
New Gag: Amazon Deacon First "Ordained" in "Indigenous Rite”

Mitù Bishop Medardo de Jesús Henao del Río, Colombia, recently ordained a native deacon in "two rites," the Roman rite and an [so far unknown] "indigenous rite.” At the October 10 Amazon Synod’s …More
Mitù Bishop Medardo de Jesús Henao del Río, Colombia, recently ordained a native deacon in "two rites," the Roman rite and an [so far unknown] "indigenous rite.”
At the October 10 Amazon Synod’s presser, Henao explained that this "rite" consisted in "indigenous leaders" placing "a crown on the deacon’s head.”
According to Henao, the "crown" is a symbol for a man "acquiring the wisdom of the people and sharing it with the community.” However, sacramental ordination is not about acquiring "wisdom of the people."
After some dancing, a second Novus Ordo ordination followed and then a Eucharist. Henao believes that it is "essential" to assimilate some native values and to incorporate elements from their [pagan] rituals, “We cannot stigmatise everything, there are the myths, the rituals.”
Henao was chosen and consecrated a bishop by then Columbia nuncio Ettore Balestrero who later incurred some problems.
Jeremiah 2:8
8 The priests said not, Where is the Lord? (they are busy with the climate) and they that handle the law knew me not (pope+cardinals are quite lost in theology thinking god is only merciful not just) the pastors also transgressed against me (pagan rituals), and the prophets prophesied by Baal (pachamamas), and walked after things that do not profit (Jesus said: For what shall it profit …More
Jeremiah 2:8

8 The priests said not, Where is the Lord? (they are busy with the climate) and they that handle the law knew me not (pope+cardinals are quite lost in theology thinking god is only merciful not just) the pastors also transgressed against me (pagan rituals), and the prophets prophesied by Baal (pachamamas), and walked after things that do not profit (Jesus said: For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?).
In Germany they can use a crown like this
Anyone who believes the above chap is heading for somewhere other than Hell is deluding themselves. How could the VII Carnival "Priests" believe that they serve a God like Yahweh?
The Priests of the Old Covenant, acted THIS way.
The Ministering Priest entered the Holy of Holies, with a rope tied around his ankle, Just in case Our Lord struck him down dead for his impiety whilst he was in there.
The …More
Anyone who believes the above chap is heading for somewhere other than Hell is deluding themselves. How could the VII Carnival "Priests" believe that they serve a God like Yahweh?

The Priests of the Old Covenant, acted THIS way.

The Ministering Priest entered the Holy of Holies, with a rope tied around his ankle, Just in case Our Lord struck him down dead for his impiety whilst he was in there.
The one end of the rope remained outside in somebody else's grasp, so that the other Priest would find it easy to drag him from the Holy of Holies again without it being necessary that he enter the Divinely occupied incredibly SACRED area himself.

So, once again WHO ARE YOU SERVING - none holy man?

Priests of Christ, (who is equal to the Father) who serve a god dressed like that are deluding themselves. They clearly don't serve the Christian God, the TRUE God as the above reminiscence shows - is far more Holy, clearly commanding far more respect from His Ministers.

This Byzantine Orthodox Patriarch knows whom He is serving His God is HOLY!!!

When you consecrate a man in a Catholic ritual and then in a pagan rite, what you are doing is an ACT of SACRILEGE which makes the deacon now a deacon of LUCIFER consecrated to the Devil.
Ordaining in the Roman rite and summoning a demon at the same time.
A pagan dressed up as priest and telling us how God's Church will be run.
You mean Pope Francis?
No, Bergoglio is much worse than a pagan. A pagan has the excuse that they are ignorant of Christ.