reorganized in 1994 to …More
Michel Smoulin of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX
Really Put His Foot in His Mouth by Publicly Stating
That the church of the New Order
Which the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Fellay Longs to Join
Is Emerging as a "Protestant Sect"
The Emergence Already Took Place in 1965 after the Vatican II Anti-council
That Is Why Archbishop Lefebvre Founded the Original SSPX in 1970
Which Fellay Reorganized in 1994 to Become a Slave
To the Anti-Catholic New Order, Now Led by the Marxist pope Francis-Bergoglio
Fr. Michel Simoulin, of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, has really put his foot in his mouth this time. Although he was trying to support his master, Fellay, Simoulin has caused quite a stir in the Neo-SSPX by his recent public statements that church is emerging as a "Protestant sect." And it is this Protestant sect that Fellay is longing to join with his ever-dwindling society.
Simoulin is a day late and a dollar short. That emergence of church as a a Protestant sect already took place in 1965 at the end of the Vatican II Anti-council. That is why Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre founded the original SSPX in 1970. But Bernie Fellay reorganized the SSPX into a new organization when he took it over in 1994. Because the goal of Fellay's reorganized Neo-SSPX is to become a slave to the anti-Catholic New Order of the Marxist pope Francis-Bergoglio, more and more Neo-SSPX members and priests have deserted Fellay and go over to The Resistance, loosely led by the SSPX's former senior bishop, Richard Williamson, and Bishop Jean-Michel Faure, or to join the many independent traditional Catholic priests around the world.
2 more comments from Josephmary
.Father Christian Bouchacourt, District Superior of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX for France, reveals that, once a Superior-general is elected for the Neo-SSPX n July 2018, the name of the electee will be sent to the Roman authorities for ratification, as is required of church groups under the 1983 New code of New canon Law. The Neo-SSPX has never bent the knee to Newrome in this way ever before. Is …More
.Father Christian Bouchacourt, District Superior of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX for France, reveals that, once a Superior-general is elected for the Neo-SSPX n July 2018, the name of the electee will be sent to the Roman authorities for ratification, as is required of church groups under the 1983 New code of New canon Law. The Neo-SSPX has never bent the knee to Newrome in this way ever before. Is Fellay not legitimately Superior-general at present in his own eyes? If he is not, why should any of his priests obey him?
Fellay's desire to get rome's "ratification" appears to be yet another step toward an official sellout of the Neo-SSPX to the heretical church of the New Order
In the news on Mr Bernard Fellay
There's more than enough evidence of Mr Bernard Fellay going to Rome to make deals with the Vatican if you have been following his escapades. In the news.
Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, Bernie Fellay's Puppet in France
Has Let the Cat out of the Bag
The New Superior-general to Be Elected for the Neo-SSPX in July 2018
Who Is Fully Expected to Be Fellay Again for a …More
In the news on Mr Bernard Fellay
There's more than enough evidence of Mr Bernard Fellay going to Rome to make deals with the Vatican if you have been following his escapades. In the news.

Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, Bernie Fellay's Puppet in France
Has Let the Cat out of the Bag
The New Superior-general to Be Elected for the Neo-SSPX in July 2018
Who Is Fully Expected to Be Fellay Again for a Dictatorship of 36 Years
Will Be Sent to Newrome for "Ratification"
The Neo-SSPX Has Never Bent the Knee to rome in This Way
This Is Yet Another Step toward an Official Sellout of the Neo-SSPX
To the Heretical church of the New Order
Dr Bobus
In Germany there are SSPX priests who hear Confessions in diocesan parishes
The time has come for harsh words and action against freemansons priests bishops and popes. The time has come for a great strike against this abomination and desecration of the church. Strike quit your jobs if you work for them send no more money to there fake causes. No more support not even the collection basket on Sunday. Nothing they get nothing not your money nor your labor less you incur a …More
The time has come for harsh words and action against freemansons priests bishops and popes. The time has come for a great strike against this abomination and desecration of the church. Strike quit your jobs if you work for them send no more money to there fake causes. No more support not even the collection basket on Sunday. Nothing they get nothing not your money nor your labor less you incur a grave sin before god. Pray the prayers of the church at home ever day But stay away from this house of Lucifer.And this goes for all the other denominations of the world.
Rafael_ docile modernists and progressives are infertile only on holy ground. And they are not on Holy ground in today's church. Therefore they flourish in the unholy soil of their inequity. Make no mistake they are united Strong and determined to put a end to us.
If you have read leo 13 encipacals on the freemanson in the church that he goes in great detail you would know that in no way are these …More
Rafael_ docile modernists and progressives are infertile only on holy ground. And they are not on Holy ground in today's church. Therefore they flourish in the unholy soil of their inequity. Make no mistake they are united Strong and determined to put a end to us.
If you have read leo 13 encipacals on the freemanson in the church that he goes in great detail you would know that in no way are these enemies of the church are infertile. They are quite skilled at duplicity blackmail murder and all manner of vise and inequity. Pope pius 9 warned us leo 13 in great detail warned us multiple times. Pius 10 and all the way back to 1735 popes have warned us. These modernists and progressives as you call them are freemansons in force they are in every corner of government in every country in the world including the United nations this is not a infertile group. Please research the freemansons agenda know your enimes. And you will see it unfolding now today before your very eyes. The soil is no longer holy nor fertile for what is holy. That's why they grow they are strong because the ground is suitable for their evil
One more comment from Josephmary
Rafal_ docile because I do my research. My heart is as broke n as yours maybe more so over this. Just wait it will happen soon enough. You won't have to wait long. If you search the net you will find---- I said you WILL FIND info. On this Trader.
Josephmary do you know modernists and progressives are infertile. Vocations are dropping record low and Churches destroyed what Bp. Fellay is aware of. Your suspicions are understandable seeing how universal indlult - Franciscans of the Immaculate - trying to celebrate LTM are rejected. However, I find no explanation for your rudimentary remarks in contrast to basic "savoir-vivre" and Catholic …More
Josephmary do you know modernists and progressives are infertile. Vocations are dropping record low and Churches destroyed what Bp. Fellay is aware of. Your suspicions are understandable seeing how universal indlult - Franciscans of the Immaculate - trying to celebrate LTM are rejected. However, I find no explanation for your rudimentary remarks in contrast to basic "savoir-vivre" and Catholic dialogue. I.e. provide sound arguments based on facts why you're convinced Bp. Fellay is "selling out "FSSPX" to Francis?
Mr Bernard Fellay Please please I Beg you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ PLEASE DROP DEAD.
Tell me Mr Bernard Fellay, of the SSPX. What hidden Secret deal did you work out with the reprobate Francis to sell out the sspx. A nice little retirement nest egg complete with a years membership with " Rent a Boy"
What Exchange was made for your complicity in having the 2 candidates on the advice of the polluted Sea of peter Mr Francis and his cronies.
What mr Bernard Fellay did you get for …More
Tell me Mr Bernard Fellay, of the SSPX. What hidden Secret deal did you work out with the reprobate Francis to sell out the sspx. A nice little retirement nest egg complete with a years membership with " Rent a Boy"

What Exchange was made for your complicity in having the 2 candidates on the advice of the polluted Sea of peter Mr Francis and his cronies.
What mr Bernard Fellay did you get for accepting Francis 2 cronies to run for the sspx leadership. And what can we expect from them ? What ever Francis wants. Drop dead.
2 more comments from Josephmary
Jeremiah 17:5.
This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.
The greatest loss of this abomination of desolation is the loss of the Holy Sacrifice of the Alter and who weeps who ?!!? No oneMore
Jeremiah 17:5.
This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.

The greatest loss of this abomination of desolation is the loss of the Holy Sacrifice of the Alter and who weeps who ?!!? No one
What can be said of the sspx capitulation to the new order church of today ? How deep does the pain run the suffering go. How can one put into words such a great loss from a broken heart Lord I cry out for you and you alone. As is said, cursed is he who trusts in man.