"Young people accuse Francis of heresy" - journalist asks. Answer from Schönborn. Philip Pullella, journalist of Reuters, says that "the criticism Paul VI received was from very qualified people" but …More
"Young people accuse Francis of heresy" - journalist asks. Answer from Schönborn.
Philip Pullella, journalist of Reuters, says that "the criticism Paul VI received was from very qualified people" but "today young people barely beyond puberty, following people in the Church accusing Pope Francis of heresy". Fluffy answer about the loved pope by Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn
It's YOU who aren't qualified - you vain people . Dare to say the children and adults are incorrect to say that Francis is an Antipope. Any person with the Holy Ghost spots it a mile away.
Your apostate group of base people are hardly qualified to discuss matters pertaining to Holiness. The whole lot of you are destined to be chained up together in Hell.
Dare to pretend the Saints have not foretold …More
It's YOU who aren't qualified - you vain people . Dare to say the children and adults are incorrect to say that Francis is an Antipope. Any person with the Holy Ghost spots it a mile away.
Your apostate group of base people are hardly qualified to discuss matters pertaining to Holiness. The whole lot of you are destined to be chained up together in Hell.

Dare to pretend the Saints have not foretold this time in great detail. AND that Christ HIMSELF spoke of how your whole agenda is Satanic. According to Our Lord's accepted Visionaries, you have superimposed a false ediface over His true Church which you seek to convince others has His authority. According to Our Lord's Saints, you perish! as satanically driven apostates in line with the New World Order out to disestablish the Church of Christ's faithful, hoping to link us all with your ridiculous outrage!

The immoral Usurption of Our Lord's Holiest See is so obvious to anyone - Atheists, not only children are able to judge you all to be heretical frauds.

Fatima 1917

Message to the Church Hierachy - FATIMA

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich Prophecies

Marie Julie Jahenny
www.communityofhopeinc.org/…/marie julie.html

St Hildegarde of Bingham

Our Lady of Quito

Our Lady's Message of La Salette (with imp.)

Akita and the Fatima Secret

The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.

Vatican II & Novus Ordo Prefigured in the Old Testament

The World is about to End.
Novella Nurney
Best comment of the day! Get em'!
"Any person with the Holy Ghost spots it a mile away." yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsman
Messed up
...and yet when those same "young people barely beyond puberty" talk about "climate change" Francis insists we should listen.
Gesù è con noi
How ridiculous to see a journalist asking to another heretic for a need of a certificate to recognize that Bergoglio is a public heretic. 🤦
Gesù è con noi
San Vicente Ferrer desbarató el concepto herético que profesa este periodista malicioso.
"Dice Santo Tomás que la ignorancia excusa de pecado solamente cuando es invencible, o cuando se ignora lo que no hay obligación de saber...San Ambrosio, comentando la carta a los Romanos, dice: Si tienes ignorancia, pecas gravemente (C, II)….Cuanto más excelentes son los hombres en ciencia o en algún oficio …More
San Vicente Ferrer desbarató el concepto herético que profesa este periodista malicioso.
"Dice Santo Tomás que la ignorancia excusa de pecado solamente cuando es invencible, o cuando se ignora lo que no hay obligación de saber...San Ambrosio, comentando la carta a los Romanos, dice: Si tienes ignorancia, pecas gravemente (C, II)….Cuanto más excelentes son los hombres en ciencia o en algún oficio y grado, tanto mayor es su pecado de ignorancia. Y a causa de la misma ignorancia, cuanto más se adhieren al falso papa, defendiéndolo, honrándolo o predicándolo como papa... "
Gesù è con noi
Por eso Dios reprocha la idolatría de los supuestos SABIOS apostatas en la Carta de San Pablo a los romanos que cayeron el vicio de la sodomía.
One more comment from Gesù è con noi
Gesù è con noi
Por ser un asunto de Fe San Vicente Ferrer explica que ningún fiel católico puede estar excusado de ignorancia cuando yerra al reconocer como papa a un falso papa que en este caso es un hereje, porque rendirle culto a un falso papa que en este caso es además un hereje es un grave pecado de idolatría con el que se viola el Primer Mandamiento.
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