Undivided Hearts: The Power of Celibacy. Why is the religious life greater than marriage? What should families do to promote vocations? For more please visit padreperegrino.org/category/podcasts/talks/More
Undivided Hearts: The Power of Celibacy.
Why is the religious life greater than marriage? What should families do to promote vocations? For more please visit padreperegrino.org/category/podcasts/talks/ & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
This is out of date interpretation before historical criticism. Paul preferred celibacy over marriage because he thought the end of the world and Christ^s second coming were imminent (1 Cor chp 7 vs25-31) Paul saw a crisis,so he argues for celibacy on practical grounds because of this impending crisis.Pope FRancis mentions this in Amoris Laelitia chpt 4 vs 59. Paul offers this only as a opinion (7…More
This is out of date interpretation before historical criticism. Paul preferred celibacy over marriage because he thought the end of the world and Christ^s second coming were imminent (1 Cor chp 7 vs25-31) Paul saw a crisis,so he argues for celibacy on practical grounds because of this impending crisis.Pope FRancis mentions this in Amoris Laelitia chpt 4 vs 59. Paul offers this only as a opinion (7:25), He states ,he is speaking not the lord 7:12) with respect to a man not having a woman. The other apostles did not follow this.Paul argues he has the right to take a christian wife like like the rest of the apostles and Peter (1 Cor Chapter 9.). When jesus spoke of those who were celibate for the sake of the kingdom,it was a reference to marriage and divorce,not ministry. DAvid had a 1,000 wives yet God said of DAvid---"he was a man after my own heart". problem is by the 3rd century ,unchristian views that sex in marriage was evil and the body bad prevailed by the likes of Augustine,jerome,Ambrose and popes.This continued for centuries,a disgrace indeed