Tucho Supports the Demand: “ Unrepentant Homosexuals Must Be Excommunicated”

Tucho Fernández confirmed to VaticanNews.va (23 May) that he visited Coptic Pope Tawadros II and told him that he "shares" the teachings of a 7 March statement by the Coptic Church.

This statement calls homosexual acts "contrary to the human nature created by God". The text is supported by many quotes from the Bible.

Here are two extracts from the statement:

"As for someone who falls into homosexual behaviour, they are like heterosexuals who fall into the sin of adultery/fornication and need true repentance. Both need continuous spiritual and psychological follow-up. This follow-up has been shown to be effective with unwanted homosexual tendencies. As for those who choose to reconcile with their homosexual tendencies, give themselves over to homosexual acts, refuse spiritual and psychological treatment, and choose of their own free will to break God's commandment, their condition becomes worse than that of those who live in adultery or fornication. Therefore they must be warned and cut off from communion until they repent".

"The Coptic Orthodox Church, in its general and comprehensive understanding, rejects what is called sexual perversion and all kinds of sexual practices outside the sacred framework of marriage. It categorically rejects the invocation of the idea of different cultures to justify same-sex relations within what is called 'absolute human freedom', which leads to the destruction of humanity."

The evil world needs to know that Tucho Fernández supports these statements.

Denis Efimov
Because the heretic Hans Urs von Balthasar taught that the conciliar church should be like a prostitute, and spread its legs everywhere (see his "Casta Meretrix" in "Sponsa Verbi", 1969, р. 267).
la verdad prevalece
That is why Scripture calls the anti-church a harlot because, according to her clients, with whom she fornicates, she disguises herself to catch her prey.
What word describes when someone acts differently depending on their audience - oh yeah TWO-FACED!!! Francis also engages in this practice.
This is just badly written and produced Theater. Because as I said previously: both Kissy and the schismatic so-called Coptic “pope” are raging heretics and apostates, who both deny and reject the True Faith and Doctrine of Christ, and are in full rebellion against the perennial Magisterium of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. And everybody knows by now that Kissy is a vile degenerate …More
This is just badly written and produced Theater. Because as I said previously: both Kissy and the schismatic so-called Coptic “pope” are raging heretics and apostates, who both deny and reject the True Faith and Doctrine of Christ, and are in full rebellion against the perennial Magisterium of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. And everybody knows by now that Kissy is a vile degenerate whose filthy, unclean writings are a perversity; and that he and his gang of sodomy-loving cohorts seek to drown Holy Mother Church in a cesspool of abomination….so none of this play-acting really means anything.
Sean Johnson
Two more statements like this, and the conciliar conservative dupes will be cheering for him to become pope (it worked wonders for Huonder, Schneider, Muller, and Burke, flushing all their modernism down the memory hole). The dupes don’t understand the “two steps forward, one step back” strategy intended to defuse their resistance.
English Catholic
Bizarre. If 'unrepentant homosexuals must be excommunicated' then this is because it is perennial Catholic teaching based on Holy Scripture, Sacred Tradition and Natural Law. Not the 'demands' of schismatics.