Live Mike
Live Mike
People are not believing the UN World Health Organization mpox narrative. 'Safe and effective' was not one lie; it was two. The time for blind trust is over. We're now in the age of 'prove it'. - …More
People are not believing the UN World Health Organization mpox narrative. 'Safe and effective' was not one lie; it was two. The time for blind trust is over. We're now in the age of 'prove it'. - Queensland Australia Senator Malcolm Roberts

Hansard Display

Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (19:44): The UN's World Health Organization, the WHO, has declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern. This triggers WHO emergency …
Kik azok, akik veszélyeztetettek, és akiknek az Mpox vakcina ajánlott? 1. csoport: – Férfiak vagy transz emberek, akik szexelnek férfiakkal, ÉS akik …More
Kik azok, akik veszélyeztetettek, és akiknek az Mpox vakcina ajánlott?
1. csoport:
– Férfiak vagy transz emberek, akik szexelnek férfiakkal, ÉS akik HIV-pozitívak VAGY HIV-PrEP-t szednek
– Férfiak és transz emberek, akik szexet adnak el férfiaknak
2. csoport:
– Férfiak vagy transz emberek, akik nemi életet élnek férfiakkal, ÉS akik kockázatos magatartást tanúsítanak (beleértve a gyakori partnercserét, az alkalmi szexet, a csoportos szexet és a szexuális szexet), ÉS akiknek szifiliszben, gonorrhoeában vagy chlamydia proktitiszben szenvedtek az elmúlt 6 hónapban.
3. csoport :
-Férfiakkal szexuális életet folytató férfiak és kockázatos viselkedésű transz emberek (beleértve a gyakori partnerváltást, az alkalmi szexet, a csoportos szexet és a chemsexet. Ezen kívül egészségügyi személyzet, akik munkájuk során különösen ki vannak téve a fertőzéseknek, például a vizsgálóállomásokon dolgozók, vagy akik közvetlenül a kórházba kerülő himlőbetegekkel dolgoznak. Laboratóriumi személyzet, aki mpox …More
Look! He's a senator, and he dares to speak out!
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Live Mike
CONCLAVE - Official Trailer The pope is dead. The throne is vacant. Conclave is only in theaters this November, starring Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow and Isabella Rossellini. Conclave …More
CONCLAVE - Official Trailer
The pope is dead. The throne is vacant. Conclave is only in theaters this November, starring Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow and Isabella Rossellini. Conclave follows one of the world’s most secretive and ancient events – selecting a new Pope. Cardinal Lawrence (Ralph Fiennes) is tasked with running this covert process after the unexpected death of the Pope. Once the Catholic Church’s most powerful leaders have gathered from around the world and are locked together in the Vatican halls, Lawrence finds himself at the center of a conspiracy and discovers a secret that could shake the very foundation of The Church.
The thing whom they “elect” as “Pope” during this movie (and in the book from which the storyline is spawned), monstrously aping a true Papal Conclave …More
The thing whom they “elect” as “Pope” during this movie (and in the book from which the storyline is spawned), monstrously aping a true Papal Conclave, is revealed to be a WOMAN. The very thought of which is an abomination…..a sick, demented, filthy abomination. That is why the film is, and will be, very well received by the mainstream general public, and embraced and promoted by those with degenerate minds, who, in their relentless and invincible perversities, greatly desire such things. But it is nothing more than delusional satanic trash vomited up and excreted out by Hollywood, and is a total sacrilegious mockery of the Papacy, the Church, and of Christ her Founder. None among the Catholic Faithful should patronize this bull💩.
"Art imitating Life"? or a narrative for a new psyop - you decide. I have to note the main character's words at the end of the trailer sound A LOT like …More
"Art imitating Life"? or a narrative for a new psyop - you decide. I have to note the main character's words at the end of the trailer sound A LOT like Francis" musings on how doubt is the foundation of "faith" and it not it's opposite.
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"Our hearts are made for Thee O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in Thee."

Happy Feast Day St. Augustine of Hippo! SAINT AUGUSTINE - Bishop of Hippo and Doctor of the Church (354-430) Saint Augustine was born in 354 at Tagaste in Africa. He was brought up in the Christian …More
Happy Feast Day St. Augustine of Hippo!
SAINT AUGUSTINE - Bishop of Hippo and Doctor of the Church (354-430)
Saint Augustine was born in 354 at Tagaste in Africa. He was brought up in the Christian faith but did not receive baptism, result of the practice, common in the first centuries, of deferring it until adulthood. An ambitious schoolboy of brilliant talents and violent passions, he early lost both his faith and his innocence. He pursued with ardor the study of philosophy. He taught grammar, rhetoric and literature for nine years in his native town of Tagaste, and in Carthage. He persisted in his irregular life and doctrinal errors until he was thirty-two. Then one day, stung to the heart by the account of some sudden conversions, he cried out, "The unlearned rise and storm heaven, and we, with all our learning, for lack of courage lie inert!" The great heart of this future bishop was already evident.
When as a genial student of rhetoric, he was at Milan, where Saint Ambrose was …More
My dad use to say this all the time, may my dad and all the faithful departed rest in peace. 🙏 🙏 🙏
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Live Mike

I have no desire to be a “prophet of doom,” but I must speak out and point to the evil that grips our world and the Church. - Bishop Joseph Strickland

The depravity in our nation is reaching devastating levels. We must pray for God’s mercy. Bishop Joseph Stickland ". St. Theresa of Avila, againI cannot …More
The depravity in our nation is reaching devastating levels. We must pray for God’s mercy. Bishop Joseph Stickland ". St. Theresa of Avila, againI cannot think why we should be astonished at all the evils which exist in the Church, when those who ought to be models on which all may pattern their virtues are annulling the work wrought in the religious Orders by the spirit of the saints of old."
Akita aka Third Secret before our eyes. Kyrie Eleison
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"The messages of Akita give us a dire warning of what we see unfolding before our eyes. Not only do we see cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop, but we see bishops against priests and …More
"The messages of Akita give us a dire warning of what we see unfolding before our eyes. Not only do we see cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop, but we see bishops against priests and Pope against cardinals. We see blasphemies of Our Lord and Blessed Mother, and attacks on doctrine emanating from Vatican offices with Pope Francis either remaining silent or, by inaction, giving tacit approval." - Bishop Joseph Strickland, 23 August 2024

Open Your Eyes!

Discover more from Bishop Strickland's Substack Open Your Eyes! Find a deeper faith and cling to hope in Our Lord My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am once again compelled to …
Live Mike

I will not assent to statements from heretics regarding Our Lady's Messages critical of the same "wolves in sheep's clothing" Her Son warned us about …

Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò Interview by Franca Giansoldati published in 'Il Messaggero' newspaper on 20 August 2024 (p. 10)More
Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò Interview by Franca Giansoldati
published in 'Il Messaggero' newspaper on 20 August 2024 (p. 10)

Interview by Franca Giansoldati

Interview by Franca Giansoldati Interview by Franca Giansoldati published in 'Il Messaggero' newspaper on August 20, 2024 (p. 10) To speak of a “disagreement” seems …
Jeffrey Ade
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Would be better a photo with the Archbishop…
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Live Mike
90-Ft-Tall Hindu demon-god, Hanuman, in the form of a half-monkey, half-human unveiled in Houston, Texas and just in time for the Monkey-Pox-Psyop. The Indian demon-god, Hanuman statue, was inaugurated …More
90-Ft-Tall Hindu demon-god, Hanuman, in the form of a half-monkey, half-human unveiled in Houston, Texas and just in time for the Monkey-Pox-Psyop. The Indian demon-god, Hanuman statue, was inaugurated at a grand Pran Pratishtha ceremony.
Prana pratishtha is the rite or ceremony by which a murti (devotional image of a deity) is consecrated in a Hindu temple, wherein hymns and mantra are recited to invite the deity to be resident guest, and the murti's eye is opened for the first time.
Pran Pratishtha & other rituals Explained - Times of India
Die Götter der Heiden sind Dämonen!! 👽👹👺💀
Ursula Sankt shares this
Dämonisch": 90 Fuß hohes Hindu-Götzenbild in Texas wird dritthöchste Statue in Amerika
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Renowned Canonists Wernz & Vidal Explain How A Pope Stops Being The Pope

How does a Pope stop being the Pope? Wernz & Vidal explain

How does a Pope stop being the Pope? Wernz & Vidal explain Renowned canonists Wernz and Vidal tell us that a pope loses his office by dying, …
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
The very actual case of apostasy is not enough mentionned, unfortunately!
Sean Johnson
...or loses his sanity, or becomes a heretic.
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Live Mike

The United Nations and the Origins of “The Great Reset” - Dr. Antony P. Mueller

About twenty-four hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato came up with the idea constructing the state and society according to an elaborate plan. Plato wanted “wise men” (philosophers) at the …More
About twenty-four hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato came up with the idea constructing the state and society according to an elaborate plan. Plato wanted “wise men” (philosophers) at the helm of the government, but he made it also clear that his kind of state would need a transformation of the humans. In modern times, the promoters of the omnipotent state want to substitute Plato’s philosopher with the expert and create the new man through eugenics, which is now called trans-humanism. The United Nations and its various sub-organizations play a pivotal role in this project which has reached its present stage in the project of the Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.
The Struggle for a World Government
The Great Reset did not come from nowhere. The first modern attempts to create a global institution with a governmental function was launched by the government of Woodrow Wilson who acted as US president from 1913 to 1921. Under the inspiration of Colonel Mandell House, the …More
Live Mike
"In Her grief and suffering, She remained calm and composed. She knew that the suffering was the requisite for the great victory. Her sorrow exceeded all that can be felt by mortals. Yet, amid Her …More
"In Her grief and suffering, She remained calm and composed. She knew that the suffering was the requisite for the great victory. Her sorrow exceeded all that can be felt by mortals. Yet, amid Her supreme suffering, Our Lady experienced a joy in the triumph of the Redemption that Her Son’s Passion and Death won for mankind. It is a joy we should ask Our Lady to let us feel in our suffering during the Chastisement – a joy to know that these terrible days of apostasy, blasphemy and immorality will end, that a time of peace will follow, when God will be given the Glory that He deserves. In face of the personal trials and sorrows we are experiencing, let us adopt this noble attitude of Our Lady, remaining calm and confident in face of the greatest travails and suffering, knowing that after the death and destruction of the Revolution will come the Reign of Mary where the whole world will glorify the Creator." - Dr. Marian T. Horvat

Our Lady of Good Success, Vatican II & Prophecies of the Latter Times

Our Lady, Vatican II & Prophecies of the Latter Times Marian Horvat links Our Lady of Good Success with other approved prophecies …
Thanks for posting this! While I have watched a video of Dr. Horvat talking about this, it's so great to have her print discussion about the Latter …More
Thanks for posting this! While I have watched a video of Dr. Horvat talking about this, it's so great to have her print discussion about the Latter Times! Here is the link to the video from a talk she offered in May 2023 on the Latter Times:
Live Mike shares from Sean Johnson
May God bless Matthew McCusker and John-Henry Westen for having the courage to publish the truth

Is Francis the pope? The argument from public heresy suggests not - LifeSite

That article promised more detailed expositions of these arguments. This is the first of those more detailed explanations and …
Gute Darstellung, welche die überlieferte Lehre der Kirche im Hinblick auf Häretiker gut widergibt. Die wahre Herde Christi kann zu einem Häretiker …More
Gute Darstellung, welche die überlieferte Lehre der Kirche im Hinblick auf Häretiker gut widergibt.
Die wahre Herde Christi kann zu einem Häretiker nicht einfach sagen: Du bist zwar Häretiker, aber wir anerkennen dich weiter als unseren rechtmäßigen Hirten und Lehrer!"
"The Catholic Church teaches that her members are those who:
have received the sacrament of baptism
publicly profess the Catholic faith
submit to the lawful authorities of the Church."
Therefore: If a so called "authority" does not "submit to the lawful authorities of the Church" of all the centuries, he cannot be a lawful ecclesiastical authority.
Der heilige Robert Bellarmin fasst die überlieferte Lehre der Kirche im Hinblick auf Häretiker recht gut zusammen: "[I]t is proven with arguments from authority and from reason that the manifest heretic is ‘ipso facto’ deposed. The argument from authority is based on St. Paul (Titus, c. 3), who orders that the heretic be avoided after two warnings, that is, after showing himself …More
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Archbishop Viganò wants you to know the whole truth, and the truth will set you free.

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio is an 'anti-Pope,’ Benedict's resignation was ‘certainly invalid’ - …

(LifeSiteNews) — In a wide-ranging print interview with Dr. Taylor Marshall, Archbishop Carlo Maria …
Live Mike
Ratzinger resigned because of his inaction of priest sexual abuse, and the mishandling of Vatican Funds. That's it. No theological explanation for these …More
Ratzinger resigned because of his inaction of priest sexual abuse, and the mishandling of Vatican Funds. That's it. No theological explanation for these facts is required.
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Live Mike
"Do you think the version of the Third Secret of Fatima published by the Vatican in 2000 is the real one?" - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò answers Dr. Taylor Marshall's question Edited clip from SourceMore
"Do you think the version of the Third Secret of Fatima published by the Vatican in 2000 is the real one?" - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò answers Dr. Taylor Marshall's question
Edited clip from Source published 8 August 2024
The actual Third Secret can be seen on this web page: Trying to Decipher a Scrambled Message by Atila S. Guimarães You can compare the handwriting with …More
The actual Third Secret can be seen on this web page:
Trying to Decipher a Scrambled Message by Atila S. Guimarães
You can compare the handwriting with known handwriting samples of Sister Lucia. Those known samples match the handwriting and has been confirmed by experts.
The "deciphering" relates to minor changes made to the original facsimile that was sent to the TIA. Guimaraes explains how the "deciphered" message should read.
Here is what the real original text looks like:
Billy F shares this
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"In the evening when you go to sleep, hold your [rosary] beads, doze off reciting them. Do like those babies who go to sleep mumbling, 'Mama, Mama!" -- St. Bernadette Soubirous
When I was a child decades ago, my mother told me to do this. She used to say that if you fell asleep saying the rosary the angels would finish it for …More
When I was a child decades ago, my mother told me to do this. She used to say that if you fell asleep saying the rosary the angels would finish it for you. Don't know if that's true, but it drew me closer to Mary, enough so that after years away from the church, she brought me back.
Catechism of the Council of Trent, 1908

Catechism of the Council of Trent : Catholic Church. Catechismus romanus. English : Free Download, …

Catechism of the Council of Trent Bookreader Item Preview Publication date 1908TopicsCatholic Church…
New video shows shooter on the roof as Trump is speaking.
Live Mike
Video shows Trump shooting victim's POV moments before gunfire | Fox News Video A new video from James Copenhaver, one of the victims critically wounded …More
Video shows Trump shooting victim's POV moments before gunfire | Fox News Video
A new video from James Copenhaver, one of the victims critically wounded in a July 13 assassination attempt against former President Trump, shows a figure moving across a rooftop just minutes before gunfire rang out at Trump's rally in Butler, PA.
Father Karl A Claver
This proves that the secret service intentionally did NOT help prevent the shooting.
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Uni Versum
"Dinosaur" is an artificially created term, invented by evolutionists. We who believe in Creation simply call them dragons. If you look up the term in …More
"Dinosaur" is an artificially created term, invented by evolutionists.
We who believe in Creation simply call them dragons. If you look up the term in some really old dictionary, it says literally "now rare"...
Positive Proof Of An Assassination Conspiracy! - Who Did The Shooter Communicate With Over In Israel?! "Would-be Assassin in Butler PA Utilized Three Foreign Encrypted Communications Services. The …More
Positive Proof Of An Assassination Conspiracy! - Who Did The Shooter Communicate With Over In Israel?!
"Would-be Assassin in Butler PA Utilized Three Foreign Encrypted Communications Services. The Origin & Destination IP Addresses for those communications were between the Shooter and IP Addresses in Israel." - Hal Turner, 22 July 2024
I think we had a picture of a different shooter here on this site within a day of the shooting; just too hard to believe the 20 y.o. kid who was constantly …More
I think we had a picture of a different shooter here on this site within a day of the shooting; just too hard to believe the 20 y.o. kid who was constantly bullied had the wherewithal to initiate communications in Israel and all the rest.
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned. Rumor has it that she may go back to guarding Doritos at Pepsico.
Correct. Ms. Cheat-all was so belligerent in this hearing that when she was finally forced out the American people were supposed to think that "justice …More
Correct. Ms. Cheat-all was so belligerent in this hearing that when she was finally forced out the American people were supposed to think that "justice" had been done in serving up consequences for D.E.I. incompetence. So the real sinister aspects of the assassination attempt are memory-holed! See Ms. Ann Barnhardt's excellent take on this: All of this blustering about getting Cheatle to resign is pure misdirection. This isn’t about people RESIGNING. This is about attempted First Degree Murder of Trump, and the collateral murder of Corey Comperatore within the same conspiracy. We’re talking death penalty, here. Not resigning to a corporate payoff job and pension. | Barnhardt
Maria delos Angeles
Fall gall
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