Reiner Fuellmich on the Fake and Criminal "Corona Crisis" - Full Length Interview in Berlin - Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a German American lawyer with experience going after large companies like Deutsche …More
Reiner Fuellmich on the Fake and Criminal "Corona Crisis" - Full Length Interview in Berlin - Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a German American lawyer with experience going after large companies like Deutsche Bank. He is a member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. He discusses the current situation and his efforts to bring justice to the situation. This interview was done as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation. The full film, when released, will be available at: planetlockdownfilm.com
Source: youtube.com/null - About Reiner Füellmich: 1.
Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich sobre el fraude del coronvirus en el e… (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 2. CORONAFRAUDE: Crimen contra la humanidad - Declaración del Abogado ale… (English with Spanish subtitles) - 3. Crimes against Humanity. - 4. Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court - Intervi… - 5. German Lawyer Reiner …More
Miles - Christi and 2 more users link to this post
Lucy Taylor
This is an excellent interview. Dr. Fuellmich states his case very well and is easy to understand. Thank you so much for posting.
Gary J McGrath shares this
Alex A
Can common sense override the now well established 'fear' narrative?
Miles - Christi - English
In let's say "normal" circumstances, yes. But I doubt very much that this is currently possible, given the colossal magnitude of the diabolical deception to which humanity as a whole is subjected and which very probably preludes the coming of the antichrist ...