This was a wonderful video. I would like to know the mysteries of the Fatima Rosary, which Padre Pio told to the children.
Live Mike
I searched so hard for this last night. Thank you so much Live Mike! And for all your contributions to this site.
The Wandering Recluse shares this
Fascinating broadcast!! Thanks for posting @LiveMike. Personally, those who can't see the direct connection between Fatima and Garabandal should be in our prayers!
This is a wonderful discussion! Thanks for posting this!
Credo .
@The Wandering Recluse @Live Mike: ~ The Secrets of Garabandal:
Personally, those who follow most modern day apparitions should be in our prayers! ~ 🙏🙏🙏
The Wandering Recluse
@Credo . @Live Mike It depends on what you mean by "modern day".
Live Mike
@Carol H Remove the lie or be blocked... You have 2 hours to comply. Woe unto those who write lies in order to deceive others on GTV!
The Wandering Recluse
@Carol H If Fatima had the full force of the Church in favor of it, the secret that was meant for us would not have been covered up, it would have been released on time and in full. This holds true for the act of consecration which has been done incorrectly by nine popes, including Francis. So how can you say Fatima has the full force of the Church behind it?
Secondly, if you do your homework you …More
@Carol H If Fatima had the full force of the Church in favor of it, the secret that was meant for us would not have been covered up, it would have been released on time and in full. This holds true for the act of consecration which has been done incorrectly by nine popes, including Francis. So how can you say Fatima has the full force of the Church behind it?

Secondly, if you do your homework you will find out that there are also events, by members of the Church, that have occurred during the investigations of Garabandal, a good phrase for it would be "witness tampering", amongst others.

So one conclusion can clearly be that both hold the same messages, whether or not you consider them "copy-cat", and these messages have been silenced. It was also predicted that the apparitions would not be believed, both by one of the seers and by Padre Pio. You need to ask yourself, why would the Virgin appear to Padre Pio supporting the apparition? You need to look outside the box you call "The Church".
Live Mike
@The Wandering Recluse You are wasting your time on this one as there is no amount of information that you could ever present in order to change her mind.
The Wandering Recluse
@Live Mike 😂 Well, we'll let her have her say and then ignore her. Time will prove her wrong.
I like these open ended prophecies that never come to fruition .meanwhile JPII planted weeds of destruction we are seeing today so many drinking JPII kool-aid
Live Mike
Have a little patience. :)
You are a kind soul but your missing the front line battle, the war of deception boggles the mind the heart of the battle is sodomic rebellious priests from the legion of Christ SSPX and Jesuits all spectrum of theology .No fairy tell of crazy teenage girls of like from medjugorje Garabandal is coming to the rescue.powerfull pysop
Live Mike
My brother, God will deal with it all. Pray, hope and don't worry.
May be God is calling all people of good will to deal with it just like the battle of lepanto instead Muslim the battle with sodomites.Rosary and battle ships🤔
Remember if they have their way you better put your under wear under lock and key
Live Mike
Perhaps. However, I think that God will withdraw His hand of protection over Rome very very soon. God will allow the Muslims to clean out the filth from within the visible institution of the Church and it will be in a bloody way.
I recommend a modicum of caution. If you are right, there has been no harm. If you are wrong, you have labelled a message from Our Lady as a "fairy tell of crazy teenage girls".
A fair examination of evidence leans toward your being wrong.More
I recommend a modicum of caution. If you are right, there has been no harm. If you are wrong, you have labelled a message from Our Lady as a "fairy tell of crazy teenage girls".

A fair examination of evidence leans toward your being wrong.
Ivan Tomas
Thank you kindly both, my good gentleman.
God bless you both for doing good works for the Truth.
Nice to see you here my good comrade Mike. :-)More
Thank you kindly both, my good gentleman.
God bless you both for doing good works for the Truth.

Nice to see you here my good comrade Mike. :-)
Was able to watch tonight --your analysis of what is going on in the Church - in light of both Fatima and Garabandal - is absolutely right on - and quite excellent! Thank you!! So glad to hear you tell it like it is about the real 3rd Secret of Fatima's never having been revealed. The back and forth between Fr. Dollinger and Cardinal Ratzinger (B XVI) about the true contents of the 3rd Secret cannot …More
Was able to watch tonight --your analysis of what is going on in the Church - in light of both Fatima and Garabandal - is absolutely right on - and quite excellent! Thank you!! So glad to hear you tell it like it is about the real 3rd Secret of Fatima's never having been revealed. The back and forth between Fr. Dollinger and Cardinal Ratzinger (B XVI) about the true contents of the 3rd Secret cannot be spoken of enough - IMHO, Our Lady's warnings about changes in the Mass and an evil council were the reason that John XXIII wanted the secret suppressed and discredited. He was part of the cabal that wanted to open up the "church" to the world - and change the liturgy to make it "user friendly" to Protestants. The ambiguities in the V2 documents have opened the door to the mess we are living through today, culminating in Francis, Fernandez, and company. The loss of Sanctifying Grace due to the suppression of the Roman Rite has led to the collapse of the supernatural and putting man, not God, at the center of "catholic" life. We had a brief reprieve while BXVI was with us in this regard. Now, as Fr. Malachi Martin has said, it's like the spigot of Grace has been turned off since Francis has suppressed the Roman Rite again. Not only the Church but also the world is hurting because of this. More than ever, we need the real contents of the 3rd secret revealed to us.

Thank you for reminding everyone to keep the First Saturdays as Our Lady has asked, wear the Brown Scapular as a sign that we are under Her Mantle, and pray, pray, pray the Rosary - and do penance.
So glad you will be able to continue with your analysis next week! Can't wait! Please put the new release on GTV for us! May Our Lady protect and keep you close to Her Immaculate Heart!
The elephant in the room is some say 90% of the clergy are homosexuals even 20% less still a huge number what comes with that is desensitizing of sex abuse or any kind of abuse in the church. The homosexual click has hi jacked the catholic church gay pride is destroying the bride of Christ. BVI was a wolf 🤔 😭 😡
@john333 Yes, the elephant in the room is the significant percentage of homos. But the Church is vastly larger than the room. Do you not see that the spiritual degradation of the Church is what allowed that elephant in?
The elephant did not cause the spiritual degradation. Had the spiritual degradation not taken place, the elephant could not have ever gotten in.More
@john333 Yes, the elephant in the room is the significant percentage of homos. But the Church is vastly larger than the room. Do you not see that the spiritual degradation of the Church is what allowed that elephant in?

The elephant did not cause the spiritual degradation. Had the spiritual degradation not taken place, the elephant could not have ever gotten in.
Live Mike
@occasnltrvlr The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents of Vatican II
@Live Mike Thank you for your kind reply and now further comment by me:
The enormity of Garabandal is yet to be fully realized and is embedded in the Holy Virgins Important Messages for the World. Those Messages were given full ecclesiastical approval by Bishop Aldazabal of Santander (Spain) who, in a nota dated July 8, 1965, had to admit:
"We would like to say, however, that we have found no …
@Live Mike Thank you for your kind reply and now further comment by me:

The enormity of Garabandal is yet to be fully realized and is embedded in the Holy Virgins Important Messages for the World. Those Messages were given full ecclesiastical approval by Bishop Aldazabal of Santander (Spain) who, in a nota dated July 8, 1965, had to admit:

"We would like to say, however, that we have found no grounds for an ecclesiastical condemnation, either in the doctrine or in the spiritual recommendations that have been divulged in the events and addressed to the Christian faithful; furthermore, these recommendations contain exhortations to prayer, sacrifice, devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and devotion to the Blessed Virgin under traditional praiseworthy forms; these are also exhortations to a holy fear of the Lord, offended by our sins..."

Fr Malachi Martin responds further in his 1998 interview by talk show host Art Bell.

And...in 1961 there was a second appearance, this time in Spain, in Garabandal. And the opening words indeed of that revelation were: 'Because my sons have not listened to my orders, my mandate, here is what is going to happen...' and the message was very dire, a repetition of the Third Secret in brief form.

The Holy Virgins Messages for the World:

October18, 1961: We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives, If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.

June 18, 1965: As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over. Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives.
You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the passion of Jesus."


We know for certain that Paul VI and John Paul II were made aware of Garabandal, and in all probability informed of the year -- if not the actual date, of the Miracle. Paul VI to Conchita: "Conchita, I bless you and the whole world blesses you". John Paul II to Albrecht Weber, [Author,'Garabandal Der Zeigefinger Gottes'] " May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late..." We also know for certain that both Popes had read the Third Secret of Fatima. Accepting that the Garabandal Messages also reveal the undisclosed contents of the same secret, [Malachi Martin again]. It logically follows that; any inclination by Popes Paul VI or John Paul II, to hurriedly proceed with the consecration of Russia was suddenly and unexpectedly removed. The reason is that the conversion of Russia is now set to occur as a consequence of the Great Miracle at Garabandal, [1963 locution to Conchita]. Besides explaining the reluctance on the part of the Popes [including Benedict XVI] to proceed with the consecration of Russia specifically, it also explains why the emphasis on their part had been more toward a global consecration or none at all. Any lingering doubt in their minds about the credibility of Fatima Visionary; Sr Lucy's testimony, is also addressed by heavens new mandate to the Garabandal Visionaries who, at least initially, were to assume responsibility for making the Holy Virgins Messages known. The Holy Virgin and Heavens deadline for the release of the Fatima Third Secret expired in 1960 because of the failure by John XXIII to heed the request from the Queen of Prophets. The Apparitions of Garabandal began to unfold on June 18 of the following year - no mere accident in the opinion of this writer.
Although initially, the Bishops of Santander did all they could to discredit the visionaries and as one commentator put it: "Wipe Garabandal off the map" they all failed to do so. Surprisingly, the head of the first investigative Commission, which brought down a negative judgment on the apparitions; Eminent Psychiatrist Dr Louis Morales has since publicly reversed his earlier decision. He and another priest member of that Commission, -- later to become Bishop of Santander, were to devote their retirement years promoting the apparitions!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Live Mike
Wow-- is that you?! Thank you for flagging me on this!!
True Apparitions vs False Ones
BAT 9 Ads Break The Pattern 3.0 (youtube.com)More
True Apparitions vs False Ones

BAT 9 Ads Break The Pattern 3.0 (youtube.com)
@Live Mike Commendable and informative effort by you and Dr Moynehan at a time when the world most needs it - much appreciated.
United in the hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Live Mike
Many thanks for your kind words @LiveJohn
May the Lord continue to bless the work of your hands in spreading the Message of Garabandal and Our Lady protect you always.