The Pandemic is a Portal, a Future where the Global Goals are achieved. The goal of the Globalists is to destroy the old world in order to rebuild a new one on the ruins of the old. "Solve et Coagula"…More
The Pandemic is a Portal, a Future where the Global Goals are achieved.
The goal of the Globalists is to destroy the old world in order to rebuild a new one on the ruins of the old. "Solve et Coagula". It is an old maxim of alchemy, "dissolve and coagulate", and it means that something must first be decomposed or destroyed in order to later be able to be rebuild or to compose something new. "Solve et coagula" is therefore to destroy something in order to rebuild something anew. Like the Hindu god Shiva -Creator and Destroyer of the world- whose statue is permanently exhibited in the square of the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, commonly known by the acronym CERN.
"Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. Right now, nothing could be worse than a return to normality. It’s time to reimagine a new future where the #GlobalGoals are all achieved. In September, world leaders will meet virtually for the UN General Assembly which …More
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F M Shyanguya
Solve et Coagula
On the arms of Baphomet. Dr Marshall, an insider - cf Dr Taylor Marshall belongs to the Antichurch – The WAR Our Time – Bits & Pieces - revealed the same recently.
Cf The phrase “Ordo Ab Chao,” [Order from Chaos], the Masonic motto of the 33rd degree.More
Solve et Coagula

On the arms of Baphomet. Dr Marshall, an insider - cf Dr Taylor Marshall belongs to the Antichurch – The WAR Our Time – Bits & Pieces - revealed the same recently.

Cf The phrase “Ordo Ab Chao,” [Order from Chaos], the Masonic motto of the 33rd degree.
F M Shyanguya
The Devil trying to ape God [cf chaos at the beginning of creation].
They are out of time.More
The Devil trying to ape God [cf chaos at the beginning of creation].

They are out of time.