
Most Unusual: Bishop Not Impressed By Oligarchs' Media Propaganda

Waterford and Lismore Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, 61, Ireland, walked a monstrance through the streets of Waterford on Sunday. In Ireland, all public worship is forbidden. Priests are forced to celebrate Mass secretly.

After Cullinan carried a cross on Good Friday through Waterford, he was abused by the oligarchs' media, CatholicArena.com reports.

IrishExaminer.com (April 5) played the snitch and published the title “Cleric criticises Bishop of Waterford over alleged Covid breach.” Father Timothy Hazle played the role of Judas.

Using suggestive questions like “Does the Church still think it has privilege? Are we above the law?” IrishExaminer.com insinuated that the Church should be discriminated and be subjected to legal overkill.

On April 9, IrishExaminer.com expressed outraged over Cullinan’s secretary who wrote in an email the truism that the World Health Organization is “promoting abortion, homosexuality and radical feminism in a bid to reduce the global population.”

Very unusual for a bishop, whose cowardice is proverbial, Cullinan was not impressed by the oligarchs' fury. On April 11, he was again on the street.


Fr Dan
Bravo Bishop. A man of God who can both see the true and loudly proclaim it.