
Italy: Francis' “Our Father” Will Be Introduced

The Francis Church in Italy will push its bogus version of the Our Father upon the Novus Ordo faithful beginning with the first Sunday of Advent 2020.

It will exchange Christ's invocation "and lead us not into temptation" with the Francis statement "do not abandon us to temptation."

Pro-homosex Chieti Archbishop Bruno Forte told AdnKronos.com (January 27) that the erroneous text is contained in a new edition of the Novus Ordo missal that will be published after Easter.

The version is so bad that even the German bishops refused it. It will further separate the dwindling Novus Ordo group in Italy from other Christians.

However, the grip of the Novus Ordo bishops on their "faithful" has grown so weak that most of them will likely never know about this "change".

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-SA, #newsWbdhgbixfo
Y'know, Thor... if you don't want to be contacted, don't come back a day later and reply to me. Is that going to be your new little game? Creeping around days later, leaving your spoor here and there in some pathetic attempt to have the proverbial "last word?
Oh, you poor little thing. You truly are desperate!
"Benedict says in his speech his decision to resign the active ministry (not the office …More
Y'know, Thor... if you don't want to be contacted, don't come back a day later and reply to me. Is that going to be your new little game? Creeping around days later, leaving your spoor here and there in some pathetic attempt to have the proverbial "last word?

Oh, you poor little thing. You truly are desperate!

"Benedict says in his speech his decision to resign the active ministry (not the office note) does not revoke his promise taken at his papal inauguration."

No, that's you re-wording Benedict's original statement to suit your own argument. He doesn't need a speech-writer. You know how to use quotes. Do so.

"In addition he speaks of a new way to remain at the side of the crucified Christ in the enclosure of St Peter (ie the papacy)."

There is no "i.e" in his original statement. That's you adding your interpretation to what he actually said which didn't include anything supporting your claim.

"Benedict believes erroneously that he can bifurcate and alter the nature of the papacy by splitting the office and the ministry and delegating aspects of it in a collegial manner to another pope."

Benedict was explicit. In his formal resignation letter where he renounced his ministry. In his last General Audience he clarified his resignation by renouncing the office as well. To wit,

"I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church"

Benedict explicitly and in his own words renounced both the ministry and the office of the Papacy which entirely contradicts your repeated lies claiming otherwise.

I've said it before. You're a liar.

"His writings at one stage spoke of a triumvirate wielding the papal office in replication of the Holy Trinity."

[Citation Needed, None Given]

...which with your track-record of falsehood probably means a.) you made the claim up entirely or b.) you deliberately re-wrote/ misinterpreted something he said.

"As such his botched resignation is riddled with errors and aside from its obvious failure to be MANIFESTED PROPERLY looks also like it was made in error."

We've covered Canon Law already. There is nothing in the statue even remotely close to your invented standards of what constitutes a "proper" manifestation.

Again, you're just telling more lies. Making up more bogus claims and then repeating them over and over again on every post, like some diarrhetic cocker-spaniel on his daily walk around the neighborhood. Your content quaitly is on par with the pup.

"I expect all of this is just too nuanced for you ."

Not at all! :D Oh, no. Quite the opposite, love.

I recognize perfectly what you're attempting. Regrettably, getting out your thesaurus and trying to muddy the issue isn't going to help you.

Modesty aside, I have a better vocabulary than you do, Thor. My writing style is more lucid as well. I choose to write clearly for the sake of a general audience.

Unlike you, I don't need to shroud my statements with deliberately abtruse terminology.

All this "nuance" of yours is another one of your deceitful little tricks because your claims fail on the facts as they always do..

In this case, your "nuance" is a failed bid at sounding erudite and quasi-canonical. I'm not impressed.

You're an excrable debator and your understanding of canon law is even worse..

Simply put, all yer big words ain't foolin' nobody, bub. :D
Paul Kiernan
Does the pope have the authority to change the Bible or has the Bible been incorrect all along?
Thors Catholic Hammer
Antipope Francis has no authority ,spiritual or temporal , on any ecclesiastical matter whatsoever.
The only licit liturgical change of such a major type would have to come from Pope Benedict himself.
More's the pity, Pope Benedict retired. There is no "Pope Benedict" anymore, sorry to say.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Benedict retired from the papal ministry but openly and demonstrably has kept himself in the papal office.
These subtle nuanced distinctions are way way over your head which is why you fail time after time to comprehend them.
"but openly and demonstrably has kept himself in the papal office"
I've refuted your "ministry" but not "office" claim repeatedly. You (and others) argue that Benedict did not resign the office of Pope as specified by Canon Law 332 Section 2: "If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not …More
"but openly and demonstrably has kept himself in the papal office"

I've refuted your "ministry" but not "office" claim repeatedly. You (and others) argue that Benedict did not resign the office of Pope as specified by Canon Law 332 Section 2: "If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone."

Since Benedict XVI did not use the exact word "office" you argue, he still has it. You choose to ignore Benedict XVI resigned his ministry "in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is."

The only "way" those events could transpire is if Benedict XVI renounced his office as well.

With you that line of reasoning falls on deaf ears, like all reason does.

In some of your posts, you've even invented far-fetched claims Benedict was deliberately vague and purposefully omitted the term "office" in some nebulous scheme to retain the Papacy. You ignore Benedict's personally chosen title of "Pope Emeritus" a term which, by definition, applies only to one who no longer holds office.

Not good enough, you insist. Nothing will suffice short of Benedict XVI of explicitly renouncing the office of the Papacy. Your insistence on this is little different than a grade-schooler's petty attempts at legalism in playground argument, "He has to say 'office' or it doesn't count."

As it turns out, Benedict XVI did so in his last General Audience as Pope, held on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 the day before his resignation went into effect.


"The "always" is also a "for ever" - there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this. I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences, and so on. I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter."

Benedict XVI complied with Canon Law and publicly resigned the office of the Papacy, saying so in his own words: "I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church."
Thors Catholic Hammer
Benedict says in his speech his decision to resign the active ministry (not the office note) does not revoke his promise taken at his papal inauguration.
In addition he speaks of a new way to remain at the side of the crucified Christ in the enclosure of St Peter (ie the papacy).
Benedict believes erroneously that he can bifurcate and alter the nature of the papacy by splitting the office and the …More
Benedict says in his speech his decision to resign the active ministry (not the office note) does not revoke his promise taken at his papal inauguration.
In addition he speaks of a new way to remain at the side of the crucified Christ in the enclosure of St Peter (ie the papacy).

Benedict believes erroneously that he can bifurcate and alter the nature of the papacy by splitting the office and the ministry and delegating aspects of it in a collegial manner to another pope.

His writings at one stage spoke of a triumvirate wielding the papal office in replication of the Holy Trinity.
This notion of demystifying the papacy and removing its monarchical nature has been discussed in heterdox theological circles for over half a century.

Our current pope Benedict is part of that confused circle.
As such his botched resignation is riddled with errors and aside from its obvious failure to be MANIFESTED PROPERLY looks also like it was made in error.

The error being that the papacy vests in and devolves in by divine law only one man

I expect all of this is just too nuanced for you .
Thors Catholic Hammer
Addendums Benedict’s error is to believe the papacy can have aspects of it divided between two men.
It can’t.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
No one says it in Italy. And the priests who say it are ignored by all the faithful. The foreign priests at Rome ignore it too.
"Do not abandon us to Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas."
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.
Thors Catholic Hammer
There is nothing to worry about.
Excommunicated Catholics like Bergolio have no authority.
Deeply confused Pope Benedict still holds the office ( not the ministry) of the papacy.
The new edition of the novus odo Missal will open the eyes of many, and it will be their final blow on christ mystical body, which will actually be the resurrection of tradition everywhere in the world, there is still hope. The novismos ordo church will be empty, traditional catholics will gain victory in the end.
Something even more depressing is likely to occur. Nothing. The Saturday Afternoon Mass crowd will shuffle in wearing their Goin' To The Mall best, the pastor will explain this version of the Our Father is "closer to the original Greek" and everybody will go along with it.
We're already at the point where 2/3 of American Catholics don't believe Transubstantiation even occurs. There is no mystical …More
Something even more depressing is likely to occur. Nothing. The Saturday Afternoon Mass crowd will shuffle in wearing their Goin' To The Mall best, the pastor will explain this version of the Our Father is "closer to the original Greek" and everybody will go along with it.

We're already at the point where 2/3 of American Catholics don't believe Transubstantiation even occurs. There is no mystical body of Christ for them already. The parish is a social club and Mass is a feel-good, vaguely religious event where the homilies focus on important social issues like Climate Change and Helping "Refugees".
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
I imagine that a lot more in the missal will be changed than merely the Our Father. Where is Cardinal Sarah protesting we should not give in to relativism? Was this missal not produced in his Congregation for Divien Worship?
Well we know what the book of revelations says about the false prophet (Anti Pope), and what the catechism says about these times, we know our Lord and lady's victory is right around the corner, but we will all have to endure, persevere and probably give our lives in this coming purification, die as martyrs, not a pretty picture but the mystical body of Christ will be purified and brought to its …More
Well we know what the book of revelations says about the false prophet (Anti Pope), and what the catechism says about these times, we know our Lord and lady's victory is right around the corner, but we will all have to endure, persevere and probably give our lives in this coming purification, die as martyrs, not a pretty picture but the mystical body of Christ will be purified and brought to its glory.
There are not so many reason to call on the wrath of God.
But yes this is one of them.
Changing the words of Jesus.
Thors Catholic Hammer
He is not just a heretic but a formal heretic.
I reject Bergoglios election as invalid but even we’re it valid he would be the first pope in history to promulgate formal heresy as proved in the document Amoris Laetitia and that fact alone would sever him from the papacy along with the sanction of excommunication (LS)
Anyone who knows Greek (most of the clergy) knows that the Pope's preferred translation is untenable: thefivebeasts.wordpress.com/…/do-sane-christi…
Thors Catholic Hammer
To rturner299.
Francis is not a valid pope. His promotion of sacrilegious Holy Communion in his exhortation Amoris Laetitia was an excommunicable offense according to the anathemas (still in place) of the Council of Trent.
An excommunicated Catholic can not sit in the Seat of St Peter or represent Christ on earth.
If there is a visible head of the catholic church on earth at all it can only be Pope …More
To rturner299.
Francis is not a valid pope. His promotion of sacrilegious Holy Communion in his exhortation Amoris Laetitia was an excommunicable offense according to the anathemas (still in place) of the Council of Trent.
An excommunicated Catholic can not sit in the Seat of St Peter or represent Christ on earth.
If there is a visible head of the catholic church on earth at all it can only be Pope Benedict whose botched resignation makes him a very suitable candidate.