"US bishops will likely discover considerable evidence that proliferation of Traditional Latin Masses has been largely a unifying force in the Church — worshipers have been brought into the parishes where their youthful zeal is having a noticeable impact."

Let’s Study the Impact of the Traditional Latin Mass

Mrs. T
Eva - this is exactly what they don't want. It is blatantly obvious now.
De Profundis
Some of the obvious changes in the New Mass:
- the priest no longer faced the tabernacle (ad orientem), but the people
- the Mass readings, apart from the Gospel, were permitted to be read by laypeople
- girls were permitted to serve at the altar, rather than only boys
- the Latin language, and many prayers and chants – which some date back - to the apostolic times – were removed
a de-emphasis on …More
Some of the obvious changes in the New Mass:

- the priest no longer faced the tabernacle (ad orientem), but the people

- the Mass readings, apart from the Gospel, were permitted to be read by laypeople

- girls were permitted to serve at the altar, rather than only boys
- the Latin language, and many prayers and chants – which some date back - to the apostolic times – were removed
a de-emphasis on Hell and Judgement
- the Mass changed from being regarded as a Sacrifice to being regarded as a meal; a “horizontal” outlook rather than a “vertical” one
- the faithful in the Old Mass would receive Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue, rather than standing and in the hand