
Lego Cross At Corpus Christi

Aichbach Parish in Augsburg Diocese, Germany, used a Lego/Duplo cross for a Corpus Christi altar on 8 June. Cathcon.Blogspot.com comments that when the children in the photo grow up, they will associate …More
Aichbach Parish in Augsburg Diocese, Germany, used a Lego/Duplo cross for a Corpus Christi altar on 8 June. Cathcon.Blogspot.com comments that when the children in the photo grow up, they will associate Corpus Christi with playtime and a secular ditty rather than with a time of prayer with a devotional tune.
Kaye Beth Stover
And altar girls 🤮
Laura Yunque
It just shows us that the NO is boring and lifeless and therefore they use toys. They have lost the transcendent. It is so very, very sad.
Blasphemy!!! Lord have mercy -- convert or remove these blasphemers from YOUR Church!
Teaching children to play during Mass, that the cross is a toy?
Joséphine Cyr
Jason l
Altar girls with white sneakers again. Barf.
No surprise coming froms theses Kings of the Banal.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yeah, the Homo colors 🤮 😤
Notice it is rainbow colored