Nantes-i székesegyház: Elkapták a gyújtogatót

A francia rendőrség ismét letartóztatta a 39 éves Emmanuelt, aki egy ruandai önkéntes volt. Az ő feladata volt a nantes-i székesegyház bezárása a július 18-ai tűz előtti éjszakán.

Emmanuel bevallotta bűnét, és akár tíz év börtönbüntetést is kaphat. Előzőleg egy vallatás után elengedték. A gyújtogató három tüzet gyújtott: kettőt a két orgonához, egyet pedig egy villanyórához. Egyelőre nem ismert, hogy mi motiválta.

Emmanuel több éve illegális bevándorló Franciaországban, de a nantes-i székesegyházban dolgozott és sokszor az volt a feladata, hogy a székesegyházat kitakarítsa vagy bezárja.


A message from Bishop Schneider.
There has never been in the history of the Church a time, where the sacrament of the Eucharist has been abused and outraged to such an alarming and grievous extent as in the past five decades, especially since the official introduction and Papal approval in 1969 of the practice of Communion in the hand.
These abuses are aggravated …több…

A message from Bishop Schneider.

There has never been in the history of the Church a time, where the sacrament of the Eucharist has been abused and outraged to such an alarming and grievous extent as in the past five decades, especially since the official introduction and Papal approval in 1969 of the practice of Communion in the hand.

These abuses are aggravated, furthermore, by the widespread practice in many countries of faithful who, not having received the sacrament of Penance for many years, nevertheless regularly receive Holy Communion.

The height of the abuses of the Holy Eucharist is seen in the admittance to Holy Communion of couples who are living in a public and objective state of adultery, violating thereby their indissoluble valid sacramental marriage bonds, as in the case of the so-called “divorced and remarried”, such admittance being in some regions officially legalized by specific norms, and, in the case of the Buenos Aires region in Argentina, norms even approved by the Pope.

Additionally to these abuses comes the practice of an official admittance of Protestant spouses in mixed marriages to Holy Communion, e.g., in some dioceses in Germany.

To say that the Lord is not suffering because of the outrages committed against Him in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist can lead to a minimizing of the great atrocities committed.

Some people say: God is offended by the abuse of the Blessed Sacrament, but the Lord does not personally suffer.

This is, however, theologically and spiritually too narrow a view.

Although Christ is now in His glorious state and hence no more subject to suffering in a human way, He nevertheless is affected and touched in His Sacred Heart by the abuses and outrages against the Divine majesty and the immensity of His Love in the Blessed Sacrament.

Our Lord has expressed to some Saints His complaints and His sorrow about the sacrileges and outrages with which men offend Him.

One can understand this truth from the words of the Lord spoken to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, as Pope Pius XI reports in his Encyclical Miserentissimus Redemptor:

Click here to read the rest of his statement.

God bless,

Christopher P. Wendt


My Catholic Gifts, 117 S. Hollywood Blvd, Steubenville, OH 43952, United States