
Banality Replaces Catholic Faith

The picture of a 1970s-styled woman who is said to be "Our Lady" hangs above the altar in the Gothic basilica of Santa Maria del Pi in Barcelona (Daniel Ramírez García-Mina, Twitter.com, 19 July). It …More
The picture of a 1970s-styled woman who is said to be "Our Lady" hangs above the altar in the Gothic basilica of Santa Maria del Pi in Barcelona (Daniel Ramírez García-Mina, Twitter.com, 19 July). It was made by a certain Octavi Serra Arrizabalaga, who calls himself Aryz. Barcelona's Cardinal Omella is responsible for this. In March, the church's chapel of the Blessed Sacrament was converted into a dining room.
An utter disgrace
Fr Dan
When the hand falls, it will be swift and complete.
Louis IX
That’s an image of a dude dressed as a woman carrying a boy. Why do bishops insist on doing dumb crap like this?
P. O'B
"Dumb crap" -- perfect description!
The Lord Himself told us why they insist on it: because they “love darkness rather than light, and their deeds are evil.”
Ivan Tomas
"Be not deceived, God is not mocked.
[Galatians 6:7]More

"Be not deceived, God is not mocked.
[Galatians 6:7]