
The Pizza Delivery Boy Is a “Bishop”

Francis appointed on November 18 Father Vito Piccionna, 45, as Rieti Bishop, the youngest bishop of Italy.

“Today, the Church [= Francis] chooses its pastors according to worldly logics that have nothing to do with the Gospel,” SilereNonPossum.it commented.

Piccionna is a priest of Bari-Bitonto Archdiocese who hides behind secular clothing. When his nomination was made public, Bari-Bitonto Archbishop Giuseppe Satriano, 62, admonished him: “You have to put on a jacket for the occasion.” Likely, he also had to tell him to brush his teeth, at least sometimes.

On December 9, during a retreat of the Bari-Bitonto clergy, Bishop-elect Piccionna, dressed like a pizza delivery boy, took the oath of Faith in front of Archbishop Satriano who came along like the employee of a funeral home (video).


Francis is downgrading the hierarchy of the church as mere average citizens.
Humility of office is lacking. A Catholic Bishop should present himself in the attire fitting of his office. True humility would demand this of said individual.
Croí Láidir
It looks more like a secular townhall meeting of sorts.
DefendTruth shares this
Francis made this guy a bishop
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sorry for a second post, but I just had a thought. IN that hoodie, he reminds me of Pennsylvania's own new Senator, John Fetterman.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
With a bishop like that, I can imaging very quickly thats the end of the Rieti diocese.